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Vasili Markov

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Posts posted by Vasili Markov

  1. Neo Olympia has a unique system of government that is neither truly capitalist or communist but a blend of the best features of both.

    I have a democratic lower house so the voice of the people is always heard and a metriocratic upper house so that those with extraordinary skills can give their learned opinions and the two work together as equals to make decisions with myself as a tiebreaker and someone with the power to in an emergency act immediately for the common good of the nation.

    And we have no problem with either system being practised anywhere else in the world as long as they do not seek to force their systems on us.

  2. The Olympian federation has peacefully negotiated with the northern clans and after many long days of discussions they have agreed to be incorporated into the Olympian federation.

    The northern coastline and the entire eastern coastline of Queensland and 200 km of land inland from the coast is now in Olympian control. As well as the southern Queensland border extending north to mount isa. This land is sparsely populated with semi nomadic tribes of mithrans. (small towns with large hunting/gathering areas)

    OOC: I thought I would take over some land peacefully rather than have a war over it. Just to be different :P

  3. But then you are ignoring the fact that I can make mustard gas in my kitchen, think of what a nation could do.

    Lets talk in terms of hard science and proven facts:

    A 1910 level tech country can easily produce chemical weapons.

    WW1 Germany was a major user of mustard gas and other chemical agents.

    Chemical and Bio weapons have been dubbed the poor man's nuke by the defence community and rightfully so, If these weapons were used to their maximum effect they could rival a nuke in destructive power.

    And they can be produced for a fraction of the cost of a nuclear weapon, And while it is true that chem/bio agents have a lesser destructive potential per unit when compared to a nuke, it is offset by their low cost and the fact that multiple types can be used concurrently to maximise their destructive capacity (one virus kills 50% of the population that is not immune to it and a second virus kills 50% of the remainder that is not immune to both) and the area of effect can be made to equal a nuke by using deliveries of the agent(s). (using multiple missiles/shells/warheads)

    Biochem warfare is indeed scary and I am surprised that this discussion has not came up sooner.

  4. The UFE is a power maximizing entity. This war's objectives was too destroy its principle rival in the Eurasian Political order which was Rebel Army. It accomplished the near utter destruction of the rebel army at a relatively low cost in terms of long term industrial capability, and in terms of percentage of population lost versus what others lost. I fail to see how this has been behaving out of character for my regime. It seems to be perfectly in concert with that I've done before CN RP R existed.

    Role playing is placing oneself into the role of a state actor, rather than focusing on the enjoyment of others. If you look at it from the perspective of what would my character a by now obviously amoral arch neo-realist's perspective, the opportunity was offered to secure hegemony and he chose to move to take it.

    OOC: Now would be an ideal time to rebuild Europe into something more suitable to your plans, and help your allies who took serious collateral damage. But that is just what I would do in your situation. Helping the world rebuild would be good publicity and it would also strengthen your long-term position.

  5. This is Neo Olympian MILCOM communications centre.

    Radiation levels have peaked in Australia three days ago at a level of 1Sv they are currently at 0.8Sv and falling.

    We have reported several medium to minor cases of radiation sickness but new cases are decreasing in frequency every day.

    We anticipate that in two weeks we will clear the shelters and resume normal operations.

    We have adequate supplies of food and water and do not require assistance.

    We thank you for your concern, Please use frequency 91.5 for further communications, we are interested in your knowledge of nuclear survival and we will review and publish your research in our academic journals and give you full credit and recognition for your work if it is of sufficient quality.

  6. Will being the key word. Generalissimo, I recommend we sit back and watch the monkeys fling feces at each other, because they're only going to screech when we try to stop them.

    OOC: Call me when Germany and Tahoe are parking lots, not that they have far to go now.

  7. Neo Olympia has successfully tested a new bomb type for its arsenal.

    It is a fuel-air bomb and will be manufactured and be made available for purchase by the Australasian Coalition and the Feederite Union.

    It is our hope that these munitions will eliminate the need to use tactical nuclear weapons in future.

    Type 1 Heavy Bunker Demolition Ordinance.

    Type: Thermobaric vacuum bomb

    Guidance: Parachute retarded Iron Bomb

    Weight: 7.1 tons

    Yield: 44 tons of TNT equivalent

    Blast Radius: 300m

    Accuracy: >100 m (325ft)

    Launch Platform: Heavy Bomber, (Capacity: 1 per plane)

    OOC: Basically the russian MOAB

    Type 2 Missile mounted Precision Fuel-Air Munition

    Guidance: Inertial Guidance

    Engine: Turbofan with solid fuel rocket booster.

    Weight: 1440 kg.

    Wingspan: 2.67m

    Range: 2,500 km

    Speed: 550kph

    Warhead: 1000kg Shaped thermobaric vacuum charge

    Yield: 10 tons TNT equivalent (~22000 psi Blast Pressure)

    Blast Radius: None, (Explodes on impact Sending Penetrator rod into target)

    Penetrator: 100kg Hardened Tungsten Carbine Steel Rod.

    Accuracy: >10 m (32.5ft)

    Launch Platform: Tracked Missile Launcher, (Capacity: 2 missiles + 3 in trailer), Heavy bomber (Capacity: 5 , 2 on each wing + 1 centreline)

    A tomahawk with a bunker buster FaB warhead.

  8. It is good that Byzantium has decided to reform her government.

    OOC: I recommend a bicameral meritocracy with a democratic council. (like me. :P)

    (Official name: The Federation of Byzantium, Greece, Georgia, and Transcaucasia)

  9. Nation Name (Short Form): Neo Olympia

    Nation Name (Long Form): The Federation of Neo Olympia

    Government Type: Meritocracy

    Capital: Olympia

    Administrative Divisions: 4 sectors (North, South, East, West)

    President: General Vasili Markov

    Vice President: General Abigail Johns

    Senate: 20 seats chosen by competitive examinations every 4 years

    Council: 100 seats elected every 4 years

    Judicial Branch: High Court (Chief Justice and 6 high justices chosen by competitive examinations every 4 years)

    Other information:

    Illicit Drugs:

    Marijuana, Opiate, Hallucinogens, And other narcotics. (Foreign nationals and Olympian citizens caught in possession of these will be tried and be subject to up to 20 years of prison if found guilty, Persons found guilty of importing with intent to deal these substances will be subject to death by lethal injection found guilty.)

    OOC: Due to rapid changes in national stats please refer to my ingame stats and apply the appropriate multipliers.

  10. Himynamistan plans to send a delegate and indicates a favorable attitude towards signing the document.

    We are in favor of general disarmament of weapons of terror, including anti-personnel land mines and cluster bomblet munitions. Nations can wage wars of defense without having to have recourse to such monstrous measures.

    Area denial weapons should have a timer function where they become inert after a reasonable period of time. This will keep their value as a battlefield tactic but remove the risk to civilians after the battle has ended and the war is over. Forgotten area denial weapons retain the capacity to injure civilians for many years after they have served their original purpose, and it is all to easy to forget where all of them are in the chaos of war, so a timer function of a month or two at the most will minimise this risk and keep mines from harming the innocent.

  11. I am RPing my nation taking a severe nuclear winter with fallout.

    This due to a localised weather effect and an unfortunate cloud pattern, but my nation will survive and I will rebuild bigger and better than before and have a stronger link to the global RP as a result. The old damaged infrastructure will be replaced with new improved infrastructure in its place (backed up by my nation buying more infra & tech in-game). The damage will actually cause my nation to grow funnily enough in the long term and have a strong opinion on nuclear first strikes caused up by RP history.

  12. I think we need to stop the "X country wates with interest". Ban them. They're useless, they clog up valuable RP-post space, and most country's intelligence services would be watching it anyways.

    The whole point of a halfway decent intel agency, is that people DON'T know you are watching with interest.

  13. This is an declassified extract from an internal report gathered by the ministry of the interior,

    It is freely available to an nation that accesses our data net.

    Australian Republic Protectorate:

    Civilian Casualties: 7.5% medium level radiation sickness, 15% low level radiation sickness.

    Food Stockpiles: Adequate (102% of required levels)

    Radiation: 1 Sv and falling

    Acid rain: 10% deforestation , Acid rain easing

    Temperature: 22' C (10' lower than normal)

    Protective measures taken: Evacuation of civilians to deep mines and rail/road tunnels & subways. Food and medical supplies being sent by air from central stockpile.

    Neo Olympia

    Civilian Casualties: 2% medium level radiation sickness, 7.5% low level radiation sickness

    Food Stockpiles: Excellent (130% of required levels)

    Radiation: 1 Sv and falling

    Acid rain: 25% deforestation in eastern sector due to rain catchment of the Olympic range, 10% overall

    Temperature: 20' C (10' lower than normal)

    Protective measures taken: Evacuation of civilian population to ARC shelters, 90% compliance to evacuation orders.


    Clear civilians out of shelters in one to two months depending on outside radiation levels and proceed with plans to convert residential areas to hydroponics bays.

    Ensure a greater supply of food an medical supplies to neighbours to prevent an uncontrolled influx of refuges from surrounding areas.

    Statement from Neo Olympian Ministry of the interior and ministry of Agriculture to Australian nations:

    Due to good planning we have a small surplus of food and medical supplies that we will be distributing to Australian nations.

    Please contact us if you require assistance and we will send a team to distribute these to your population.

  14. The Marscurian delegate stands up,

    I wish to add a non-spread clause, so that no new nations shall gain nuclear weapons, whether they are for a deterent or actual use.

    We should also address nuclear power for peaceful electricity and transportation (subs, aircraft carriers) purposes.

    In the fullness of time we will obtain nuclear weapons for use as a deterrent,

    But I pledge on my oath to never to be the first to use these weapons in any war we might ever be involved in, any time in the future.

    We will only ever use them as a deterrent as per our previous proposal and we will not use them as an offensive weapon ever.

    And stopping new nations from obtaining them will make them easy targets for those nations that already have them. So I wish to propose a "no first strike" clause instead of a non-spread clause.

    Nuclear weapons damage everyone, not just their targets. So when one is used the person who uses them hurts not just their enemies, but their allies, neutral nations and most importantly themselves.

    So their use should be closely regulated by everyone since their use effects everyone.

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