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Everything posted by Northrend

  1. Quite right. We all know that the Pacifican definition spying leaves much to be desired and suits it's own needs, at whichever time it chooses. It is only wrong when others deem spying acceptable to prevent NPO aggression or continue an action taken against the New Pacific Order. tl;dr: NPO can spai but you can't!
  2. That still constitutes the spread of intelligence that initially didn't belong to you. To me, that's spying.
  3. No, NPO refuses to spy. They just like to hear about whats happening in other alliances from people who "happen" to have the information, and then deny it.
  4. I would like to point I agree with slayer, and the fact that I am chiefly responsible for getting the entire ball rolling after aiding martens from bill lock and speaking with Slayer and TPF about Martens and myself, I think that overall this is one of the best things I've seen come from the NPO since it's surrender to the CoaLUEtion.
  5. The NPO simply perceives vague threats from behind every corner and watches everyone, including their allies to ensure that they are the only exclusive organization that you are chiefly allied to. Whether you're buying the tech in halves, or you buy it at once, then you're still going to operate on a loss given you dump the money into Infrastructure, and the time and savings required to purchase more tech to complete the deal, without taking out another deal.
  6. You pay more for the tech than you get in exchange. Progressibly the price only increases. You cannot run a profit for each individual deal.
  7. Yes but at the expense of the smaller nations who are there to exist solely to finance the tech deals of the larger nations. Forgive me. I am slightly high at the current time, so I did not mean to type that. I meant to use the term Tech Deal. Forgive the typo.
  8. You run at a loss if you're tech selling at current prices.
  9. Generally all nations should be doing tech deals if they are under 5k NS. If a member joins, say Ragnarok, as I did, the new members were expected to get to 5k solely on tech deals and afterward they would receive aid on a non military basis. The concept that the Pacifican people are incapable of doing tech deals, or rather are unmotivated could be easily solved by this, as opposed to gutting the system entirely.
  10. I love you Schatt. You are the man. No doubt!
  11. The Kingdom of Northrend will also be building a sister statue in the Imperial Square deep inside Icecrown. We applaud it's construction in your nation as well.
  12. The people of Northrend, though generally are not concerned with the affairs of Aruetii, or outsiders, they are however curious as to the show of force against the Talysh-Mughan Republic.
  13. The Kingdom of Northrend recognizes this new state and wishes it well.
  14. Northrend congratulates you on your achievements.
  15. Except that NPO was going to grant the guy peace. Forgot to check huh?
  16. Why do you kick random members of your alliance out with faulty intelligence?
  17. Brilliant doitzel, as always you've earned my respect...
  18. We are certainly pleased to see that economic recovery is progressing within your nation.
  19. Northrend Military " The Scourge " Army 20,600 Soldat 2,300 Kampfpanzer Leopard 2 300 Fuchs IFV Air Force 15 BF 109G Schwalbe
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