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Posts posted by Banned

  1. 4 minutes ago, Noctis Lucis Caelum said:

    I'd rather not waste time hitting alliances who maybe had one member who did one attack, but the alliance as a whole doesn't want to get to keep attacking pointlessly.


    It's a matter of lack of desire to continue warring pointlessly. Nordreich has their entire lower tier in peace mode, it's pointless when they've already done enough damage, I'm off Maroon & willing to leave them be if they wish. Those who don't want to keep attacking, I'll consider potential candidates for positive relations. Those who do will be noted as enemies, who will need to be countered and focused on.


    Idealy NoR can move on with me off Maroon already, with no intention of coming back.

    I mean, or you could actually sit down with them, get peace terms, and do it the normal way.  Certainly, you do realize that NoR has no intention of letting you dictate your own terms of peace.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Montezuma said:

    Banned let’s all be honest u never fought any type of real war u coward &#$@ sucking !@#$%^ lmao:war:

    Suppose that depends on how you define a real war.  If you're talking about what your rat pack does?  No, I've never fought like that.  I actually know how to play this game.

    1 minute ago, Montezuma said:

    No more talking we fight forever bye bye little baby cry lol

    Sweet!  I look forward to an eternity of dancing.  Please get big enough to make good on that promise, and good enough to make forever last more than one round.

  3. SLAPFLAG.jpg


    Sovereign League of Armed Powers hereby declares war on Royal House of Aevrum in defense of our ally Nordreich.


    As a special note to those in Royal House of Aevrum who would declare that they are acting only in their own defense, that's fine too.  Our pact with Nordreich is an ODoAP.


    For Sovereign League of Armed Powers,


    Banned - The Blood God

    Daeg - The Skull King

    White Chocolate - The Hand that Opens

    eviljak - The Hand that Fights

    claude - The Hand that Guides

    raisedalloy - The Hand that Builds



  4. Just now, Montezuma said:

    u say that about methrage and kindle so how can I believe u?? and white chocolate lied because he said that ur alliance didn't perma anyone and u guys did :P

    You're fake news. 


    Do feel free to show me where I ever said that about Methrage and Kindle. 


    Also, we didn't perma war Martin Boring.  He's literally in peace mode as we speak.  No orders I've ever given on Martin Bormann involved the use of perma-war.  Just a ZI and every last penny of his warchest gone.  That's different.

  5. 1 hour ago, Emperor Martin Bormann said:


    I am sorry for being a little obtuse. My hatred of Banned and SLAP has blinded me to what is really going on.  Though I don't speak for the GPA government and I am not privy to their war plans. I do know why they chose NOT to speak. 

    Why speak to a rinky dinky alliance like SLAP? Banned is only following someone's orders.  Someone else is the puppet master. SLAP is only the puppet.

    Why would GPA lower themselves talking to lap dogs...bum slaves and school cleaners? Pillow biters don't deserve the time of day.


    the true puppet master should reveal themselves...

    I thought I was the one getting everyone else to do my bidding.  Would you make up my mind already?

  6. 22 minutes ago, Greater Hungary said:


    That assumes that conflict creates growth for all parties. Also, who grows food to watch it rot? That's a poor analogy.

    It absolutely does not make that assumption. 


    And it's a pretty spot-on analogy. 


    Here's all these beautiful stats being grown, for what?  With hopes that they'll be afforded the opportunity to grow in perpetuity?  While the nations that have grown these stats, themselves are rotting from lack of pruning or harvest of the fruit. 

  7. 34 minutes ago, Emperor Martin Bormann said:


    Mmmmmmm.....maybe you and I should go on a Cruise Banned......The Love Boat is leaving soon....

    And you would love it Banned....Just like Claude of Russia 1. You couldn't get enough of me and you are HOT for me I know. Except I doubt if you would look good in a speedo, like Claude does. You told me so many times in the last couple of days you are HOT for me......Send me some more love messages I haven't heard from you today darling....Kisses....


    Or are you a little jealous I offered White Chocolate a good time on a cruise....I swing both ways you know. :rolleyes:

    "Both ways" is a false dichotomy.  There are so many ways to swing.

  8. 4 hours ago, Greater Hungary said:


    Competition without growth is futile. You can compete and strive, only to find yourself in the same infantile mindset with the same foibles you once began with. Wanton destruction is neither competition, nor gainful. It is an act of sheer boredom and desperation in games such as these.

    Growth without competition is like farming for food that will never be eaten.  Pointless.

  9. On 11/14/2017 at 1:12 PM, Emperor Martin Bormann said:

    I have to say, yes the GPA leadership is pathetic. But it won't last long. I am sure they will crush SLAP in the end. I did warn GPA in late August that SLAP had this planned, or were in the early stages of planning this invasion. One need only look at what was provided to me on Discord from their forums, please look below. SLAP is an alliance that the Blood God wants to go out with a bang. They were talking about rolling GPA months ago.  As you read below, SLAP is an alliance that believes in Perma-War. How distasteful.







    Thanks for the update

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