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Posts posted by Banned

  1. 15 minutes ago, Emperor Martin Bormann said:

    I have to say, yes the GPA leadership is pathetic. But it won't last long. I am sure they will crush SLAP in the end. I did warn GPA in late August that SLAP had this planned, or were in the early stages of planning this invasion. One need only look at what was provided to me on Discord from their forums, please look below. SLAP is an alliance that the Blood God wants to go out with a bang. They were talking about rolling GPA months ago.  As you read below, SLAP is an alliance that believes in Perma-War. How distasteful.



    Looks like a legit enough screenshot. 


    You totally got us man, we definitely planned to hit GPA. 

  2. 35 minutes ago, Horatio Longworth said:

    Could someone please post the logs of what those nukes look like?

    These ones?


    Nuclear Missile Strike (Damage Limited) | DATE: 11/5/2017 8:00:30 PM Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons that targeted your technology by Hime Themis. Your fallout shelters have limited the damage caused by this attack. You lost 0 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 2,382.668 miles of land, 2,161.687 technology, 2,624.906 infrastructure, 50% of your aircraft, and 18% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience several days of economic devastation.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


    Most of these points are taken out of context.


    1. I said DK disbanded to avoid fighting NG.

    2. You were not WC or Hershey level of importance.

    3. You are now the Blood God of Doom, congrats.

    4. Khan is a rogue who attacked us out of the blue last November, whereas my attacks are in self defense of our alliance.


    1.  You quite specifically said that I disbanded DK to avoid fighting NG.  Not simply that DK disbanded to avoid fighting NG.

    2.  No, I think the fact that I was neither WC nor Hershey was quite obvious.  To argue that you knew more about the internal workings of DK than I did, and to call Franz nothing more than a blowhard indicated just how little you knew. 

    3.  There are 2 Doom's.  Doombird Doomcave and Doom Squad.  I am Blood God of neither.

    4.  Does not change the fact that you attacked a 9 day old nation and claim to be some sort of elite warrior for it while crying that it's a poor show when Khan hits 60 and 90 day old nations, or whatever the hell age they were. 

  4. 1 minute ago, MaineGOP said:


    yet you make them sign an unending pledge when they join....


    you talk out of both sides of your mouth. 

    This isn't uncommon for Junka really.  I mean, just the other day one minute he was telling me I ran DK and disbanded it, and then the next he was rambling on asking how I seemed to have inherited Doom when I wasn't even consulted on major doom decisions.  And we've all seen him go on and on crying about Khan hitting new nations, to then turn around and ramble on and on about how he's great cause he hits new nations. 

  5. On 8/26/2017 at 11:44 PM, AtlasXero said:

     I'd appreciate it if people would take the ultimatum with a grain of salt. Chances are that it won't need to come to fruition on either side.

    Meanwhile on cooking with AtlasXero:




    Today's recipe for better eating.  Start with a ultimatum from the losing side of a raiding party, and add just a single grain of salt.  Boil on high for 21 pages, with minimal stirring.  Let cool for 9 days before serving.    


    On 8/27/2017 at 0:22 AM, Immortan Junka said:

    The real danger is not that people will flock to the defense of ISX. The real danger is that SLAP and their doomsphere cohorts will not appear in control of the situation, and that will threaten their position against actual strategic rivals long term.

    The only doomsphere I see is DBDC and their allies.  To my knowledge, none of the people hitting you have ties to DBDC.  You sure you wanna be propagandizing Doomsphere right now?  I mean, your hands seem a little full atm.

    On 8/27/2017 at 0:26 AM, AtlasXero said:


    That's the idea and so far that's what we've seen junka doing. Advising.

    That's not what the screenshots in my inbox have been saying.

    On 8/27/2017 at 1:03 AM, Immortan Junka said:


    If that is true, the permawar may be inevitable.

    If you insist.

    On 8/27/2017 at 1:15 AM, Immortan Junka said:

    Jack Layton is the ultimate barbarian, attacking anyone for any reason for the mearest opportunity. He was once our ally, but I fear he is beyond redemption now.

    It is through this method that Jack Layton is redeemed in the eyes of the Blood God.

    15 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:


    "A bad peace is worse than war" - Tacitus

    "brb rolling Rome"  - Banned

    15 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:


    So far we have been attacked by Kashmir, Last Call and SLAP with the objective of subjugating our membership. Because of this, if peace isn't agreed to with Emperor Galerion, the membership of all three AAs are subject to attacks long term. 


    We aren't simply going to sit here and let these idiots raid us "bi-monthly" passively. Anyone who wants to exterminate our family will face extermination themselves.

    Long-term you say?  Well, if gov in ISX wants long term war, then let's cut off all these silly peace talks and have at it.

  6. 5 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

    My record has been attacked by this crowd. But what of the "Blood God?"




    On 29JUN, four days after ISX signed NpO, Banned left SLAP to join RIA, and soon after sent war aid to the rogue Khan who declared his intent to exterminate our lower tier.

    On 10JULY, a week after returning to SLAP, he joined Apocalypse Meow to further instigate war against the Imperium. 

    On 25JUL, he joined the "Supernova X" AA, and begun a rogue war against Gerald Tarmini, and threatening eternal war against ISX.

    On 30JUL, two days after Polar joined Oculus, Banned fled to Umbrella.

    On 19AUG, Polar informs ISX of 72 hour cancellation notice.

    On 20AUG, Banned returns to SLAP.

    On 22AUG, Polar announces cancellation of ISX ODoAP. Within hours, SLAP begins the final assault against the Imperium. This coincides with [OOC]Banned's birthday.[/OOC]


    It is up to the free men of the Imperium to defend our lands against the invasion of an erratic and dangerous tyrant, though we stand alone.

    You mistake intent behind (some) of my actions. 


    See, what you seem to fail to understand is that while my visit to RIA was entirely based on making you crap your pants (and having seen some of your postings around that time, I'd say it was rather effective) as was my visit to AM paired with my threats of selling down into range of your nations, as well as the hit on Gerald Tarmini.  However, my ceding control of SLAP was entirely legitimate, as was my seeking membership in Umbrella following that raid.  If there were any plans on Polar's part to take action against my nation for either aid to Khan, for my admittedly rogue attack on Gerald Tarmini, or even for my threats against you and your alliance, I was never made aware of of those intentions.  Nor did I have any reason to believe that such was Polaris' intent. 


    Likewise, my return to SLAP had nothing to do with you.  My departure from Umbrella and return to SLAP and consequent reclaiming of Blood God status were done entirely for reasons that don't concern you, and were conveyed privately with those that they did concern.  Those concerned parties (SLAP and Umbrella) remain great friends and allies. 


    What I really gather from all this droveling on though and time consumed constructing a timeline of events, is that it's not like I didn't make it obvious that one way or another, at one time or another, I was coming for you.  As consequence of your own actions, you made it significantly easier to do so, and with such great timing.  I won't attempt to manipulate and politic to pretend SLAP isn't the aggressor here, obviously we are.  And as Roal has been so kind to inform everybody, it's not the first time we've taken aggressive action against an alliance.  But even you don't condemn aggressive action.  You've hailed aggressive action in the past.  So for all the philosophy you claim to uphold, perhaps try being honest with yourself and admit that it isn't that you condemn aggressiveness, but that you despise such aggressiveness when the actions are taken against you.  It's ok to admit it.

  7. 4 minutes ago, AtlasXero said:



    And you seem to show the same abilityto stick your nose in other peoples messes. Many of you have. No offense.


    As I stated he has his flaws. He has our support in the transition. You don't have to like what I say or accept it. What I'm saying is theres nothing be solved arguing about it on a forum. 


    I'm not here to have my intentions nor my intelligence questioned. I'm not even here to be liked by you. I'm here because I support him and many of our other members support his decision to step down. Why can't you support that decision instead of sitting around arguing  and debating about it?


    Whats done is done, you can't solve it now.

    Welcome to the OWF kid.

  8. 55 minutes ago, Vortagre said:

    No me not joining ur tech programs was not the reason but contributed to his decision. I have always done private tech deals only, at that time I had payment pending from Asero who was Posse (known by another name then) he didn't respond to my messages and his leader Alonso refused to intervene or cover his payments and Junka went for the "I told u so" route rather than help me recover the tech money. I don't expect u to remember that tiny issue.


    I didn't have any probs with Kashmir or GK that point, those things boiled up after I joined FCA led by Lucius. GK will confirm this himself.

    So what I'm getting here is that you think Junka is a bad guy because he wouldn't help you force tech from somebody on a deal gone bad after you refused to participate in the program he gave u for it. 


    I mean, sounds like the policy was laid out pretty clear.  "Do interstellar, or you're completely on your own." 


    As the leader of an alliance with a "Do Bannedcare or you're on your own" economic policy, you might be the one person I could side with Junka against today. 


    Go stand in the corner until you realize what you did wrong.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:




    School is in session for the barbarians.


    Casus Belli essentially means "Just War" in Latin. It has a defensive and legal basis, it's not a phrase that can mean anything you want.


    Preempting an aggressive war? Valid

    Crushing raiders? Valid

    Leaked screenshots of a plot? Valid

    Attacking someone you don't like? Not Valid

    I don't care whether you call it a CB or not.  It's 2017 Junka.  Historically, most CB's have been based on made up BS anyway.  Rolling you isn't worth the effort of digging up the logs of the things you've said, and enough people have seen them.  Pineapple simply doesn't belong on the pizza shaped planet that we have thus far co-existed on.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


    Nobody said we are winning. The question is whether we can inflict a phyrric victory on our CBless aggressors, and decimate mid and lower tiers.


    How many months will you pursue this fantasy of yours, that you can subjugate the free men of the Imperium? We do not kneel to tyrants.

    I was talking about your popularity contest with Hitchcock. 


    As for how long, u promised a year did you not?  So I guess we can go for that.  U can call this a CBless thing, but you are the CB.  Not having a DoW does not require that one not have a CB.

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