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Posts posted by Banned

  1. 2 minutes ago, JayMillz said:

    As if quadruple or penta or however many times -teaming Legion was a shining example of dignity and honor.


    It's not like SLAP wasn't also in 4 other wars in that same conflict.

    1 minute ago, Immortan Junka said:


    You are literally allied to Land of Freedom, who was a member of Minc during the Second War on Terror/Monster Mash.

    One member joining an already standing ally hardly equates to blocing up with animalz.

  2. so what... 150k NS nations have to send tech to 5k NS nations, cause let's be honest, Sparta fights everything from the confines of peace mode for everybody they can get in it.  These are great terms.... force the tech to get redistrubuted downhill in Sparta, get them out of peace mode, and then soon as it's up, begin round 3 of this shindig.

  3. On 6/9/2017 at 1:50 PM, Noctis Lucis Caelum said:

    GK is just a Jack Layton puppet as far as I'm aware, so if Banned/AM/Whoever think he's a useful enough tool to keep around despite his faults; not really a big deal to me. After how SirWilliam explained it to me; I doubt I would bat an eye either at anyone's personal information being posted on here anymore.

    Whatever faults you perceive GK to have, SLAP shows fierce loyalty to our allies, and admires the same in our friends. 


    COBRA, led by GK, has never once fallen short of our admiration in this regard.

  4. 3 hours ago, Noctis Lucis Caelum said:

    You seem to have an odd obsession, who is that suppose to be in the picture? If its Methrage, your stalker/creepy factor just went up enough notches. I would be very disappointed in any alliances would continue to support you. It will be interesting to see how many want to distance themselves from somebody such as yourself and those who want to be associated with your postings.


    If that is Methrage, I think your odds will go down quickly.

    SLAP proudly distances itself from COBRA, to a closer proximity.  We're right behind you GK and we got your back.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Bluewinters said:

    Its only appropriate because he is a threat to me and my friends i asked the A team to get him to send a message that i got friends in high places who can destroy my enemies.Once he stops stalking my nation im gonna pretend he doesnt exist but leaving him alone isnt an option.

    Couple tips:  Probably don't ask A Team to hit an ally of their protectors, and Morphine has friends in bigger places than you do.

  6. 15 hours ago, Roal36 said:

    Morphinel u were hinting at some kind of solution then and if I remember correctly u did seem like wanting to talk abt peace and compromise but ur self put all that to bin. Right?  Forgive me for not bending and begging u for peace. Yes I reroll e because I have issue doing humiliating peace terms with people who couldn't beat me in an open war. There u go.

    If those people can't beat you in open war, then you wouldn't be the one worrying about accepting humiliating peace terms.

    19 minutes ago, Bluewinters said:

    Morphine i hear you have developed an obsession for my nation's fall 

    Says the guy who's been sending IGM's to people begging for somebody to accept payment Tuesday to destroy Morphine today.

  7. Just now, Roal36 said:

    Not having proof didn't stop u and ur allies to framing me in host of conspiracies and crimes both in this thread and in previous ones. Hey I didn't bring up any of the things I said here. They were brought up by ur buddies in starting itself, go and look itup.

    Your delusions know no limitations.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

    You didn't fight 5 alliances Alone.

    And yet you continue to do the things that lead you to that point.

    3 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

    And who asked me to do that? Slap, AM and Cobra did. You all asked to delete and I did exactly that.

    Prove it.

  9. On 4/27/2017 at 5:13 PM, Blackatron said:

    Yeah, this should have been done ages ago, ones I know:


    IRON: https://discord.gg/ngafHrh

    Umbrella: https://discord.gg/H4mWDsB

    NpO: https://discord.gg/6NUdnSa

    SLAP: https://discord.gg/pUX6HGe

    ISX: https://discord.gg/2CPYhWG


    I've not included a few which I believe don't want a lot of randoms coming in, my criteria was; if Junka's there, then they will allow anyone.


    On 4/27/2017 at 5:32 PM, HeroofTime55 said:

    A solid criterion if there ever were one.

    A better criteria would be only add a server if it's for an alliance you represent.

  10. 6 hours ago, Roal36 said:

    Prove it yes indeed I can prove it the PZI and deletion allegations. Search for my nation in CN and tell me how many infra it has.

    And it has no infra cause it doesn't exist cause you deleted it. 


    So you PZI'd it.  Don't put that on us.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

    Nice to know that you are in denial of things that was posted in OWF here for all to see. You do know that Nigel claimed responsibility of Spying for COBRA on TMG, OOT and then attempting to trigger a war between TMG and COBRA and succeeding in doing that. You are also aware that after this admission was posted in OWF by your own ally GK there was attempts to blame me for all that?
    Infact in this attempt exist in this thread as well.
    What do you call that? Propaganda ? or just plain old lies? Isn't that breaking the terms YOU promised to uphold?

    See, you keep addressing those terms inaccurately.  Those terms were on you.  Nowhere did those terms require me to play nice. 


    Regardless, I stopped a number of attacks on you in the spirit of those terms.  But then you keep running your mouth, and I'm only willing to do so much.  Especially when people cite the terms accurately in arguing that the no blah blah only applied to you, not on you.  And you agreed to every word of them.

    4 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

    News Flash -SLAP already made one for me 3 months back and I had to delete just like I was asked. You being aware or not doesn't matter when the full force of SLAP was available and being used to enforce it.

    You keep saying this.  Prove it.

  12. 58 minutes ago, Bluewinters said:

    Hi COBRA guys just saying my first message was a meltdown everything after was disappointment.Let me clear the air on some things LUCIUS DID NOT START THE !#$$#$%%#@ WAR GOSH.I sent your 'king' a letter asking for peace cuz we were tired of the unesscaary tensions between us.Then when your leader read it he thought it was some front and connected it with recent spy attacks but come on. Kanabis you have so many people after you out for blood why do you think our leader who couldnt care less about attacking you would do it.If he wanted to test out his spies he would of asked if he could test it out on us his members.Also how do you take a peace treaty as a threat here is it

    o: General Kanabis    From: Bluewinters    Date: 5/20/2017 7:43:15 PM

    Subject: Peace


    Message: Greetings General Kanabis I am Bluewinters, minister of communication for TIE (The Imperial Entente).On behalf of my alliance I would like to offer a non-aggression pact with your alliance.We want to avoid future hostilities and wars.We also want to make long lasting economic allies.If you agree to this pact please contact our leader Lucius Optimus
    See guys now start considering who the real warmonger  is

    Lucius was in a pm on these very forums months ago whining that he wanted a war with GK.  He's been prodding at GK since.  It's ok that you don't know, but don't pretend you do.

  13. 8 hours ago, Lucius Optimus said:

    Ha Wow on Bluewinters. I don't sanction any meltdowns or nation self destructs. 




    For the record if you of SLAP or AM claim not to support permanent ZI than I'm just gonna roll with that. 


    I haven't seen an example of a nation being PZIed by either. Further, I've long been of the opinion that war with COBRA was pretty inevitable, there is alot of animosity here. So yeah, Kanabis irks me and I look forward to fighting his nation. Whatever my other reasons (and I have a few) I'm fighting COBRA and I'm up against it, I accept that.  Casualtites for all. I'm never deleting, I'll always be around. 

    I'm unable to find the quote you're pulling from.  Only that I said that SLAP does not have a PZI list.  Roal seems quite insistent that we make one for him though, so I may have to consider it.  Though I'd prefer EZI anyway.

  14. 18 hours ago, Roal36 said:

    Prior to the war OoT had no formally constituted govt. Every individual had roe in the alliance which they got through explicit promise or order from the govt like I got my FA/recruitment charge. But during the war after complaints arose from your side that there was no govt the alliance constituted a govt and that is still visible in an OWF forum post. At the time you pushed your terms on OoT after an offensive war you also made an explicit demand that I be removed and banned from the alliance, I was removed prior to the terms acceptance (one of the reasons it got accepted by OoT) but never formally discharged by the alliance because I was still a dark lord unless the emperor explicitly says otherwise.


    Let me correct you right there. You nor your alliance have not presented any evidence of me violating these terms of our peace conditions.
      - Roal36 includes a statement to the effect that he will not interfere with FoC in the future to include poaching, propaganda, spamming, spying, proxy warfare, etc. 

    Let me remind you that your ally Cobra (then know by some other name) actually engaged in Spying and proxy warfare against TMG and spying against OoT and myself specifically. This act was confessed by Nigel a then Cobra govt member. But your ally and your alliance have never acknowledged it and taken responsibility  so why then do you give weight to what Lucius allegedly said in private conversation? Isn't that hypocrisy? Let me also remind you that TIE was an ally of Malabar and OoT and any issues not resolved by the alliances in question is an open book meaning Lucius IF HE did any attacks on COBRA was merely replying for the attacks made by Cobra against TMG, OoT and Malabar. aND slap is merely backing the aggressive attacks done by COBRA on TIE and multiple other alliances some of which still exists.

    Wow, you're incredibly full of it.  At this point, you're just slewing so much BS that you hope I won't bother to keep up with shutting it all down.  Well, you won on that front.  When you want to discuss things based on a history that actually happened, you know where to find me.

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