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Everything posted by Owned-You

  1. I never expected to see NAAC merge with anyone...so I'm surprised by this move. That said, NAAC is a great alliance so I'm happy to see it grow larger. Congrats and good luck on the merger! o7
  2. Well that makes thing's a lot less complicating.
  3. I'm in agreement. But that's pending on if everyone honor's there treaties...cause this is CN:TE. So I would not be too shocked if a huge war was not so huge. Then again maybe they'll be a party soon
  4. I think it's kind of crazy we actually need one of these for CN:TE. Too many treaties...not enough war's. Then again, I've contributed too it...and benefit from it. So, I can't be to much of a hypocrite.
  5. That .21 will look tiny in about one month...
  6. Let's blow thing's up together
  7. This put's a large smile on my face
  8. I remember being Zi'd as a noob by the GGA for tech raiding them.
  9. I'm an elitist...I am Dr. Doom. That being said, thank you for the entertainment please continue. That is all.
  10. Congrats on your declaration of existence.
  11. *Gasp* The Cold War Has Begun!
  12. It's good to see our name back in there, although I didn't expect us to be back in it so soon.
  13. Congrats on the treaties...this made 3 in one night
  14. Personally, I've liked keeping it in one thread thus far. Simply because, it allows me to glance back to previous rounds...and watch the progression of alliances and what not. That said, I won't really care too much about it.
  15. They have various colors, but I'd say there majority is black.
  16. Awesome, Roman Empire belongs in the #3 position though for some strange reason they aren't listed. That said I'm thankful too see we've made a good impression for our first day on Planet Steve. Good luck to everyone! o7 AZTEC
  17. Good luck, although I don't really think like that you all are impersonating FAN.
  18. I could have sworn with all that Orange you'd be on orange team That said, good luck...
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