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Vasili Markov

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Posts posted by Vasili Markov

  1. A cruise missile FAB would have a large blast, but it would not have the radiological effects of a tac-nuke. Thus they are not an area denial weapon like a tac-nuke. So it could be reasonable to simulate them as an advanced warhead type for cruise missiles for nations that are not nuclear capable or nuke capable nations that would prefer not to use a tac-nuke cruise missile for whatever reason.

  2. Neo Olympia has sent a team of scientists to reopen Franco base on the Antarctic mainland.

    We also claim a five mile radius of land around the base as Olympic territory, it is our intention to create a peaceful scientific research base to study cold climates.

    OOC: Directly south from the tip of Tasmania (A 7 pixel dot on the map in our colour is sufficient)


    This is the general area

    I hope a dot on the map is not inconvenient but I had a previous Antarctic base at that location and I am just reclaiming it for IC reasons and that map area is unclaimed now.

  3. We have some questions about your nation.

    How do you feel about other more multicultural societies?

    What is your general foreign policy regarding expansion?

    But we are similar in many respects.

    We are pleased that your nation values education as do we.

    We also have a strong military tradition.

    We also have a meritocracy although ours is an open meritocracy where any citizen can aspire to being in the government provided they possess the necessary superior skills to pass the difficult government leadership service exams.

    But the only main differences between us that I can see are:

    We do not have a slave class since these are the potential seeds of a rebellion.

    We are strongly multicultural

    We do not believe in right of blood as a measure of leadership potential, we only look at skill at leadership.

    But these are minor differences and perfectly within your rights as a sovereign to have.

    We see the similarities as being more important, perhaps you might like to visit us at some time and see our nation for yourself.

  4. ***Classified***

    Neo Olympia sends its expeditionary force of 40000 men and their supporting tanks, artillery, anti air units and ground attack aircraft to Dragonisia to support the local defence there. We are also sending 25 mobile medium range missile launcher batteries (Cruise missiles) to aid in the defence.

    These are being sent by air on heavy lift aircraft.

  5. We honour the falling of a most worthy adversary.

    We did not agree with his policies but we recognise and honour his warrior spirit.

    May he be spoken of with honour.

    Only a fool does recognise and admire the strengths of ones adversaries.

    Neo Olympia sends a wreath.

  6. Due to changing circumstances of a confidential nature.

    The Federation of Neo Olympia declares its support for Dragonsia.

    We regret that it had to come to this but we have exhausted all other alternatives.

    Effective immediately Neo Olympia is on a full war footing and all treaties are suspended with Tahoe's Allies.

  7. Put me down as neutral.

    I am supportive of both sides at the moment as I have treaties with both.

    But I will not be able to provide any real aid in the war beyond diplomatic support to obtain a peaceful solution that satisfys both sides.

    We will continue to provide non millitary exports to both sides without favoritism to honor the trade commitments of our treaties.

    And after the war I will assist all the combatants in rebuilding.

  8. OCC: my nation is a protectorate of UFE via The El Fuego Pepquifina Treaty. Article III alone is reason enough for my support of UFE.

    Dated January the 12th and this is your next RP post so I think that is a lot more than 20 days between posts thus your nation was out of the RP due to the inactivity rule. sorry

    I would love to have more active NPO players in the game to advance my storyline considerably and greatly benefit me in game, but I like to see certain standards of minimum activity. And as I have said before CNRP is a game of many aspects and wars is only one of those aspects. If you want to play in CNRP then make some posts about other aspects of your nation. They do not have to be big posts, just a minimal amount of effort is required and it will keep you from getting hit with the inactivity rule.

  9. What people need a war world RP.

    The environment and nations reset on a monthly basis and you can RP any war you like anywhere in it for whatever reason you like.

    This will stop people getting bored and just declaring war for lulz in the main RP.

    I have noticed on IRC (yes I lurk a lot, I usually do not have much to say) that people sometimes get bored and start a war for totally OOC reasons.

    If there was an outlet for this with a recurring war RP in a separate canon then there would be a more realistic number of wars in the main RP with perfectly valid IC reasons for them.

    Also on the subject of inactive players joining just for wars, CNRP is a RP of statecraft and nation building war is just one aspect of the whole experience of running a government, and players who only want to fight wars should probably consider forming a more specialised RP where they can fight all day long without bothering with diplomacy or economics or social RPs. CNRP for me is about playing the whole package of running a nation not just one small aspect of that.

    Personally I would not allow an inactive to join for just a war, These nations have absolutely zero RP history so they can not possibly have a IC reason for declaring war or support for anyone.

    All it takes is a minimum of one three sentence post every twenty days covering some aspect or aspects of their national development.

    For instance an announcement that they have built a barracks (or some other infrastructure) or post their signature on a treaty would be sufficient. And if a player can not be bothered taking this minimal effort beforehand then they should not be allowed to join wars in CNRP. Perhaps they would better suited to the war world RP that I have proposed instead.

  10. The Dragon Empire is gone but I will say this as a eulogy of it.

    The Dragon Empire may of seemed to be made of dissimilar nations to an outside observer.

    But that dissimilarity was the result of specialisation.

    MV specialised in the role of leader and coordinator.

    Sir Keshev specialised in diplomacy

    I specialised in military affairs

    Nikonov handled transnational infrastructure projects and internal affairs

    Croutonzz was in charge of health infrastructure

    We were working as a coordinated and unified whole, with individual players focusing their attention on their speciality and working together for mutual gain. This level of cooperation would not be possible without the nations having something in common and that thing was mutual self improvement. One player that was especially good at one thing could concentrate on that and not have to worry about areas where they might only have average ability. This resulted in a empire that could be specialised in a variety of areas at the same time far better than a single player controlled state could ever hope to be. (one person can not totally concentrate on five things at once). and it also resulted in a far more realistic simulation of a real national government than anything seen before or since in CNRP.

    If more players had of adopted this style I am sure without a shadow of a doubt that their enjoyment of the game would of increased dramatically. The time I spent in the Dragon Empire was some of the most enjoyable RP I have ever had in CNRP.

    But enough of the eulogy. Lets pick up what we have left and square our shoulders for the challenges ahead.

  11. We shall send our prime minister and her aides to attend this event.

    Expect her arrival by Olympian Air-force 2 shortly.

    Four body guards are part of the entourage but they will be unarmed during the ceremony and while in secured areas, they will arrive one hour before the prime minister and double check security to ensure our prime minister's safety.

  12. OOC: No they do not stack. But the differences in the end products will be negligible. I work off the log formula for year at the end, for my nation's effective tech.

    IC: Neo Olympia withdraws from tech sharing with Triyun. We are moving towards greater regional ties with our neighbours. We are still friendly to the ideals of francoism but our cause would be best served by cultivating good relationships with our neighbours.

  13. Tech Sharing Agreement between Wanatet Corporation & Neo Olympia

    1: The nations of Wanatet Corporation and Neo Olympia agree to share technological research.

    2: Neo Olympia agrees to share all schematics for products developed using the shared technology.

    3: This agreement can be cancelled with 36 hours notice with no fault being assigned to anyone.

    4: Neo Olympia agrees to have a Wanatet Corporation advisor take up an advisory board position at their university.


    General Vasili Markov

    President of Neo Olympia


    OOC: I get tech, you get me working on funky things to do with the tech and sharing my ideas, and I do that a lot. :)

  14. Due to conflicting treaties being The Feederites Union Vs Leviathan we must state neutrality.

    We consider both sides to be friends and consider this war to be a waste of resources that could be better used advancing the cause of francoism in the world.

    We will assist Maelstrom Vortex and Tahoe and Triyun to diplomatically find a solution to this conflict and assist them to rebuild any damage done after the war ends.

    I would like to call a conference in Neo Olympia for all the combatants to come and discuss this war and its implications for the future.

  15. In the interests of stimulating international trade Neo Olympia has declared the city of Pacifica a Freeport.

    The following regulations apply to the Freeport.

    1: All goods that trans-ship in Pacifica city harbour will not be subject to any Olympian tax. However our cargo handling facilities must be used to obtain this tax break. (The cost of transferring cargo between ships is at a 10% discount from the world standard price)

    2: All goods that are imported into Neo Olympia from the free port of Pacifica only attract half the standard import tax if the company has an office in Pacifica.

    3: Tourists in Pacifica city will be exempt from entry and exit tax.

    4: Foreign owned companies will be expected to hire no less than 75% of their employees in Pacifica city from local citizens.

    5: Dangerous Goods transiting are only to be held in secured areas of the port. The provision of security of these areas will be provided by our police department at no cost for most goods (Class B Weapons are the exception with addition precautions required, see below).

    6: Weapons trading

    a. Class A. Chemical warfare agents, Biological warfare agents & Nuclear weapons

    Trade of these goods is permitted only if the actual transfer is conducted in international waters.

    For safety and security reasons these weapons will not be allowed into Neo Olympian territory to prevent accidents.

    b. Class B. Missiles, Tanks, Aircraft, Ships & other heavy vehicles

    Trade is permitted but extra heavy security must be provided at the sellers expense and these goods must be stored in the secured area of the port. For security reasons ammunition must be stored separate to the vehicle and not within easy reach of said vehicle(s).

    c. Class C. Millitary grade personal weapons & man portable heavy weapons

    Trade is permitted but these goods must be stored in the secured area of the port.

    d. Class D. Civilian grade firearms

    Unrestricted trade

    e. Class E. Collectable antique weapons (not covered by higher Classes, e.g.: an antique tank is still a tank and Class B )

    Unrestricted trade

    7: Foreign warships will only be permitted to visit if the nation that owns them has no active wars, if hostilities commence the warships of the belligerent parties will be expected to leave port within 36 hours or be impounded for the duration of the war.

  16. We advocate a middle path between the worst excesses of communism and the gross inequity of unrestricted capitalism.

    We agree with both sides on some issues and disagree on others, but we do not seek to force our choices on others.

    It is our hope that both sides in this conflict will find some middle ground and work towards the common good of this planet for their mutual benefit.

  17. The following projects have been completed in Neo Olympia.

    1: Niciae University has reopened

    Stage 1 of the refurbishment of Niciae University has been completed and we are now open to foreign students from friendly nations who wish to study science and engineering. Stage 2 is planned for next month and will expand the university to include an art and drama faculties.

    2: Pacifica Shipyards have reopened

    The wrecks have been successfully cleared from the drydock facilities at pacifica harbour and these facilities are now available for friendly nations to perform repairs on their vessels.

    3: Coastal Defences upgraded

    50 batteries of surface to surface missiles have been deployed to protect all major cities. Anti-Air Artillery units and rangers have also been assigned to protect these facilities.

    4: Fallout recovery program in full operation.

    Now that the fallout has stopped falling the department of the environment is moving to remove soil from the few heavily concentrated sites and this contaminated soil will be used to fill in old worked out lead mines, eliminating the twin threats of radioactivity and abandoned mines. The mines will be lined with non-water permeable clay and several heavy duty non biodegradable plastic sheets to prevent contamination of surrounding ground water as a futher precaution the soil will be vitrified in massive kilns at the site to stabilise it and further prevent the risk of it dissolving and entering ground water . Less contaminated areas have been monitored and have been found that the irradiated dust can be safely collected by washing the areas down and collecting the run off water and storing it in the disposal sites with more heavily contaminated waste. This waste water will be stored in lead-composite non-biodegradable plastic barrels.

    Citizens will be permitted to exit the shelters after three days when these programs have been fully double checked and radiation is confirmed to be within safe levels.

    OOC: +1 Drydock, +1 University, +50 Cruise missiles, +400 infra, + 100 tech added in-game since last RP building spree.

  18. IC: As the pilot flys over Queensland he will notice small towns and rather new looking asphalt roads connecting them. On the plains he will observe hunting parties on ATVs and motorbikes in the western provinces and fields of grain and increasingly larger towns as he travels further east, after about half an hour of flight he will be intercepted by two fighters and the following message will be given.

    "Attention unidentified aircraft, Please identify yourself and follow us to the nearest airport for a customs inspection, Tune your navrad to frequency 193.35 and set the range to 530 kilometers"

    OOC: I am assuming the planes are coming in from the west since you did not specify the direction that they will approach from.

  19. No, I am attacking you. I need no reason. I could attack Triyun today if I felt like it, regardless of having a cassus belli. You seem to think it is an OOC problem to attack somebody when it really is IC. If you don't respond IC, then I will proceed with the conquest of your entire nation without resistance. Naturally I would prefer you do that, but you have the chance to reply IC

    Delivered by messenger with a memorised message to UFE headquarters. (CLASSIFIED)

    Will the United Francoist Empire ignore the Feederites Union treaty in the face of this unprovoked attack?

    III. To Protect

    As the Union is Francoist it is our duty to help protect other francoist nations of the world. If a Useritie is found to be bulling a Feederite nation than no matter if that nation is not part of the Union, it is still the Union’s job to protect that nation. The only time it is all right to ignore a Francoist nation is when it’s falsely claiming to be one or if it will hurt the majority of people in the Union which would hurt francoism as whole.

    IV. War

    The Union recognizes each nation is just a brother or sister from a different part of the world. Thus the Union will always fight together in less a nation request no help in a war.

    This means if a Union member gets attacked than the attacker will be attacking every Union member. This is the same with aggression, if a Union member starts an aggressive war for justified reasons than it’s the rest of the Union duty to fight alongside that nation.

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