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Everything posted by Northrend

  1. In the interests of hope, I would rather think more optimistically. They just might surprise me one day.
  2. You should be taking a stand against any forms of oppression, and imperialism. That's one aspect of it at least.
  3. If I really have to answer that, it's apparent that you don't know.
  4. Yes, yes, I want the ebil NPO to die and for us to reap all the rewards. Get over yourself. Do you know what I want? I want Moo gone and a new emperor who understands the meaning of diplomacy, tact and respect. A person who will give you and your cohorts what they deserve: a traitor's death. You and you "allies" are a traitor to what Pacifica was and you deserve nothing less. That is what I want.
  5. I fail to see how you get that conclusion...
  6. Yes, I am sure you do. Run along now.
  7. I highly doubt this. Most of the "Communists" in CN are nothing of the sort we want to be in "cahoots" with. Many of them are highly outspoken with their ODN friends against us. It's unfortunate really, that they are not fulfilling their natural role in this community.
  8. This is why you fail. Because you have no will left to fight. That is fine for you, but not for those who still believe in a better future.
  9. Boris, why are you ignoring my posts? Is it because you know that your "logic" is utterly incomplete and that in fact, we do not hate the NPO and are not "hellbent" upon it's destruction?
  10. We reserve the right to point out the fact that his actions show that while he was trash talking the New Pacific Order, he was merely placating us so that later he could display his groveling before the NPO, as he is currently doing now.
  11. I tend to agree. I find your lack of political consistency to be quite amusing. How quickly you are to disrespect your former friends. It seems we were right to let you go. You cannot be trusted.
  12. Where did you get that from? I'd like to see some source on that, or is it just you being sarcastic? Even then, this does not mean we hate the NPO and seek their destruction. One can enjoy the base membership in an alliance but hate what the leadership has turned the alliance into.
  13. I had options. I could have re rolled, but I chose not to. There are always options.
  14. I think the last point will show the difference between the alliances you've mentioned and us. Generally, MHA and Gramlins don't have freedom, tolerance, and open mindedness on the scale that Vox Populi does simply because they cannot afford to have such in their position. They still have to toe the line with Pacifica and failure to do so will result in, you guessed it, subjugation of their nations. You can state how you think that these alliances are working towards being honorable, and however true that may be, they are still seen as part and parcel of a system we are trying to change. They still have to pander to the NPO, as does every other major alliance. We seek to remove the pandering to begin with, and make the NPO cooperate with the rest of the world as opposed to forcing it to do their bidding.
  15. Do you even bother to read before you post? I thought I had informed you to the contrary about this hate business.
  16. I for one do not "hate" the New Pacific Order. I admire a lot of things they can do for people. they are immensely organized and have a great, talented player community. However, it is unfortunate that a select few have ruined that experience for many others, by acting generally uncouth, rude, crass and disrespectful to nearly any and all of their opponents and fellow players that disagree with them. They seem to think that because they are top dog, they can do as they please. This is most unfortunate, as if they acted with some decency, and respect, they might find that their power would increase, as well as their image outside their own bloc. Nobody is seeking the destruction of the NPO. We merely wish for it to be reformed into a more pleasant, respectful and credible organization, without the totalitarian trappings of ambitious and power hungry individuals.
  17. This is about the smartest thing I've seen you post yet silva. Please, continue.
  18. Tell me that is a joke, and that you purposely did that. Otherwise that's just damn funny.
  19. What air have you been breathing? It smells from over here like the stench of stifling oppression and lack of respect. A change of air must be in order then. I for one think that the smell of freedom and tolerance is something similar to the scent of a freshly mowed lawn if I do say so myself.
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