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Posts posted by Banned

  1. 52 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

    There was an agreement not to bother me for 6 months if I keep my peace. Your side broke it at least 3 times and u know it better than anyone else.


    Most of the evidence got destroyed when I deleted my nation and purged my discord and forum chats and the one nation that did act as a middle man also got deleted (separate incident). be assured I made sure that this was indeed the final demand from ur side before deleting. Why else should I undo everything I did for two years. 


    It was no propaganda campaign it was a real thing and I clarified this issue with Alexio so I have no wish to talk abt this anymore also that thing is between my and Alexio and does not involve any one of you meaning u can't use it in ur CB (if u can then I can easily see Lucius able to justify each and every one of his alleged actions against Cobra).

    I saw that guy had pending wars (was it 1 or just two?). But he did belong in an disintegrated alliance (ex agent) and SLAP had not issued any sort of notification regarding this guy (correct me if I am wrong).


    Yes I put forth plenty of questions and answered everyone of ur allegations against myself and OoT in public for all to see. In any case it was hard to do any real talking when the only solid offer I got was to delete my nation and the one OoT got was to humiliate themselves and force them to remove their govt member. I am still waiting for another war where the terms pressed on by SLAP consists of banning certain internal members.


    Which one of the terms are you interpreting to say that those nations had a NAP level obligation to let you do as you wish to our allies?  Cause I'm not seeing it. 


    When you take what belongs in a PM at most, and really, isn't even a matter of discussion to the OWF in an attempt to smear my allies, that's propaganda. 


    And I see nothing about Lucius' actions that are alleged, as he doesn't seem to have denied any of them.  Frankly, I don't care if he can justify what he did to COBRA, he prodded the bull trying to push for a war with COBRA for months, and now he's got it.  So good on him.


    Funny how you bounce so frequently as convenient between being a gov member and not being in gov in an alliance, depending on which narrative fits the story you're pushing at the time.  Regardless, there's one thing that is certain.  You are not now a government of OoT.

  2. 11 hours ago, Roal36 said:

    Involving themselves in an ongoing SLAP conflict by taking in nations at war
    I checked that time to see if SLAP had any "wars" declared. I didn't find any.
    The nation in questioned joined in his/her own freewill and let me remind you that Jack Layton who was officially part of SLAP coalition against OoT (as vindicated by their peace terms) was already raiding OoT without CB.

    Launching a propaganda campaign against our allies via their member Roal36

    You nor your allies provided any proof of me being doing a campaign of any sort against any other alliance  and nor did there exist any attempt from your side to prove or back up any of those allegations meaning these were manufactured fake CB.
    "You got yourself and the alliance you were in at the time hit because you insisted at poking and prodding at my allies"
    - More lies and fake reasons manufactured by you without an iota of evidence and let me remind you that while enforcing your PZI objective against me you were in violation of a peace treaty you yourself penned and attested.

    I am not full of myself but your allies were so fixated on me for some reason (Pathological Obsession) such that I fought 5 alliances in a defensive war that had no CB, deleted my nation and months later I am still being dragged to topics I have no connection with. (Even if I consider the faked manufactured CB of yours that would still leave me atleast 4 alliances with no CB fighting me). Stop pretending that your alliance didn't enforce PZI or EZI. You guys enforced it and it was a success. OoT ended up losing half a dozen nations, I deleted according to the terms imposed on me.
    I am not engaging in a slander campaign against your esteemed alliance I am merely stating some truth about what you did AFTER YOUR ALLY STARTED LYING ABOUT IT IN OWF.



    On 11/8/2016 at 9:39 PM, Banned said:

    Alright, and I went to read the coalition channel after I responded here.  So, here's what I got for you.  If you're in agreement, let me know. 


    -Roal36 posts surrender on the OWF (in the war resignation thread), and acknowledges defeat at the hands of VG, SNX, Kush, AM, SLAP, LC, SRA, and FoC.

    -Roal36 includes a statement to the effect that he will not interfere with FoC in the future to include poaching, propaganda, spamming, spying, proxy warfare, etc. 

    -Roal36 further agrees that he will not interfere with any Monsters Mash Coalition AA for the duration of the conflict and for a period of 6 months following, to include poaching, propaganda, spamming, spying, proxy warfare, etc.

    -Roal36 will draft a paragraph to include a minimum of 10 lines of text praising the leadership of General Kanabis

    -Roal36 shall not return to Monsters Inc Reborn, in animalz or in any AA in which President Hardin is a member for the duration of the conflict and for a period of 6 months following the current conflict.  He shall send no aid to Monsters Inc Reborn, to animalz, or to any AA in which President Hardin is a member, shall assist them in no wars, and shall not vote for President Hardin in the brown team senate for the duration of the conflict. 

    -Monsters Mash grants peace to Roal36 in good standing so long as these conditions continue to be met, and does not consider Roal36 to be a prisoner-of-war. 

    Please do let me know which of these terms I violated.  As best as I can tell, there is nothing in here that limits myself or SLAP in any way other than at the termination of the war, Monsters Mash agreed to grant you peace and not consider you a prisoner of war.  Nowhere is there a limitation on any Monsters Mash AA from redeclaring on you for cause. 


    Nobody imposed terms that required you to delete to my knowledge.  Nor have you presented any evidence of such. 


    You know damn well that the propaganda campaign referred to was the attempt to extort reps from GATO that you insisted be paid to nations that weren't even on the alliance they were originally offered to at a time when you did not legally represent the alliance they were offered to. 


    As for active wars, they very much existed on ice360dg when he was accepted into OoT.  And that was very much live action at the time that war was declared on OoT.  And not only did you full well know that at the time, but if you had any questions, you have plenty of methods to reach me, and you did at that time also.  So if you ever needed clarification, I've not been a difficult person to reach. 


    But keep running your mouth, spewing that SLAP PZI's people, and maybe I'll make an exception just for you.  If I'm going to be accused of something, might as well do it right?

  3. On 3/3/2017 at 7:02 PM, Banned said:

    Sovereign League of Armed Powers declares war on Order of Tenebris, citing the following reasons:


    Involving themselves in an ongoing SLAP conflict by taking in nations at war

    Launching a propaganda campaign against our allies via their member Roal36

    Looking forward to another hilarious Alexio15 typo in the comments. 


    o/ SLAP


    May we move forever ojwardsc!


    I think the crossed out parts were telling enough.


    2 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

    Sovereign League of Armed Powers declares war on Order of Tenebris, citing the following reasons:

    Looking forward to another hilarious Alexio15 typo in the comments. 

    Basically this was your CB. No Banned you didn't give us a valid CB other than that you all hated my guts and didn't like me continue my existence in CN? In other words the CB was that I was existing in Bob.
    Lack of a CB from the 4-5 alliances also forced OoT govt to not issue counter declarations of war of any kind.  They could only declare a state of war. I personally also declared the same incapacitating me from seeking peace.

    Finally this was in the peace agreement.  
    The leader of OoT will message Jack Layton a recitation of the shahada as proof of the fact that all of OoT have converted to and accepted Islam as their religion.

    An insult to HH the emperor who no doubt agree to all this under the threat of disbandment and forced deletion. Please note that Jack Layton who originally initiated the attacks also took pains to not issue any CB only he did it openly and straight to the point unlike SLAP who tried to manufacture a fake one.

    I am glad that Banned and Morphinel have changed their stance on PZI/EZI and forced deletion. But it came too late for many OoT nations. They are not likely to come back to Bob ever again.

    They may not have a formal PZI list maybe their own internal laws might forbid it but their close allies fought wars for the explicit purpose of forcing nations to delete (this was not a secrete, they were basically saying this both in forums and also in private channels both directly to me and also to others) and SLAP,  AM played a direct role in enabling COBRA to enforce their wishes. Mine is not an allegation also because I experienced SLAP/AM representatives asking me to kindly delete my nation for the peace to come. Morphine himself admit to saying to me that Rerolling is the best option for me in the circumstances. I would like Banned also admitting this fact.

    I would like to wake up to find out that Bill Gates got tired of being rich and decided to just give me his fortune.  Alas, in similar fashion, I'm afraid that's not going to happen.  You got yourself and the alliance you were in at the time hit because you insisted at poking and prodding at my allies. 


    And no, SLAP laws do not prevent PZI or EZI.  Our standing charter is but one sentence, and in no way, shape, or form would that sentence limit our ability to create such a thing.  I simply lack the desire to waste archive space or mental effort on such a thing, when thus far, nobody has done a thing so great to SLAP that it could not be forgiven when enough blood is brought to the skull king to be presented to me as sacrifice.


    And don't be so full of yourself.  If SLAP were to keep a naughty list, you wouldn't even be on the first page.

  4. 9 hours ago, Roal36 said:

    This is exactly what ur coalition imposed upon me.

    Not issue one valid CB for the war. (which makes approach to peace impossible from my side).


    Forced OoT to remove me and ban from the alliance under the threat of Pzi and disbanded and agree to a separate peace deal when no evidence exists that my actions were separate from the alliance.


    Forced all the nation's aiding me to withdraw their aid again using the same tactics.


    Force Archangel who was my ally to do a separate peace or face PZI.


    Not send one peace offering or terms of any kind during the course of entire conflict,  basically speaking I was never given a proper reason for the war other than blind hate.


    The reasons for the war on OoT?  Those were quite clear in SLAP's DoW thread when we declared on OoT.  Including the role you specifically played in it.  If you missed them, feel free to go back and have a look.  You may not have been handled gently, but you were not denied an explanation of why.

  5. 12 hours ago, Roal36 said:

    For whose benefit are you lying? Why do u need to say these made up stuff? What is going to happen if u and ur alliance in collaboration with SLaP lead by Banned admit to enforcing PZI on OoT nations and sending deletion requests. U and I know very well there was no surrender offer or terms. You said it yourself to me in explicit terms what I should do to get peace.

    No nation in OoT at the time of this post is on any SLAP PZI list.  Nor have they ever been.  Nor does such a thing exist at the time of this posting.

  6. 3 hours ago, Cazaric said:

    Is there any front you guys won't bandwaggon onto?

    We're at war with 3 alliances, you're at war with 3 alliances.  If it took us a few more DoW's to get there, oh well.


    22 minutes ago, Noctis Lucis Caelum said:

    I agree with you on that, although I don't know how much of this has to do with the DoW.


    Poor showing here SLAP, unless I see something showing Umbrella asked for assistance. (PM is fine)

    Unless situations call for it (ie discussing peace terms that need to be shared across a coalition) I don't make a habit of discussing the contents of my private inbox.  In this case, situations do not call for it.  If you'd like to know more on the subject, perhaps try contacting Umbrella.  I mean, they're allied to you so perhaps they will have some motivation in sharing with you details of what they did or did not ask of us.


    5 hours ago, Masterchief777 said:

    This is bad and you should feel bad. 

    This one stings, cause I got deep love in my heart for GATO and it's always a pleasure to work with you crv.  That said, message received.

  7. m_YAJr_NN.jpg


    Sovereign League of Armed Powers activates the Don't SLAP My Umbrella Accords. 


    Hi AGW Overlords.


    For Sovereign League of Armed Powers:


    Banned - The Blood God

    Supreme Emperor Daeg - The Hand that Opens

    Eviljak - The Hand that Fights

    Claude - The Hand that Guides

    Javier360 - The Hand that Feeds

  8. Baby, baby

    I'd get down on my knees for you
    If you'd only love me
    Like the way you used to do
    We had a love, a love
    A love you don't find every day
    So don't, don't, don't
    Please don't take it away
    Baby (baby)
    Baby (baby)
    I need your love (I need your love)
    I need your love (ooooh)
    Bring it on back (ooooh)
    Bring it on back
    Bring back that lovin' feelin'
    Woah, that lovin' feelin'
    Bring back that lovin' feelin'
    Before it's gone, gone, gone
    And I can't go on, woah
    You've lost that lovin' feelin'
    Woah, that lovin' feelin'
    You've lost that lovin' feelin
    Now it's gone, gone, gone, woah
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