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Posts posted by Banned

  1. 7 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:


    Why would I be booted out when the alliance govt has a 94% approval rating? While we desire peace for purely economic reasons, I think you underestimate the tenacity of some of our members.


    45 minutes ago, Vortagre said:

    Knowing SLAP, I think it is not beneath them to ask you to leave ISX and finally delete your nation. It is very much their style though ofc Banned will never admit it and play decent guy image here without shame.

    This sounds like a terrific idea

    23 minutes ago, Jack Layton said:


    Do you want a second beat down, Roal?

    This also sounds like a terrific idea

  2. 5 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


    Oh you mean like when you ran off to Umbrella?

    Yes, I ran off to Umbrella to avoid the wrath of ISX who had exactly 0 nations in my range to take me down.  Or perhaps it was because you were going to roll SLAP.  Nevermind that the first move I made upon my return was authorizing permitted raids on ISX.  That was clearly a move made out of sheer fear that if ISX was not rolled that they would roll SLAP instead. 


    You got me all figured out. 


    Or maybe, just maybe... the entire Umbrella thing wasn't a rouse.  I mean, how mind-blowing would it be if I joined Umbrella with the intention of I dunno... being a member of Umbrella.  And what if my return to SLAP actually wasn't centered around u, and u are just a nicely packaged little road bump I decided to run over when I came back?  Like, maybe there were other motivations other than the world centered around Junka.  I mean, what sort of would would we live in, if everybody didn't actually go to bed at night dreaming about the day they could slam your junk in the doorjam and we all lived relatively normal lives outside of CN?  And what if it really is you that creates the conflict that surrounds you always?


    Food for thought.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:

    There are three options we have:


    *Give in to the demands of our enemies and resign, hoping that appeasement works as a strategy.

    *Disband and troll the hell out of the crowd of backstabbers, cowards and petty tyrants that hate us for a year.

    *Prepare for a eternal war against those who do not respect our soveregnty and right to govern ourselves.


    I will get back to you all after conferring with my government.

    What are you even talking about?


    Also, I gotta say Polar, gratz on the cancellation.  Cause some cancellations require a gratz.

  4. 17 minutes ago, mrmarx said:



    Statement of Condemnation of Imperialist Attacks Perpetrated Against the Libertarian Socialist Federation


    This past Monday, July 24, the sovereignty of the Libertarian Socialist Federation was perverted by the rogue state, Banned. Claiming so-called "orders" from Junka (a trusted ally of the Federation), this imperialist dog created a new AA to declare war on a protected nation of the LSF. The Union of Communist Republics stands in outrage to the roguish attacks on our socialist brothers in the Libertarian Socialist Federation. For 9 years, the Union of Communist Republics has stood on the principles of purging imperialism from the face of planet bob. Anyone who carries out further cowadly attacks such as this will be considered rogues and enemies of the revolution.

    mrmarx, Premier of the Union of Communist Republics
    TheRedSoviet, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs
    ComradeV, People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs

    Blaist Blaland, People's Commissar of Defense




    alliance_flags10272016120800AM.jpg alliance_flags716201390408AM.jpg

    So I'm confused.  Am I considered a rogue and an enemy of the revolution, or is that only future people doing Banned-like things?

  5. 7 minutes ago, fordlandia said:

    There Is only One vote In aNiMaLz as to whom we war or treaty with. I have agreed to no treaty with AM. To do so while they are at war with SNX would be a conflict of Interest.  We wish to remain neutral at this time. Also I have not authorized attacks against MI. From this point unless I personally post a treaty announcement Then I have not agreed to our Involvement. any one wishing to treaty with aNiMaLz should message me.  At this time I'm announcing aNiMaLz withdraw from the LPCN.



    Your heir requested the post, but hey, all good in my book then. 


    Best of luck animalz

  6. 1 minute ago, Immortan Junka said:


    >Dismisses lower-tier wars as irrelevant

    >Ignores tech damage to AM and brags about low tier damage ratios

    >Rambles on about winning

    >Argues that losing more half his wars is winning.


    I can do that too.


    Here's another one. 


    >Insists war will go on for months, or even forever

    >Cries that AM won't meet for peace on his terms. 


    Or how about this. 


    >Makes deals to get ISX into a war with AM

    >Plays surprised and calls the war "AM's war of aggression" like he never wanted it.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


    Our current analysis is that, regardless of Banned's posturing, the spectrum of conflict will continue to shift leftward until they either negotiate a successful end to the war, or we enter an insurgency/unstable peace phase.



    Says the guy who only a few posts ago was talking about making this an eternal war.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


    I figured this war is all about your ego, but thanks for letting everyone know you don't care about your meatshield slaves.

    Yeah sure, let's go with that narrative.  Seems to fit what you want for the time being. 


    Truth though, I didn't start this war.  But like I told you, I aint standing in the way when somebody decides to do it anymore.

  9. 1 minute ago, Lord Hitchcock said:


    We know what we're doing. I'd much rather sit in this house than a house being outdamaged by frickin iSX


    Stats don't impress me.  I can sell off all my infra and land and skew my stats too.  But then I would suck and get poor like SNX.  I'll pass on taking tips from their design, thanks.

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