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Vasili Markov

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Posts posted by Vasili Markov

  1. Company Name: Dionysian Wines

    Origin of Company: Neo Olympia

    What sector does the Company work in? Wine & Spirit Merchant

    Which floors wanted: Lobby (Wine bar & retail outlet)

    Will it be the company headquarters? No

    Company Name: Markov Electronics

    Origin of Company: Neo Olympia

    What sector does the Company work in? Electronics & consumer goods.

    Which floors wanted: 4 floors (anywhere)

    Will it be the company headquarters? No

  2. Today a massive construction effort will be put in place to increase the security of our harbours.

    All Dragon Empire harbours will be given major improvements to berthing and cargo handling capabilities.

    In addition Anti submarine nets will be placed at the mouths of all the harbours. All ships captains are advised to contact the harbour master before departing and arriving in the harbour so that the net can be opened to allow them passage.

    Also Several Naval Fortresses will be constructed at key locations of the harbours to allow heavy artillery and AA guns & SAM missiles to provide full coverage of the area. This will ensure the security of our critical infrastructure such as dry docks & shipyards in the area.

    A ground breaking ceremony for the first fort will be held later this week.


    Sonar systems are also being installed to detect submarines trying to sneak in while the net is opened to allow normal shipping in.

  3. Fair enough, thanks for your input.

    1 air, land & sea action would work a lot better.

    And variable turn length would help.

    But I fail to see how slower turn lengths would help the defender set up, they would be under the 1 air/sea/land move per turn as well so the best I could anticipate is if the player is paying attention and has suitable assets to detect an invasion is the following:

    Defending player: Air; All fighters are scrambled, Land: The military is set defcon 1 and all AA and fixed defences are manned, Sea; the Navy leaves the harbour to intercept the invasion fleet.

    A surprise bonus turn could be awarded to a particularly well thought out and well written invasion plan that takes into account how they avoid being detected would allow for surprise attacks. (Reward well thought out, literate and realistic invasions with a bonus attack)

    The defending player would only be allowed to state what detection measures were active at the time and this would have to be evidenced by a link to a post that is time stamped before the invasion post. (Simulate the effect of well thought out defences, A radar grid and a SOSUS system as well as other sensors will be an attractive investment to a nation wishing to avoid being "mugged")

  4. I have an idea for a system that will reduce the amount of confusion about minor rules.

    1: The game is divided into turns (one day in length would be the ideal turn duration for me, but shorter durations can be used depending on the situation) and every player posts one and only one action per turn.

    2: At the end of each turn the gamemaster looks at each action and decides their consequences and posts the results in the thread.

    Simplified Example:

    Player 1: I move my navy at best speed to examplestan's port, I am at alert level 1.

    Player 2: I launch my fighter bombers to intercept Player 1's Fleet, My fighter bombers have my new anti ship missile.

    Gamemaster: RESULTS; Player 1's navy travels 100 nm towards examplestan and is attacked by fighter bombers from Player 2, In the battle Player 1 loses 1 destroyer and 5 fighters and has his carrier damaged, it can now only travel at half speed until it gets to port. Player 2 loses 15 fighter bombers and has a further 10 damaged due to heavy flak. 2 pilots survive and eject over the battle.

    This system will take a little longer to play but it will have the advantage of keeping everyone moving at the same speed in action intense roleplay scenes like personal combat and wars, it will also prevent confusion about whether a move is out of turn and it will prevent godmoding because the GM decides the consequences of all the actions, the players only provide the data of what they can potentially do because of their action and their move. Obviously if a thread is made up of only social interactions then this system will not be needed and the scene can progress at the pace decided by the players.

  5. Company Name: Markov Electronics

    Origin of Company: Neo Olympia

    What sector does the Company work in? Electronics & Consumer Goods

    North Tower/South Tower: Either

    Floor/s: 1 or 2

    Company Name: Dionysian Wines

    Origin of Company: Neo Olympia

    What sector does the Company work in? Wine Merchant

    North Tower/South Tower: Either

    Floor/s: In a shopping precinct

  6. Neo Olympian State Government.

    Governor: General Vasili Markov

    Lt. Governor: General Abigail Johns

    Dragon Empire Department of Defence:

    Minister of Defence :General Vasili Markov

    Sub departments:

    Milcom air: General Abigail Johns (Senate)

    Milcom land: General Vasili Markov, Major General Heidi Smithe (Adjutant, Senate)

    Milcom sea: Admiral George Gloval (Senate)

    Provost Marshall (Military Police): Major General Thomas Seville (Senate)

    Department of military intelligence liaison services: Lieutenant General Mark Barry (Senate)

    The following ministries have been re-designated as state ministries:

    Department of Education: Dr Max Fielding (Senate), Mrs Jane French (Council)

    Department of Trade & Economics: Dr Lana Greenspire (Senate), Mr Barney Jenkins (Council)

    Treasury Department: Ms Felicia Deville (Senate), Mr Yoshi Sato (Council)

    Department of Health: Dr Christian Olafson (Senate), Ms Sasha Nixon (Council)

    Industrial relations & Industry: Mr Sven Peterson (Senate), Ms Roxie Delaney (Council)

    Culture & History: Dr Jessica Lev (Senate), Mr Clayton Chichester (Council)

    Science: Dr Eve Wheelwright (Senate), Dr Misato Shirow (Council)

    Lieutenant General Mark Barry will be but on secondment to the New Taiwanese Empire to fill the post of Military - Intelligence liaison officer, he will still retain his senate seat in the state senate and will be assigned the department of military intelligence liaison services. He will assist Nebu II in ensuring a smooth flow of information to the troops.

  7. Today after extensive talks with Maelstrom Vortex, The Senate and Council of Neo Olympia have decided to join the Dragon Empire in keeping with our long standing agenda of promoting a stable pacific region.

    Representatives the ministry of foreign affairs are currently drafting the paperwork and working out the final details to put this into effect.

  8. Can a player retroactively decide the timing of an event to prevent another event that a player has already posted?

    For example react to an event by saying that their event happened before hand.

    Player A: I shoot you with my heat ray

    Player B: I have heatproof armour

    Player A: I stole that armour beforehand so you don't.

  9. OOC: Its logical to assume I sent the message before you got to NZ. So, your ops are not on the ground yet.

    IC: We do not care. Your planes shall turn back, or be fired upon. You should notice fighter jets coming up near you soon, and since you are still at least an hour from land, we don't think we will ever see your pilots again if the keep to their current course.

    OOC: I have 2 posts in that RP and now It seems I have to retract posts at a player's behest... Consider all my posts in this thread null & void.

  10. *Message to Neo Olympia*

    We have detected several planes from your nation approaching New Zealand. They shall turn around or be shot down. Rockport shall not have everyone and their mother landing troops on these islands.

    *In Northland*

    Progress was being made against the sparse resistance, and the two objectives were in sight, with just a a few more km to go for the day.

    *message to Rockport*

    They were supply planes delivering several transport helicopters to Tahoe and diplomatic delegation to attempt to locate and assist the Margrave, hardly an invasion force. unless you consider my diplomats to be that formidable.

    *Black ops* (OOC: Black ops are classified & deniable operations, the rangers will have nothing to betray their origins and have generic weapons & civilian clothing...)

    The ranger teams continue their surveillance mission and pass on all information to the Francoist union.

    Upon completion of the mission the men will join the diplomatic mission , after first obtaining uniforms from them at a dead drop and leave on their transports.

  11. Company Name: Markov Electronics

    Company Nation: Neo Olympia

    Industry/Sector: Electronics & Consumer Goods

    BoAT or AITC: AITC

    Floor(s): 31-35

    Company Name: Dionysian Wines & Spirits

    Company Nation: Neo Olympia

    Industry/Sector: Wine & spirits merchant

    BoAT or AITC: AITC

    Floor(s): Shop in 70th floor sky lobby, Office in 71st floor

    Company Name: Pan Australian Tours

    Company Nation: Neo Olympia

    Industry/Sector: Travel

    BoAT or AITC: AITC

    Floor(s): 72nd floor

    Company Name: Olympic Motors

    Company Nation: Neo Olympia

    Industry/Sector: Automobile

    BoAT or AITC: AITC

    Floor(s): 73-75

  12. Several C-130s flew out of the clouds at 50000 feet outside of Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland and several teams of rangers parachuted in and moved off into the shadows, Several hummers were also dropped on cargo parachutes to give them transport.

    When they landed they quickly got into the vehicles and drove off into the night to search for remnants of the forces loyal to the Margrave and provide a liaison with his forces and the main forces.

    Black ops

    Several 15 man teams of ranger veterans have been dropped into the countryside, They will observe the locations of the rebel and DKT forces and pass this information on to central command to process. They have strict do not fire unless fired upon rules of engagement. They also have orders to capture or eliminate senior rebel and DKT officers if they encounter them and it is practical without endangering the primary mission, They will use hit & run tactics in this circumstance and attack at the maximum range of a Barrett 50cal sniper rifle in this circumstance, first disabling the vehicles and then eliminating any guards and then capture the officer, if this is not practical they will simply just shoot the officer and run, however capture will be the highest priority. Several Chinook transport/heavy lift helicopters have been lent to the Tahoe forces for their use and for use if the ranger teams catch anyone or need extraction.

  13. Public Anouncement

    Neo Olympia is appalled by the cowardly attack on the New Taiwanese Empire by rogue elements of the armed forces of Camberlain and is now taking action to ensure that those responsible are caught and the rightful government of Camberlain is restored. A state of war now exists between Neo Olympia and these rogue elements and will remain in force until they are captured.

    Across Neo Olympia

    Project ARC is moved to stage 1 readiness and key citizens are being directed to the shelters.

    Project CoG is now in full effect and all key government agencies are now located in a dispersed system of underground bunkers.

    Merchant ships have been commandeered and are being loaded with soldiers and tanks of the 2nd-4th Divisions to cross the Tasman sea and the ships have moved out of the harbour and are now on the open sea heading towards New Zealand at best speed.

    The 1st Ranger Division is currently on full alert standby and is at their barracks near the airfield and the transport aircraft are fuelled and ready for take-off.

    All troops are issued with CS gas grenades and several clips of rubber bullets in addition to their normal kit.

    *** Feederite Force Command Frequency, high encryption level, shared key only ***

    All Neo Olympian forces are at full readiness and can be deployed immediately. Please send us your deployment orders for these troops and they will be forwarded immediately. Please refer data sheet for scenario C145[day 0] sent at the start of the month as part of the monthly intel briefing for full details of our current deployment. (OOC: Intel sharing means I would of sent you all my contingency plans for possible deployments and troop strengths, a rather lengthy document. But in essence it means that you know the exact orders sent to the troops so far to deploy them thus far)

  14. *Private message to Nebu II*

    We will send several biohazard teams to assess the exact type of bio weapon that has been used. And we are sending general medical supplies to assist. As soon as we get the data on what infection or infections we are dealing with we will send more specific medical supplies to counteract it. we are also placing our military on a war footing and are preparing a response.

    *Private message to the Feederite Union*

    We can confirm that this is a cruise missile strike was fired from Camberlain and it is highly likely that biological weapons are involved based on early reports.

    We are currently on a near war footing and we request assistance as our strategic analysts expect a full ground invasion of the New Taiwanese Empire will follow shortly, and we are expecting them to attack us shortly.

  15. Neo Olympia MILCOM HQ situation room.

    Deep in a hidden bunker a crew of about fifty techs worked on control consoles that were arranged in rows facing a bank of large plasma screen monitors. On these monitors there were was a large map of the world with the locations of all the military assets of Neo Olympia and her allies and the various things that they were tracking on radar and by various other means.

    Suddenly a spot in the Tasman sea flashed red, Major General Heidi Smithe who had command of the bunker looked up and said "Put that alert signal on the main screen" With that the map of the world disappeared from the main screens and was replaced with a detailed map of the Tasman sea, In the centre was an icon representing the Neo Olympian Technical Research vessel "Acuity" and it was showing that it had detected fifteen fast moving targets who's sensor profile, speed and flight pattern indicated that they were missiles at various ranges heading towards the New Taiwanese Empire. Then suddenly the sensor feed went blank and the "no carrier" error message was superimposed on the icon of the ship that was now flashing red and blue signifying a lost ship.

    "Get on the secure line and notify the New Taiwanese Empire that they have incoming cruise missiles, and get on the phone to the Feederite Union and tell them everything, I want a the nearest coast guard cutter to send its search and rescue helicopter to the last known position of the Acuity to find out what happened, and set us to Defcon 2 and inform General Markov of this."

    She sank back in her chair and sighed. "Why did this have to happen on my watch?" she thought to herself.

    OOC explanation: The Acuity is actually a dual purpose ship and has military grade radar and communications gear using technology gained from Triyun by tech sharing. and it got hit by the edge of the EM pulse and lost its electrics, it is floating dead in the water and will be able to limp back in 1 hour. It was on a legitimate scientific mission to check various sea surface temperature sensor buoys and happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  16. Captain Reiko Tane looked at her laptop then at her companion and pointed at the laptop.

    She then took several sheets of luxurious parchment out of her briefcase as well as an ink block and a brush and proceeded to write something in Japanese calligraphy on then, once she had finished she dusted them with a sweet smelling talc to dry the ink and rolled them up with a blank sheet on the outside to protect them and tied them with a ribbon and sealed it with a justice department seal.

    She then spoke,

    "The senate and council has reviewed the events of this conference and the military leadership and other government officials of the former DKT still remain wanted criminals for their continued evasion of justice and their various crimes against peace and stability, We officially call on the Sumeragi to surrender them to the feederite union for a trial where the extent of their guilt can be assessed and suitably punished, and we are hereby formally warrants for their arrest, all our law enforcement assets will be brought to bear to catch these people"

    She then handed the tied bundle of papers that had formal arrest warrants printed on thick parchment to Kawasaki Shozo and said.

    "Please see that these are delivered to the appropriate people, I urge you to ask them to consider their most precarious position"

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