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Vasili Markov

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Posts posted by Vasili Markov

  1. I dug up a stack of few areas of heavily contaminated topsoil vitrified it and dumped it down a lead mine and hosed the rest down and tossed the contaminated water into the mine in lead/plastic barrels after it.

    Now I just have a few bad growing seasons that I am going to try to get through with hydroponic underground gardens.

  2. OOC: Considering the controversial nature of the ship itself, I would suggest placing the entire action on hold pending GM review.

    OOC: as is the fashion at this time. We really need to stick to refinements of conventional proven technologies if it exists and works in the real world it is my opinion that it will work in CNRP.

  3. Points about my attack.

    • Aiming at the water line gives the largest target aspect, not a direct target, just a larger target.
    • A vehicle moving at a known speed and heading is a linear function, and hence a trivial target. A very simple calculation will reveal where to aim so that the ship will be there when your projectile is speeding through that area.
    • If the transport does change course, yes the gun will miss. However, since they can't detect my ship, nor the firing of the gun, they would not charge course because of that.

    Points about MV's respons.

    • Active sonar, or sonar of any kind has a max range of about 50km for targeting purposes, and with longer ranges, the area in which the signal is gets larger and larger. As far as I can tell, your missiles are using active sonar info from a remote source to fire missiles?
    • You never had active sonar on before that post, and so saying you instantly get a lock me is a god mod.
    • If you had had active sonar on, then I would avoided you before you could target me, its much like shining a torch, you can be seen from much further away than you can see things from.
    • You would never have known I fired my gun, you can't see the shot.

    I'll accept the missiles, but in no way are they going to have a good chance at hitting.

    Points about the LVN's railgun attack.

    • The direction of a shot can be deduced from looking at the damage and in the case of a railgun shell by the vapour trail that is produced by the creation of a vortex in the wake of the shell (the faster the shell a shell travels, causes a more powerful vortex, which results in a more pronounced vapour trail).
    • A railgun is a line of sight weapon at a range of 450 km it is over the horizon and thus blocked by the curvature of the earth. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizon) The horizon at 100m elevation is 36 km at sea level.
    • How can you aim accurately enough to make a called shot at maximum range without an active sensor or communications gear operating that would remove your stealth?

  4. I have one thing to say to people who think militias & guerrillas are ineffective at defence.

    The vietcong were a guerrilla force of peasants and they fought the US army a vastly larger and more technologically advanced army to a standstill.

    The Mujahideen, a similar guerrilla force fought the Soviet Union for years in Afghanistan.

    Correctly played a guerrilla army can tie up a larger & more technologically advanced army for years.

    They may not be able to win against them but they can make the cost of an occupation excessive.

  5. OOC: 300,000 of which will probably instantly die and another 100k will then be ineffective :awesome:


    Wouldn't that depend on tactics used?

    Decide the actual effectiveness of a militia in defence based on how they are used.

    If they were used in a frontal counter-attack they would drop like flys, but if they faded into the civilian population and harassed the invader it might be more effective. or at least suffer less losses.

  6. I would go with the idea that you only can use 10x your actual IG soldiers offensively.

    The remainder as up to your maximum possible IG amount x 10 can only be deployed as a militia on your home territory.

    militia will be less effective than regular soldiers in conventional combat but they will have an advantage if they fight a guerrilla war.

  7. OOC: They will not actually fight. it will just stop a massacre and genocide RP from happening. Actual fighting value = zero, but citizens can now defend themselves realistic and prevent a total massacre. This is just flavour RP but if I am invaded bear in mind that people have guns. you can not dictate my national gun control policy since this would be controlling my nation for me. official policy: gun ownership is officially encouraged and sponsored.

    [11:10] <Prime_Minister_Johns[NPO]> well am I just allowed to say my citizens are armed then. it is in keeping with my national RP. I am a military state.

    [11:10] <Prime_Minister_Johns[NPO]> Not that it will have any actual effect.

    [11:11] <Sargun> yeah

    [11:11] <Sargun> you can do it, it just has little effect

    [11:12] <Prime_Minister_Johns[NPO]> ok then

  8. Neo Olympia welcomes this ally but strongly advises against implementing the POW camp plan since this would be excessive.

    All POWs captured by us will be held in camps for the duration of the war and then the vast majority will be released with only the guilty few being punished further.

  9. ***Classified***

    Effective immediately and until further notice the militia of Neo Olympia has been issued with weaponry.

    All able-bodied men and women who have completed at least military basic training will be issued weapons and equipment suitable to the MOS (Military Occupation Speciality).

    Militia members will carry on with their civilian duties but are to have their weapons within easy reach at all times if practical.

    Compulsory refresher courses will be held at their battalion HQs.

    Weaponry: NACiv-01 Assault rifle (AK-47 equivalent), 9mm pistol (officer issue), MG issued to 1:25 people, Bazooka issued to 1:50 people. Gas masks are standard issue for all civilian population & militia.

    90% Light infantry, 5% Heavy infantry (standard army weapons), 5% other MOS (Medics, engineers, ect...)

    OOC: I have compulsory national service as a policy and the majority of my citizens are veterans of the Nician Imperial Guard. They are militia so they do not have awesome weapons and no body armor, but it will be enough to "put a rifle behind every blade of grass" in a manner of speaking.

  10. Neo Olympia sends a representative to the green coalition to meet with them.

    We recognise the Green Coalition as the new government of Wanatetland.

    We will allow your missionaries to visit on the same basis as we allow all missionaries, you may be one of many religions in our country.

    We have no official policy on religion and citizens are free to worship as they please.

  11. No, it is only about 10% effective, and there are still some hospitals in the U.S. continuing to use Penicillin.

    Anyway, the amount of missiles a nation can hold should be based on their tech/infra level. It does not make sense for a nation with like 500 infra and 50 tech to have the same amount of CMs as a nation with 10,000 infra and 5,000 tech.

    Yes but this is Cybernations RP, so we should endeavour to at least resemble our stats.

  12. Neo Olympia & Novus Niciae Official History:

    Novus Niciae was founded as a social experiment by scientists lead by Dr Charles

    Johns. The goal of this experiment was to create a knowledge based society where

    the talented would rule justly for the benefit of all. Over the course of Nician

    history Prime minister Johns distinguished himself repeatedly by leading the

    nation in times of peace an prosperity and through times of war. It was during

    these times of unrest that our current leader Vasili Markov, then a field

    commander in the Nician Imperial Legion served the old empire and won many battle

    honours and triumphs.

    But just as Novus Niciae reached the peak of its glory, tragedy struck. Prime

    Minister Johns Died from an unknown cause and without his leadership the great

    experiment ended. The citizens of the empire lost and without a strong leader

    scattered to the four corners of the globe and settled amongst the many nations

    of Bob. And the light of Niciae was thought to be lost forever.

    Vasili Markov, once a hero of the Nician Legion and now the CEO of his family

    business Markov Electronics felt that the light of the old empire could be

    reclaimed and slowly he gathered support for this idea amongst the expatriate

    Nicians of the world and it was decided that a new chapter of the saga would


    Using his own money Vasili Markov Purchased the site of old nicae city from New

    Cymru financed a private expedition to the site of Niciae City to see what could

    be reclaimed. The expedition was a success beyond the wildest dreams of all

    involved, Not only was Niciae City reclaimable Most of the structures were largely

    intact and some of the vaults contained artefacts from the old empire carefully

    hidden away against such an occasion.

    So the proclamation went forth, All former Nicean citizens were informed of the

    discoveries of the expedition and the nation of Neo Olympia was founded

    as the rightful successor state to Novus Niciae and to continue to shine the

    light of knowledge into the world as was done before.

  13. I see this thread has also turned into a little "poor me"/ego-stoking whine sesh for MV. Sorry Triyun.

    Also, I know how you feel. It just isn't fun to play the way it used to. Mostly because people care too much. Goddamn, they care and it isn't even pixels. At least I can somewhat understand when people whine about their IG nation being destroyed, but for petes sake, this is RP.

    True, I can just as easily move totally to CNRPS, so I am RPing my nation according to my characters stated personality.

    My RP character is strongly honourable and will honour the majority of his treaties if there is a direct conflict in them.

    He attempted to only make compatible treaties so that conflicting treaties would not happen but the UFE going to war with MV was a totally unforeseen circumstance.

    So I am going to keep playing my character in the same style and if I get kicked out of CNRP I get kicked out, no skin off my nose, no bawww, no drama.

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