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Vasili Markov

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Posts posted by Vasili Markov

  1. Does this apply to nations in the region that are not part of the AC?

    Because if it does we protest this violation of our sovereign territory.

    The AC does not have the authority to state what happens in our territory.

    Francoist Aircraft and ships from Europe are guaranteed safe passage through our waters and airspace in accordance with our treaty obligations and safe harbour in our ports. Any attempts to harass these aircraft and ships will be viewed as a hostile act and we will respond to it in kind.

  2. A party of ten female mythrans entered the tower and bowed formally.

    The leader a tall woman introduced herself as Masko and stepped forward to greet the elder and said.

    "We bear greetings from the leader of our people the most esteemed Markov, Please allow us to present you with this most humble gift of scrolls that contain information about our people"

    She handed over the scrolls to the elder and bowed again.

    "We have noticed much activity in your city, there are many soldiers and guns can you tell us what is the cause of this unrest?"

  3. Word has spread of the Markov tribe's new technology and they are rapidly gaining influence with the outlying regions of the tribal range of the mythran people.

    A delegation of chiefs has made its way to Olympia to pay homage and join the federation.

    The tribes of Lili , Rast, Mestae & Goodhunt have joined. (Rockhampton, Mackay, Roma & Longreach)

    In other developments the Chief Markov has recognised that other people do not have a language as evolved as ours and has set up the Linguistics Institute to study the strange languages of these foreigners and to teach them to anyone who wishes to learn.

    The Vampire alert in the southern towns has been reduced to guarded from high alert and a delegation of medical scientists has been sent to investigate their unusual feeding habits. They are hopeful that we can introduce them to donor blood and eliminate the need for further upsets that cause refugees run to us for safety. Initial studies have revealed that the mythran blood groups lack a key protein that these people need to gain sustenance and that is good news.

    The great hunt for the autumn is already being planned and it promises to be a greater success than previous great hunts because of the new weapons we have developed. The attendance this year for the autumn great hunt will be a record number and strict quota limits will be in force, everyone is expected to talk to their clan leader and obtain hunting permits to ensure you will be able to obtain the food for the feast afterwards.

    OOC: this is a translation since I am assuming that most people have translated most of my language by now.

    OOC2: The Olympians developed television early because of their unique language that has both somatic and verbal components.

  4. A small party of sailors left the ship in one of the smaller fishing ships tied alongside the massive factory ship and went to the port closest to the ship. The took a bag full of scrolls that had a basic history of Olympia and its people. (National geographic kind of stuff)

    Upon leaving they went to the harbour master and asked to speak with the leader.

  5. A communications operator while doing the routine scan of open frequencies came upon these transmissions and recorded them.

    The message was immediately taken to the language scientists to translate and they managed to work out the basics of this language, it lacked the subtlety of their own language and it seemed to have everything in the verbal components. They presented the translated message to their leader Markov and he read it.

    "This is indeed a most interesting tale, These seem to be just the sort of people we are looking for in the northern reaches of the world. You must teach me this language so that I can speak to them. But first translate you will translate a message I have for them so that I can reply to them. " Vasili said while looking out the window of his office into the garden of his house where the children were playing. He turned and took out his writing brush and wrote a short message of greetings and handed it to the scientist that delivered the meeting. "here is my reply" he said "and have one of your people come here and start to teach me this language as soon as you can" with that reply he turned around and went to sit on the bench outside the house and think.




    Another voice came over the radio

    "Greetings Chief Chamberlain, I greet you as one chief to another. I am Vasili Markov leader of the Federated tribes of Olympia, We have heard your story and it sounds similar to our own, But our story happened in the before time and is only the stuff of legend now. We are impressed with your story and I wish to visit you. May we visit your lands so that we can talk and hunt together? I am sure our tribes have much in common and we will work well together"

    A second voice came on and began to recite the legend of the before time when the Olympians fought as soldier/slaves for the ones who came before. And how the Olympians rebelled and destroyed the the old ones in a catastrophic war that levelled cities and poisoned the land with a light that burns like the sun and kills for years after it is gone. The tale went on to describe how the Olympians reverted to a tribal existence and why they live as they do now.

    The second voice then said "Now that you know our legends, we will tell you of our recent history". She described the finding of an intact shelter from the before time and how a tribe lead by Vasili Markov learned how to copy the technology in the shelter to improve the status of their tribe so that they were the leaders of the Olympian people.

  6. You have forgotten to include The Australian Republic to my territory. I was ceded that land and it is my protectorate (Give it the same colour as me but preserve the borders in case Chancellor Ruben ever wants it back).

  7. An Olympian fishing factory ship sailing in the area notices some strange radio transmissions and adjusts its course to head towards the source of the signals.

    Upon reaching sight of the land a radio transmission is sent.

    "Attention, We are the NOFV Toramaru from the Olympian Federation. We request that come aboard our vessel and speak with us. We are peaceful fishermen and we wish to trade. We are at the southern tip of your territory just in sight of land. We are about 75 units out to sea."

  8. Southern Olympian Border

    The reports of massacres in the human lands to the south had reached the council and it has been decided to fortify the southern border. a line of blockhouses and checkpoints has been established along the southern border and the border towns have been fortified. Ranger patrols along the southern border have been tripled.

    Message to the Wampir Leadership. (Delivered by messenger)

    The Federation of Olympia has noticed your activities in the southern human lands. Our borders shall be the limit of your advance. We have heard reports of your unique feeding habits from a few refugees that have fled from your armies and we would like to send a few scientists to study this. Perhaps we can work together to find a substitute food source that will satisfy you while not killing the humans. But we are prepared to meet force with force if you leave us no other option. *An ornately jewelled ceremonial dagger accompanies this message*

  9. Millitary Data

    21,400 Infantry Active

    65,940 Total Infantry (Including reserves)

    235 Tanks

    10 Squadrons of bombers

    40 Squadrons of fighters

    OOC: All military stats are taken as being what the nation could jump to if the nation was attacked.

    Military units


    These are the basic infantry unit of the Olympian military.

    They are light and highly mobile infantry, Motorcycles are common as transport and they travel with IFVs for fire support.


    Standard equipment:

    Backpack with 7 days of field rations

    7.62mm Assault rifle

    10 clips of ammo

    4 HE grenades

    Personal radio communicator. (10 km range)





    Personal first aid kit. (Includes 2 doses of painkillers)

    1 in 10 is equipped with a heavy weapon such as a squad support HMG or a recoilless rife. These rangers will travel in a side-car with the weapon mounted on the side-car on a tripod.

    (More to come)

  10. Cultural Data:

    Originaly created as soldier/slaves for a long lost civilisation that fell when they became too dependant on their technology and slaves.

    they have learned from the old ledgends of "the time before" about the race that created them. They are strongly opposed to slavery and decadance and will shun those who practice such things.

    Ability is prized and great social standing is given to people who are talented scientists, soldiers, workers, artists or diplomats.

    Honor and face are also important in Olympian Society and it is considered to be a crime to break an oath.

    The basic unit of Olympian Society is the clan, it is an extended family unit that can include up to 500-1000 members.

    If a clan becomes larger than this size it will split into two clans , these splits are usually done amicably and they remain on good relations with each other.

    A clan is typically made up of the descendants of a particularly famous person and

    Clans typically live in a small town or village but several clans of the same tribe will often come together and found a city.

    Polygamy is common in Olympian society and males take a new wife every ten years of their adult life until age fifty.

    The first marriage is customary for a boys first wife to chosen by his clan for him on his tenth birthday and he has a double marriage at age 20 when he chooses a second wife and marries the first wife his clan chose for him. Men and women are free to choose any partner they like and they may refuse an arranged match but this is seen as an insult to the clan and is not common.

    Society Structure

    Family -> Clan (100-500 members) -> Tribe (Up to 500,000 members) -> Nation

  11. Species data:

    Species Name: Mythran

    Scientific Classification: Homo Sapien Felus


    Skeleton: Bipedal

    Bone Density: Normal

    Fur: Skin with fur on ears and tail, common colours are brown, grey & black

    Eyes: Green (80%) Brown (15%) Blue (5%)

    Average Height and Weight: 2.0 - 2.2 meters tall, 70-100 kg average weight.

    Diet: Omnivore, Prefers fish

    Hands: Normal

    Feet: Normal

    Eyes: Slightly better than human normal, Superb night vision

    Hearing: Very good

    Vibration Sensation: Able to detect slight air movements with whiskers.

    Balance & Spatial Awareness: Suburb, Mythrans are natural gymnasts and acrobats.

    Physical Endurance: Slightly poorer than humans, Mythrans tend to perform poorly at long distance running and other tasks that require extended heavy effort.

    Gender Ratio: 5:1 female to male ratio

    OOC: No stats exceed peak human levels.

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