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Everything posted by Northrend

  1. What our former rulers from the Northern Empire have said is indeed true. We are a resourceful and hardy people. We shall fair well.
  2. Well, I do enjoy a little forum PvP here and there.
  3. Given that Tygaism is merely the manner in which you run your alliance, it stands to reason that your state of the alliance posts are exclusively about Tygaism and your own cult of personality you've constructed. You remind me of Silent, and look what happened to him.
  4. Oh, I had thought your state of the union essays count as such. The refutation stands.
  5. Because you've gone to enormous lengths of attention with this "manifesto", is evidence that you will do nothing short of ragenuking somebody for your place in the limelight.
  6. The Nationalist Party as the singular party of the sovereign monarch, H.M. Arthas, the Lich Kaiser, offers its sincere thanks to the Empire for their actions. We look forward to continued relations. In the meantime, we will require food and supplies as we set up our own infrastructure and our industry.
  7. History is directly responsible for the formation of future mindsets. This article is proof enough of that.
  8. This coming from the person who was responsible for the Great War's pasting delivered upon the NPO? Excellent principles! /ragenuke
  9. They made a pill for that now, you know.
  10. Wow, another lame, self styled "philosophy" on the political structure of a game. Brilliant!
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