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Posts posted by Banned

  1. 18 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


    - LH acknowledging that his aggressive actions at the helm of KNB toward me and my allies is what lead to military confrontation.


    - Banned admitting his actions were carried out with a view to undermining, baiting and sabotaging me and my allies. The primary goal being our destruction and his failure to do so


    - Any sort of considerate gesture which KNB would consider making toward the parties they have wronged in their pursuit of this absurd grudge?



    Basically; a shred of some kind of humility. That's literally all it would have taken from either of them.


    Instead they have shown time and time again they prefer the path of belligerence to that of the pretense of "amicable peace" which Hitchcock invited me to the table to discuss. This current middle-finger of a surrender is a perfect example of the aforementioned belligerent stance adopted towards COBRA and our immediate allies by KNB, spearheaded primarily by Hitchcock and Banned.


    If what I sought was unclear? It just tells me how alien the concept of humility is to you, given that it needs spelling out over and over again.

    You should have held out longer on accepting the surrender then, instead of accepting it and then backpeddling.  But hey, better luck next time.

  2. 3 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:

    I hereby acknowledge your surrender, as it is futile to deny the objective reality of your defeat and for the sake of a quiet life I'm just gonna ignore all the above outright lies and babbling about you being the victim in our dispute.


    Withdrawal of forces will be left to the discretion of the aggrieved/engaged parties who accept this surrender.


    24 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


    To clarify: Acknowledge =! Accept


    Seemed clear enough to me.

  3. 28 minutes ago, White Chocolate said:

    Also @Banned - Thank you for providing the intelligence you have provided to CLAWS.  I realize that as the leader for the "S" (SLAP)  in CLAWS, it was your duty.  However I do not think that any of us adequately accounted for the vast amount of drivel that would be flung in your direction as a result. 

    Hey Doom Mother, it's nice to see you on here.  Unless you're here to send me to my doom for acting up again.  But I already apologized to you.  It's just that... those kids are over there crying for nothing, I swear it.  I didn't even do anything!  I just said my Doom Mom could beat up their Mom, which is true.  You could!  I'm gonna be grounded for a long time aren't I?


    Well, before I go I just want to say congratulations to CLAWS on a well earned peace, and to Lucius for getting a shorter war and better terms than he deserved.

  4. Why is it that Lucius can see that he is responsible for getting TIE rolled, but you can't?  And even if it was some malicious intent to get you rolled and it just got TIE rolled instead, that would only be a failure if you don't care much about TIE (which seeing the method you chose to respond to TIE getting rolled is believable). 


    But you mistake my enjoying watching you squirm when I point out your cowardice to actually caring if you choose to be a coward or not. 


    Frankly, I've seen the chats around KNB.  If these dudes with these little nations still aren't impressed by you, then I'm certainly not either.  So if you want to continue beating on KNB for the next 20 years, have at it for all I care.  I'm not going to come on here and lie for you and tell the world that I masterminded whatever plot you have cooked up in your head that I must have done.  I'm not going to lie for you and say that I failed, when the only things I've done is cook your friend and slip some logs to my friend who then decided to cook more of your friends. 


    If you ever want to take a real shot though, you know my NS range.  I look forward to seeing you there one day if you can find it.  Until then, you'll get nothing from me.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:

    Why should you apologise for his failure to get us rolled and his subsequent actions to that end? (Sorry/Not Sorry that we didn't take the bait) It was nice of you to admit that you were no mastermind when it came to the matters and grievances we have been discussing though.

    First off, as I've stated before, my providing CLAWS with valuable intel had nothing to do with burning your garbage alliance.  It had everything to do with a number of treaty intelligence clauses via organizations in which I hold dual-membership, not to mention my dual-membership status in CLAWS itself.  Maybe you think a member of your alliance isn't responsible for providing you intel when somebody is actively seeking to do your alliance harm, I don't know.  I don't think that way. 


    But let's go down your little rabbit hole and assume that this was entirely a "this will get 'em" approach.  Then for the cost of a message, I got TIE rolled, and 6 pages of what is mostly just tears from you and your allies.  And to top it off, you didn't defend your buddies on the battlefield, which just makes all the lip service demonstrating your obvious activity even worse. 


    As for the NLON business, well if you expected a textbook war from an opponent that was going to easily roll over, you should have picked a different opponent.  Try and pressure me all you like by hitting nations that are multiple years old and have intentionally built themselves to about the level they can rebuilt with an aid slot. 


    Now as I understand it, you've been given our quite generous terms to review.  Accept them or don't.  Your peace terms offer is as irrelevant as you are placeholder.

  6. 3 hours ago, General Kanabis said:


    Necromancy is far more reliable as a tool of war these days, especially with Discord making a comeback.

    When Non Grata did it, Oculus enlisted the help of more than 5 alliances to keep us bogged down.


    You are forgetting Banned was my mentor.

    I know him only too well.

    Where he goes, his squad is not far behind, only a pm away from reactivation.

    Wow, I sound so much cooler in your fantasies.

  7. 49 minutes ago, General Kanabis said:


    Then by all means, service the community and continue to cultivate this unhealthy obsession for all things GK.


    Seems you were already sanctioned on Pink only a few weeks ago.

    But it was removed.

    I don't figure we're the only ones who consider you rogue, we are just the loudest in proclaiming it.

    Was I?  Do tell, who sanctioned me and who removed it?  Or did you have a good laugh and a celebratory wine cooler over a joke that you clearly didn't understand?  Seems it made its rounds though given that you aren't on the server where the joke was made though.  Sad that your only good news was fake news.

  8. 4 hours ago, General Kanabis said:


    I am but exhausting all avenues of diplomacy. Which is something we are regularly accused of not doing.


    Banned is indeed a rogue.

    A rogue with vast wealth and resources.

    And a well connected rogue.

    But a rogue all the same.

    Please feel free to elaborate how you have decided to label me as a rogue.  Because I sent aid to a long time friend who I have a standing economic relationship with?  Or perhaps because after your alliance came to owf and legitimized Mongoose with a string of your allies in tow, I hit an ally of yours and brought them into your war?  Or just because you need to develop that into your agenda because you are left with no real avenue to deal with me politically or militarily?  Or maybe because I came into intel of your allies spying on CLAWS and that created a politically inconvenient situation for you?  You have nobody in range either intentionally by tier design or through lack of talent.  News flash though, not my job to make your war easy.  I am not going to apologize for not letting you be the only one to employ some non-traditional strategies.  What you call roguery, I call philanthropy and community service.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Kapleo said:

    You're talking about a bloc made of people that does not fear the fight regardless of the size of its foe.

    If that were true, that same bloc's leadership would not be giving vocal support to Lucius and defending his actions while simultaneously demonstrating  complete unwillingness to defend his actions with force.  Your words and the actions of your bloc do not align.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


    Just popping in to agree with this sentiment and express that I seriously doubt the same courtesy would be afforded to myself or my allies by certain people if they were privy to such information. Had Banned not chimed in to inform us all that the mastermind who leaked the screenshots was in fact himself, acquired by his own labour of espionage against us, which implicated Lucius as guilty of espionage against CLAWS with a view to providing CLAWS a casus belli to launch an attack? I imagine I could still be speculating as to who was responsible for passing on this information, because I doubt I would've been given an answer by anyone else involved.


    Especially considering the answer reveals that it was one of their own (whether he flies their flag or not; it is clear where his loyalties lie and who his bedfellows are) who provided those screenshots and had been engaging in open and covert operations against us for quite some time before they received those screenshots. I'm not disputing the validity of the CB (because while I have strange tastes? Giving myself a migraine isn't one of them) I'm just speculating about the lead up to all of this and which (if any) parties knew about any actions that were being pursued with malicious intent toward COBRA. Why? Because what I infer from certain posts in this thread is that I would be justified in declaring war for any instance of non-disclosure of information on anyone I was not on PIAT-level terms with.


    Tevron; you asked me why I did not damn Lucius' actions and I gave you an answer. Yet you yielded no answer regarding whether you damn the behaviour (which has included espionage) of your tertiary ally (and friend, as I understand no?) who has been acting belligerently to me and mine for some time. You cited two values earlier on which you claim to uphold, I trust that you held true to them and were otherwise oblivious to the schemes of your friend- at least up until a week ago when the intelligence was passed to your bloc-mate. If this is not the case? Well I certainly don't expect you to actually admit it here so I'll just leave it at that.

    So... because the information came from somebody with treaty ties who considers themselves to be a member of the alliance that the information leaked both targeted and was sent to, the information is less valid?  I also said I consider myself a member of a number of alliances.  What of it?  Or is it supposed to because I said some things that hurt your fragile ego?  None of that changes the fact that Lucius, by the admission of his own screenshots, attempted to secure information from a person he believed to be an asset, and further attempted to convince that same perceived asset to secure a staff or government position in foreign affairs to acquire what he believed would be more valuable information. 


    Not sorry about your hurt feelings though.

  11. 5 minutes ago, HeroofTime55 said:

    Can we all at least agree to put massive air quotes around the phrase "spy network" for the rest of this thread?  This is a war over fluff talk.  There have been worse CBs, but this is up there.

    CLAWS doesn't seem to think it's a very flimsy CB, and neither apparently do TIE's allies who seem to, while wanting to be "vocally supportive of our ally", seem to be unanimously saying they're not going to intervene militarily because Lucius messed up.

  12. 4 minutes ago, James Spanier said:


    Even more to do so before the meat of the subject is already a matter of public record.


    That said, Lucius, I respect your ability to admit to wrongdoing (rather than bend over backwards to justify yourself as the innocent good guy) and to avoid promoting escalation over defending your own mistake. That says some good things about your character and I hope it works out for you.

    If only Lucius had even written it.  Easy money says that Lucius provided the additional context of the logs (which doesn't make him look better) and did the posting, but that Kapleo wrote this thing.  Maybe I got the author wrong, but I'm sure of one thing, those words didn't come from Lucius.

  13. I think somebody's name here is getting rung through the ringer here in a way that isn't accurate, and I've been about nothing lately if not complete transparency and ownership of my own actions. 


    So here goes:  I leaked the intel to CLAWS.  It was not TDE. 


    I consider myself a member of a number of alliances.  I haven't kept that information secret.  And Mongoose was certainly aware of that when I formed it.  Shortly after joining Mongoose, I came onto the intel.  Where that came from, you can speculate as much as you'd like.  Maybe it was TDE, maybe Lucius was boasting about it, maybe it was sitting in a trash can in a corner in the back of the office.  It really doesn't matter. 


    I asked myself for a brief second, what I should do with that information.  Now, my membership in multiple alliances being previously stated, I recognized that this made me party to a number of treaties that obligated me to share this information with CLAWS government.  The greatest of these examples perhaps, that I consider myself to be a member of CLAWS. 


    Now you can ask yourself why such convenient timing all you like, but once I found the intel, it was within the hour that I attempted to contact CLAWS with the information.  It was late though, so it would prove to be the next morning before CLAWS government returned my hails. 


    Now, there seems to be the question of waiting on this information for a convenient time to share it.  I can assure you, that is not the case.  While "within the hour" may seem like a very long time, one thing remains true.  I did require a great deal of concentration for a "what blood type is this" taste test competition.  So for that, I do apologize for any delays that I have caused CLAWS, but you will be happy to know that I won the grand prize in the aforementioned contest. 


    And as to GK's reference to my not fighting in the NG/TTK war.  I had no treaties with NG or TTK and Ghost had left SLAP.  I do still consider Ghost to be a friend, but what conversations may or may not have happened between me and ghost, me and TTK, or me and NG are in no way a comparison to cobra's unwillingness to defend their close treatied ally.  You fail again GK, sorry.


  14. 5 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:

    Godspeed TIE o/


    (also in b4 the chorus of "y dont u defend your allies jonny" from the braying drunks of Neptune)


    So realized you're outplayed and now gonna slink off and let allies burn again huh? 


    Wondering what Johnny Apocalypse would think about this sort of thing, I went back in time 2 days and asked him what he would like to say to his future self who so freely and routinely lets his allies burn when there is any risk at all to defending his friends.


    On 9/24/2020 at 11:24 PM, Johnny Apocalypse said:

    Like I said; strategically sound but you're still a cowardly pos


  15. 2 minutes ago, General Kanabis said:


    Yeah, the difference being the actual followthrough.

    Even so, why wait until now to "expose" this idea of creating an intel network.

    Sounds like a matter of gradual de escalation to me.


    And in any case, is a blanket declaration against all of TIE really necessary?

    When the emperor of the alliance is the one making the move?  Wow, you're really bad at this.  And to think I thought placeholder was actually a step down from your level.

  16. 48 minutes ago, General Kanabis said:

    That's not what spying on CLAWS looks like.

    This is more like it-





    Lucius and Tde, his long time mentor gone rogue?

    Sounds more like an overly ambitious PIAT than a legitimate attempt to plant a mole tbh, but I can't blame everyone for wanting a war right now. 

    It's been a thoroughly dry season.



    Logs from 2018 that show Lord Hitchcock probably committing an act of war against CLAWS while actively engaged in a war with CLAWS?  That's your bombshell? 


    Free Franz!

  17. 44 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:

    b) you wanted to make a point by going for our allies (and well, if you hit Fark again? Bit too risky that isn't it? You might've actually encountered some resistance- strategically sound, but ultimately the actions of a coward)

    Way to try and throw Fark in the crosshairs.  Forgive me for not hitting the targets you hoped I would take, and choosing my own target instead.  Perhaps if only you'd only sent me the target list sooner.  I guess we'll never know.

  18. 1 hour ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


    Negotiation isn't really the correct word. Shake-down; extortion and ransoming and more apt. I'm well aware of the intent behind the demand and it did feel quite good telling Goliath to go suck an egg, instead of rolling over as they are used to people doing. I imagine it was quite unexpected that Dave happened to have a slingshot in his backpocket.


    Generally they get away with 'raiding' and sponsoring rogue activity unchallenged because others live in fear of their capacity to destroy years of nation growth in a week. Yet when the "irrelevant" micros beyond their reach (and ours) step up, tell them it's unacceptable and refuse their demands for the long-denounced pursuit of reparations (for a very minor skirmish in comparison to the damage done to NLON- if anyone should be getting reps I can think of a more deserving party....)


    As the nation numbers dwindle and they shrink their list of targets as they carry out more raids? All they can do is lash out at what ever target is available as a bold display of their paradoxical impotence, which grows with every batch of 100 tech they acquire (maybe I should give them 1,000 tech and speed up the process of propelling them well into the stratosphere so the rest of us can go about ruling the planet and playing the political game?). In our case; we lack the firepower to directly challenge them on the field of battle, so we too are unable to do anything about it directly. As such I lash them verbally instead as a substitution for direct war because of our own statistical impotence. 


    It is certainly a refreshing alternate kind of warfare and a delightfully ironic scenario when you think about it.

    I gotta say, I love how in your world, DBDC somehow doesn't have a right to defend themselves.  One of their members has an economic arrangement with a friend and that friend happens to war your alliance, and that serves as an excuse to attack DBDC's applicants.  The member left the DBDC AA before anyone even noticed the declaration, and DBDC told you guys that said member's actions were not reflective of DBDC as a whole.  Somebody wanted to make it right and Steeldor says "Sure, let's look at the damage, convert it to nation strength, and then convert it to the easiest method to recover, and we will be solid.  No further action needed" and now that's extortion.  But somehow it's also foul play when DBDC actually hits a nation in response, and much as you hit an applicant of their alliance because you couldn't hit an actual member, they also went for the only target really available.  So NLoN got hit in retaliation, but now to you that's foul play as well.  You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.  Steeldor tried to make it easy, DBDC tried explaining to you that my aid was in no way under the control or management of DBDC, and yet you continued to declare new wars on DBDC's applicant.  Steeldor was, I think, trying to take the route of the lesser of 2 evils and saying "Just make up for the lost NS".  He didn't ask for cash to replace the lost land, infra, and tech.  He simply converted it to tech as it would be much easier for you make things right in that format.  But you've got your sights focused on DBDC and needed to stroke your own ego thinking that DBDC couldn't do anything about it.  Now they have, by taking it out on NLoN.  Still, the offer stood, because I think Steeldor really doesn't want to burn NLoN for the actions of COBRA, but despite his efforts to find a reasonable solution to this matter, you've spat in his face.  Your concern, still, isn't for the well-being of NLoN but instead, but instead you're doubling down that DBDC doesn't have a right to defend itself, because in your short-sightedness of thinking you would be able to hit DBDC without consequences, you've found that just hasn't been the case.  But you aren't going to cave, because it isn't cobra feeling the consequences of cobra's actions, it's their allies, and frankly, that just doesn't feel all important to you, does it?

  19. 1 hour ago, jerdge said:

    I didn't closely follow these events because, really...

    All I want to say is that GPA in general and jerdge specifically: after years over years over years of picking no conflicts, everyone should know that it's not like they're going to really ever use all the tech they already have. Few would have that endurance, and those few are not the GPA.

    Fixed it for you.  I won't go so far as to blindly accuse you of farming multis for tech with no actual evidence to the fact.  And if you had evidence, I have no doubt that you would report that to the proper authorities with a smile.

  20. Breaking News from the Free Franz War




    Spies were caught last night trying to sneak into the war camps of Lacedaemon. Operating in 2 separate bands, they attempted a pincer sneak, in hopes that only 1 band would be caught. While we have conducted an investigation and are confident that both teams were operating in a coordinated fashion, speaking to the effectiveness of their pincer maneuver only one team was caught, which proved the only successful part of their operation. Upon interrogation, those spies gave up their leader, cirk2 of Agatea. Lacedaemon considers these operations to be unprovoked and unwarranted. Despite this, neither team completed their objectives, which appeared to be aimed at infiltrating our threat and defcon levels. As the leader of Lacedaemon, I am happy to inform everyone that we remain in complete control of the situation, and our government is working diligently at discussing and orchestrating a fitting response to this situation.

  21. 1 hour ago, General Kanabis said:



    The actual sequence of events.

    I don't know, I haven't been tracking everything super close, but I do spot at least one inaccuracy here.  On 9/21 you report TDE forming Mongoose, and Banned leaving DBDC to join Mongoose.  Minor nitpicking I'm sure, but the actual sequence of events should be Banned leaves DBDC and forms Mongoose followed by TDE joins Mongoose and is handed ownership of the Mongoose AA.  Like I said, as for the rest of it, I don't know if it's all in place and factual or not, just felt the need to speak about what I was actually involved in.

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