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Posts posted by Banned

  1. 1 minute ago, Woryand said:

    Sorry, let me get this one straight. DBDC knowingly supported a member who was aiding a rogue? Since when has this not been a CB?

    Yeah no.  DBDC offered no support to their member who was aiding a rogue, and were quite content to see said member off of their AA and leave it at that.  Cobra decided that wasn't good enough and hit an applicant of DBDC.

  2. 3 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:

    Effectively you are no more than Banned's little pawn to pursue an age old grudge that pre-dates me, you follow his orders and march to the beat of his drum without question- he even admitted that was basically one of the reasons he liked you, because you do as he tells you.

    You misunderstand my words.  What I actually said is that LH knows how listen to good advice, and my point being that in comparison to some other players (and this is not directed at you nor your sphere) that is comparatively better.  In no way did I say that I was the sole source of that good advice.  If you must know, I considered then, and continue to consider White Chocolate to be the primary source of sound advice sounding off in LH's ear, and was even more specifically referring to a specific piece of advice that he received from WC.  But  I mean, if LH wants to be my pawn at some point, I don't make a habit of rejecting good pawns.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:

    Awww isn't that adorable. Dagny Taggert decided to jump in in cirk2 of NLON as well:


    I wonder why that might be? Might it be because of our refusal to facilitate your extortion racketeering efforts? Now you're feeling a bit salty and decided to increase the pressure on our allies all because Baba Doom isn't getting what it wants from those pesky midgets who should damned well know their place and be more obedient whatwhat!?



    Or you hit a DBDC applicant and then declared new wars after acknowledging that the reason you hit said applicant was no longer applicable.  When confronted about this and asked to correct NS losses in tech, which is the simplest method possible especially for an alliance of your structure, you balked, made a news article to cry in, and then sent your allies in to declare another war on said applicant.  I mean, I don't know, but that sounds a lot closer to home to me.  I mean, if you're going to actively push to make the situation your friends are in worse, you really shouldn't be shocked when somebody accepts the invitation.

  4. 3 hours ago, General Kanabis said:

    We don't drink nearly enough blood from the skulls of our enemies these days.


    It is known that I have a deliciously large skull.  Added bonus: you already have a cleanly declared war on me.  So I guess what I'm saying is: come and get it.

  5. 3 hours ago, Todor Jivkov said:

    Official Statement by Haven


    We fully support Cobra in their efforts to protect their and our allies Ordo Cyberneticus. We also support their counterattack on the aggressors Mongoose.

    We will also provide full military assistance and as of now declare a state of hostilities against Mongoose and King Neptune's Bar.


    Keep sending more alliances to write war declarations on Mongoose for the 1 nation you can hit please.  This is hilarious.

  6. Mongoose releases the following statement:


    The following statement is a statement by Banned, and in no way necessarily represents the views of Mongoose.


    I see your declaration of war, and your challenge that I, in no uncertain terms, hit you with my best shot.  In response to this, and for no other reason, and with no forethought or planning, I recognize your state of hostilities with Mongoose. However, I find your post lacking on the important matters of Planet Bob.  Not propaganda that I can't afford because my nation is small and defenseless.  The real issues of the day are the oppression and likely imprisonment of Franz Ferdinand.  And so I shall set aside for this moment all my embracing of neutrality and my peacenik nature, and make this solemn oath.  I will not rest until we can all unite with one standard greeting.  Free Franz.



  7. 10 hours ago, jerdge said:

    Wait, when either of the two said to anyone anything nice? (or that might have been mistakenly taken as nice, from TBB especially)

    I guess the next time you'll talk of Grub giving hugs or of GK (or Banned) going hippie...
    Stay real!

    Grub has hugged me every time I've ever formed a coalition with GK to enforce peace and neutrality on Planet Bob.

  8. 8/10 would allow this to happen again.  It has all the necessary elements of comedy, being short and to the point, having signatures I like, and having a butthurt audience.  Could even be a solid 9/10 if I just knew CRAP a little better.  Anyway, gratz guys.

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