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Vasili Markov

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Posts posted by Vasili Markov

  1. Neo Olympia issues the following statement to the conference.

    -Ascertain a timeline for the disarmament of nuclear weapons;

    Disarmament is not a realistic option since many nuclear nations will not give up their arsenals, so moderation of their offensive use is the only realistic option.

    -Ascertain minimum defence requirements for the defence against nuclear weapons;

    A treaty with a joint agreement to declare war on the first person who uses a nuclear first strike.

    The sharing of the coverage area of SDI by all treaty members so that all nuclear weapons will be destroyed in the launch phase and eliminate the threat that they pose to neutral nations in any future conflict.

    -Ascertain different methods of strategic weapons instead of nuclear arsenals;

    The following methods while extremely destructive do not have the long term global consequences of nuclear weapons.

    1 Fuel-Air explosives, These cause massive explosions that cause strategic level damage to cities. And most importantly these weapons have a contained area of effect and do not effect areas beyond the target as severely as a nuclear blast.

    2 Exo Atmospheric Nuclear Blasts for EMP pulse effects, This will eliminate the fallout problem that the entire world suffers every time someone uses a nuke.

    3 Use of coalitions of conventional forces to outnumber the rival, If you wish to invade someone it is a well known doctrine to have overwhelming forces overwhelm your rivals, This has several advantages over the use of nuclear weapons the greatest of which is that the invader gets land that is not poisoned and useless.

    I am sure that even the representative from Rebel Virginia will recognise that having more land and resources after a war is better than having less, and nuclear weapons destroy resources that could be put to use and render land uninhabitable.

    -Ascertain a "No First Strike" agreement while nuclear weapons are being disarmed, and the feasibility of such;

    Disarmament is not a realistic option since many nuclear nations will not give up their arsenals,

    But if several nations agree to jointly declare on anyone using a nuclear first strike then that will make the use of a first strike an act of suicide.

    -Determine the benefits of a nuclear free world against a nuclear world;

    Continued survival of the human race.

    A clean environment, This has benefits that are too numerous to mention.

    More usable living areas, nuclear glass deserts are not very usable for any nation.

    -Other things that can be brought up by delegates at the Conference.

  2. I think that this treaty lacks teeth.

    I propose a different idea.

    Several nuclear nations that want peace agree to nuke anyone who fires the first nuke in future.

    This will make an aggressive nuclear first strike guarantee the destruction of the one who launched it.

    The realistic threat of total destruction and the capacity to carry out that threat will make most leaders think twice about nuclear weapons and eliminate the few who don't.

  3. Australia was never colonised by the British and is largely still in the possession of the native Australian tribes. Neo Olympia was founded by a agreement with several local tribes and some scientists who fled from various wars in Europe and Asia. Their culture is thoroughly international as a result of this.

    I will write a more complete history post in my CNRPR factbook when I get around to it.

  4. Making a nuke is a time consuming process,

    It takes many weeks to use cyclotrons to purify U-238 from uranium ore since it is separated one atom at a time and several kilograms are required for a bomb.

    The USSR & the USA at the peak of the cold war arms race could produce only 1 new nuke a week each and they had multiple cyclotrons and economies that were truly massive and they were enjoying relative peace at the time.

    During a war when a nuke lands anarchy occurs and industrial production plummets, and since U-238 production is an industrial process it would suffer the same as other industries and production would grind to a halt.

    My take on nuke regeneration.

    Producing nation not in anarchy: 1 every 24 hours of real time (Assuming 1 week of game time = 1 day of real time & accepting the IG nuke production rate)

    Producing nation has no operational cyclotrons: No regen (assuming the nation has had its cyclotron targeted in the first strike of a nuke war, a reasonable & plausible strategy)

  5. I am going with option 1,

    Perhaps in future nukes will be viewed in RP with the same fear that they are viewed with in RL.

    If you will forgive a real life example but Regan & Khrushchev during the cold war were each sitting on enough nukes to destroy each other many times over but they did not use them or use conventional forces on each other because of the very real fear that they would be destroyed along with the entire human race, and we can be grateful now that they were both sane men and recognised this risk and did not heat up the cold war even though they both would of liked to see an end to the other opposing ideology.

    If option 1 is taken then diplomacy will become a more attractive option for everyone in future.

    Because destroying your own and everyone else's environment is a brilliant political move.

    And people will be none to pleased about having their environments and economies wrecked.

  6. Europe has reaped the bitter harvest that it has sown.

    Let their folly serve as a lesson to those who remain, Nuclear weapons are not to a discriminating weapon and they affect far more people than their intended targets.

    We the Neo Olympian people will emerge after this holocaust is over and assist anyone who survives to rebuild but this can not happen while the war continues to rage on.

    Perhaps in future we will gain some wisdom from this experience and not be so quick to use nuclear weapons.

  7. Effective immediately all able bodied men and women aged over 16 are to report to their shelter overseers for compulsory rifle and pistol training at the shelter firing range. Training will be at 14:00-16:00 and all citizens are expected to be able to hit a man sized target at 250 yards within the month. Luxury credits will be awarded for superior marksmanship.

  8. We have had our Advanced Recovery Core (ARC) program operational for quite some time.

    We have a vast seed bank for all the major food crops and we will begin distribution of these once the climate has stabilised and it is possible to resume normal agriculture.

    Our citizens have now settled into the underground vaults, Conditions are spartan and rations are basic, but we will survive.

  9. Neo Olympia is underground and will run underground hydroponic gardens for the duration so this food will be uncontaminated, We have an adequate supply of power in our shelters from geothermal power and this will also keep our people warm through the winter.

    We have addressed the the problem of the irradiated oceans by transporting goods likely to be contaminated by long low level exposure by air and we are refitting our container ships with lead shielding and lead lined cargo containers. The effect of these modifications will mean that the cargo capacity of our modified freighters will be reduced so in combination with the additional danger pay that merchant seamen will receive the cost of shipping will double effective immediately per mile/ton of cargo carried by sea.

  10. The ranger captain said and bowed "We bring greetings from our chief the most esteemed Makov, We heard your words on our radio and we have came to greet you in person"

    "Your message on the radio seemed confused about this technology you have discovered. Until twenty turns of the seasons ago we did not understand these things as well, But Markov (Bows at the mention of the name) discovered on one of our ceremonial sites a stone with some strange writings on it one of the languages was our written language and another was the language that of the ones who came before and was carved in many of our temples. He studied this tablet and had a dream that the messages were the same thing written in different languages and he taught himself to read the mysterious writings on the temple walls, The were written by our ancestors and contained a history of the war ancients and descriptions and explanations of the devices used in these wars from the time before." She recited.

    "And when we heard your voice on the radio we knew that another sacred site had been found by its people, and we came to help you uncover its mysteries" She pointed at the stone that was being carried by the slaves and said "Our most esteemed chief Markov offers you this gift, it is a copy of the stone found at our site and it may contain that which you need to understand those devices that you have found"

    "We also wish to trade with your people and learn more from what you have found, this lost age fascinates us because it was until recently the stuff of myth and legends"

    "We can also show you what we have learned and trade our knowledge of what we know of this lost age and its history"

  11. It works like it always has. 1 MIRV warhead = 1 IG warhead.


    SDI's work like they always have worked too. :V

    ^^^ I agree

    It is true that a MIRV warhead contains multiple sub-warheads but these these have a lesser yield than a single warhead missile of the same size. But the sum of their yields is about the same. It just has the advantage of being it harder to stop 8 warheads than a single one.

  12. A detachment of soldiers assisted in the loading of the cargo into the sub.

    General Markov got on the phone to Maelstrom "We do have cargo planes available and we are sending what we cant fit into the sub by air we will land at your airport and get the seed stock and electronics for the hydroponics bays unloaded in about 3 hours. The actual seed beds are being sent by the submarine you sent since they are bulky".

  13. To Dragonsia

    We shall send you a team of experts in hydroponics to help establish your gardens and some seed stock. We can send some of the more critical components by air to minimise contamination and ensure their rapid use. We can produce additional seed raising beds if you provide the resources and have these sent by air freight as well. They are quite light and made of plastics so air freight is the best option.

  14. Misako handed the document to one of the rangers and asked her to radio the chief with it.

    About an hour later a reply came authorising her to sign it with the signet of the tribe in her wedding ring.

    She melted some wax and placed a large blob of wax and a ribbon decorated with small feathers on the document and pressed her ring into the wax She then cut herself and put a small drop of blood under the seal.

    She asked to see Malys, again and she handed her the sealed treaty.

    "We have read this treaty and we have approved it." She said.

    "It will take us several days but we can get a detachment of ranger advance scouts here to scout for your army and locate these cannibals. We will tell you of their locations when we find them and if they are too many we will wait till your heavy troops arrive. Our heaver units will take a week to arrive since we need to send them by ship" She said and smiled.

    "We hope that this is acceptable"

  15. "Greetings, Emperor. I am I am Misako Ido of the longspear tribe and I speak for the most esteemed chief Markov" She said and bowed formally "My husband the chief wants you to have these scrolls as a token of friendship, they contain the history of our people as handed down through the ages from our forefathers" She indicated to the rangers to hand over the box and they placed the box at the Emperor's feet. Then bowed formally to the Emperor then to the captain then went back to where they were standing before.

    "I also have been asked to invite you to attend the great hunt as part of my husbands party, he wishes to discuss many things with you." She said.

  16. "I am misako Ido of the longspear tribe" The captain said and bowed "I am pleased to make your acquaintance"

    "The journey was interesting we saw much that interested us, We can speak in your language now since our scholars have unravelled most of it" She said with a smile and spoke in the draconic language "Please take us to see your emperor so that we can give him these gifts from our leader the most esteemed Markov." She indicated to the box of scrolls that two other rangers were carrying. Her whiskers twitched the entire time she spoke draconic.

  17. Fortunately, the person the rangers approached was a meditating shaman and not one of the marauding parties of warriors. Unfortunately, for now no one outside higher-ranking warriors and shamans had learned of contact with the other nations around the world.

    The old man stood and hobbled over to the stranger, looking the cat person over. It was not a tribe they had encountered before. "I am Francis Crick," he said in an oddly civilized, educated tone. It was different from the simpler speech favored by the chief and his warriors. "I am the village shaman for Manchester. Am I to understand that you have brought tribute? We have not encountered your federation before. Where are you from?"


    "Yes," replied Chamberlain to Douglas. "My warriors took it from demons, and this too," he gestured to his rifle. "What are you thinking to do with the dragon tribe?"

    "We come from Olympia a land far to the south, we have travelled here by ship and air to meet with your chief when our chief heard him on the radio. We have brought a copy of our great key stone as a gift to your people it may help your people understand some of the things you have found." The ranger captain said. "Please come and see this gift and show us where your chief is so we can present it to him" She indicated to the stone at the edge of the field with three other rangers sitting beside it.

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