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Vasili Markov

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Posts posted by Vasili Markov

  1. A couple of Neo Olympian diplomats led by Kitsume Nasagauwa has been sent to greet the Russians.

    Upon arriving by plane she went to the government offices and introduced herself and asked to speak to the leader.

    "Please accept this humble gift from our government as a token of peace" She said and presented the man with a small case that contained an elaborately decorated gold writing set, She bowed formally as this gift was offered.

    "Hello Leader, We are the representatives of the Olympian Federation, We come in peace and wish to learn of your people. I am Kitsume Nasagauwa and I will be your contact to the leaders of my people." She said and bowed formally "Please tell me of your government style" She added looking inquisitive.

  2. The Storm Dragons were rather suprised at the oddly flippant nature of the language. It was like pieces were missing. Linguists soon deduced there must be a visual and somatic vocabulary that wasn't present. The linguists continued to try to crack what they could of the spoken format... to at least get an understanding of the verbal protocols.

    After a while they tried saying just one word, "Hello?" To see what kind of response it would illicit.

    Chiaku Nazuma, a radio operator in Olympia was randomly scanning various frequencies when he heard a single word spoken in a rough voice "Hello" the voice was heavy accented and sounded like a growl. But whoever it was, was clearly intelligent and had learned one of their words.

    This was indeed puzzling, it lacked inflection and was so faint that it could not be from Olympia, She got in contact with her supervisor "We have encountered a unknown transmission, what shall we do?" The supervisor replied "Do we know where it is from?" Chiaku replied "It seems to be from the north east at a distance of greater than 7000 units, we have also picked up other signals in the area but we can not understand them", "Very well I will contact the ranger first contact squad, They will have a long journey ahead to investigate this, Also I want you to focus a television signal towards that direction and play that children's language program" The supervisor replied. Chiaku went into the tape library and found some of the older episodes of the "Children's Television Hour" and put them in the tape player and pointed a directional antenna to the north east and turned the signal strength dial up to full, "Lets see what they do now" She said to her supervisor and they both nodded at each other and sat around and waited for something to happen.

    Rei Malici and her squad boarded a transport aircraft with float pods in the harbour and the plane flew towards the direction the unknown signals,

    Several other similar planes took off as well and they would drop fuel dumps along the way and return. This was one of the longest flights that Olympia had ever accomplished and they were very excited.

    Eventually they travelled across the great ocean reached the continent that the old maps had shown was there. The maps had warned of many dangers in this area and they landed the plane and continued their journey on motorcycles being careful to avoid areas marked as hazardous until they came close to the border of the area that the signal had came from. There was a small settlement here with a large wall with what looked like turrets on it. The squad then rode up to the gates to see what would happen.

  3. The Storm Dragon radio opperators will be able to hear this very faint transmission from Neo Olympia.

    Neko Cola the drink of the new millennium

    Buy it now!

    It is most pleasant.

    *A short happy tune plays with several people drinking some soda and then having a wonderful time on the beach*


    Sleep on our beds!

    *Several rather luxurious looking beds are shown with people fast asleep on them while a restful song plays in the background*

    And now the 5 o'clock news

    Announcer: a man has caught a 50 pound catfish in Olympic river it is the largest on record for the year. We went and spoke to him.

    Man: I am very happy with this hunt. *The man looks extremely pleased while he holds up a very large fish*

    Announcer: That is a very big fish. You must be an experienced hunter. *The announcer looks amazed*

    Man: I have hunted fish for many years and this is the biggest one I have caught. It will feed my wives and children well. *the man looks proud*

    Announcer: A fire burned down the Persian rug emporium today, five million Shells of damage, Insurance will pay for the damage. *the announcer looks shocked*

    and now back to the music show.

    * Another short tune plays with some people dancing*

    OOC: My nation has a language that incorporates body language, without an understanding of this the language will seem curt and abrupt.

  4. Official Announcement.

    In order to preserve our culturally important treasures the Federation announces that the following areas are now claimed by the federation.



    That is all.

    OOC: Queensland & the Maldives. (Used RL map of Maldives, ignore the place names I will make a better map as soon as I can. I just couldn't find a recognisable blank map of the Maldives)

  5. Physical Description & Characteristics:

    On average this race is slightly built when compared with baseline homo sapians and they are slightly faster and more agile than a normal human, but owing to their small frames they have less strength and endurance than a baseline human. Catfolk are natural gymnasts and sprinters but perform poorly at long distance running and weight lifting. There is some racial variation and exceptions exist to the average but they are uncommon and noteworthy examples of the race. The cat folk have a 5:1 female:male gender ratio so plural marriages are commonplace.


    Race Name: Homo Sapien Felus (Catfolk)

    Diet Type: Omnivore, Favours fish

    Historic Behaviour: Ambush Predator


    The catfolk were created as soldier/slaves for a long lost civilisation but they revolted and overthrew that civilisation hundreds of years ago. They have been living in tribal lifestyle up until recently. They have recently rediscovered some of the simpler old technologies and have begun to modernise on their own terms. They have a meritocracy as their government and have recently begun to explore the world.


    The catfolk language is a complex mix of sign language and spoken words. The language has recently been adapted for use over radios but the people think that the language has lost some of its subtlety with the loss of hand and tail signs over the radio. Without the use of sign language the language seems curt and abrupt to the outside listener but if they learn the sign language component they discover a second layer of meaning in the language that makes the language extremely courteous and poetic.


    The catfolk are a naturally inquisitive and social people and believe strongly in honour and loyalty to their group and their friends.

    They also tend to be highly interested in their appearance and social standing, Honor and duty are the key virtues of the catfolk.

    And face is an important consideration when they make decisions.


    Vasili Markov the leader of the Neo Olympian Federation looked over the city that was mere bushland a few short decades before, he remembered the massive building efforts that the discovery of the old site had brought about, Science was the new religion now and the worship of the old gods was all but forgotten. An attractive young female assistant came in with his tea tray "Thank you Hitomi, that is all" he bowed graciously and she also bowed then he sat down and had a cup of tea. He looked at the various reports from the government in front of him the industry ministry had built several new factories and his private company looked like it would profit enormously from this, he would have to remember to send a gift to Toji for this. He also looked at some reports from the military the new rifles were a great success and the great hunt would be better this year. The rangers had reported that they had seen several other civilisations and provided a short report about each, diplomats would need to be sent to greet them now and the rangers would be rewarded for their success.

  6. By the way not that I am accusing anyone mind you.

    But taking advantage of players struggling to get some RP continuity when the rules changed about mergers is meta-gaming at its finest and I will call shenanigans if there are any declarations before we can get ourselves re-established as independent nations again.

    I want the mods to rule that nobody can declare war on a formerly merged state until they have successfully re-established themselves as independent nations. I think that this is only fair since they caused utter chaos by breaking up mergers that they protect the players effected until they can get back on their feet again and make a few treaties and such.

  7. The air hung silently over the city, not a sound was heard in the streets.

    Earlier that day the sirens had sounded and the population had moved into the vast deep underground shelters that had been prepared.

    The gods of Olympus had turned their backs on the people when all communication was lost with the empire.

    The government had tried the dragon empire codes and nothing worked, it had tried to contact other states and had been met with silence.

    Booby traps had been laid throughout the streets and shops to deter looters and the military moved through the city like ghosts, they had their shelters to go to but they were going to stay ready and protect the assets of the federation so that they would not be lost like last time.

    The few foreign diplomats were moved to an island just offshore and given replacement embassies identical to the ones in the city, they would have a small town with a few carefully chosen government representatives to communicate to the senate with. The island was lush and pleasant with palm trees and a beautiful golden sandy beach, in short a paradise. A airstrip had been cleared from the palm trees on the south of the island and it had a fresh concrete smell, it could accommodate lear-jets and similar commercial jets. Food was sent to the island and it is plentiful and delicious.

    Inside the underground MILCOM bunkers the techs worked feverishly to try and re-establish communications with anyone. No radios worked, the phone lines were cut but still repair crews worked to try and get some measure of communication with the outside world again. General Markov sat at his control desk and pondered the events of the day he had seen the loss of communications as a prelude to a full scale invasion of the empire and had put his state in lock down. "No way are they going to catch me off guard" he said to himself.

  8. I wish to express my dislike of the banning of mergers in the strongest terms possible.

    I put in a lot of work to make a decent minister of defence in the dragon empire and I literally spent hours of my own time researching stuff for use in future RPs and it is ruled invalid. I think that this shows great disrespect for all the effort that myself and the others who were part of the dragon empire put in to making that RP.

  9. The flip side of the idea that only RL aircraft can be used in CNRP is that most of the aircraft in existence have already been "designed" in-game by existing nations.

    And "stealing technology" (using the same type picture for an aircraft for example) can and has been used as a CB in CNRP many times before.

    So there is a problem of coming up with unique artwork or pictures for various vehicles.

    Personally I would say that the vehicle can look like anything reasonable that the "creator" wants, just so long as the same stats as an actual vehicle from that era.

    And on a side note I personally like to experiment with the "road not taken" path of technology, like developing large passenger cruise airships. When in the real world that branch of technology died out because of the Hindenburg disaster. Because I have the opinion that Planet Bob is NOT Planet Earth so some technologies that died on Earth may get a chance to be explored on Bob. Of course people are free to comment on my designs and I will release them as a technology being tested before they actually are put into widespread use in my RP nation and I am open to reasonable comments about them and if enough people can see a flaw then the test of the prototype will be RPed as a failure.

  10. In news today Markov Electronics has announced that it will be launching a charity project for less fortunate children.

    In a press release CEO General Markov said that "I am pleased to announce that the R&D team at Markov Electronics has designed a cheap and durable computer that will be distributed to developing nations to aid them in educating their children. So we are proud to release our latest project ,the Markov-M128 Notebook computer, This computer is a minimum set computer will come pre-programed with various educational applications such as a basic encyclopaedia and a fully featured open source word processor suite as well as a drawing program. These computers have been designed to be shock resistant and waterproof to withstand rough treatment."

    This computer will be distributed at cost price to education departments in developing nations and will also be available on a "buy one, give one" basis to the general public with every computer that they buy paying for one to be sent to a less fortunate child for free. We hope that the public will support this project and help us to help the world.

  11. OOC: In an OOC agreement I have agreed to babysit the Australian Republic for Chancellor Ruben while he takes an extended break, I have agreed to return it to him if and when he decides to return.

    IC: Chancellor Ruben is gravely ill and his government is on the verge of collapse so I am moving in to protect the Australian Republic while he recovers. The Australian Republic is now a protectorate of Neo Olympia and by extension a part of the Dragon Empire.

  12. OOC: My airship can only do 90 kph and loses significant lift at high altitudes because I have to vent gas to prevent the gasbags from rupturing. link

    There is also no way a airship can do 550kph, A airship is a big bulky object and it has too much drag to get to that kind of speed.

    And there are a myriad of good reasons not to use a airship as a warship the first being that the gas bag is incredibly fragile.

    Airships are only really useful as skycranes and as commercial freighters and passenger ships.

  13. Neo Olympia

    7th February 2009

    Markov Electronics Diversifies

    Markov electronics the Neo Olympian multinational electronics manufacturer today announced that it would begin to expand its interests into other areas of the market. CEO General Markov announced that over the next few weeks and months the company would diversify into many different areas to stabilise its position. He announced that Markov Aerospace would be the first of the new companies to launch as a wholly owned subsidiary of Markov electronics & diversified holdings inc. (Stock Code: MEDH) . He also announced that he has plans to launch a air freight company next week depending on the results of the Cargolifter trials.

    Markov Aerospace launches its first product

    Markov Aerospace while still a department of its parent company developed its first product and is please to announce the completion of the first fully functional production model of its first product the Cargolifter Model 1.

    Cargolifter Model 1


    Length 260m

    Diameter 65m

    Total height 82m

    Envelope volume 550,000m³

    Loading platform 50 x 8 x 8m


    Basic weight 260t

    Payload Up to 160t (equivalent to 6x standard 40 foot shipping containers)


    Type 8 x GE CT7-8L turboshaft


    Cruising speed 90km/h

    Range Up to 10,000km

    Pressure height Up to 2,000m

    Buoyant gas Non-flammable helium


    The Cargolifter airship is ideal for moving heavy and/or awkward loads over terrain such as swamps, jungles or mountains where conventional logistics would struggle with such loads.

    It is also a cost effective option for overseas cargo transport that is less expensive than traditional air freight services and faster than surface or submarine cargo vessels.

    OOC: This is a direct copy of the CargoLifter CL160 Super Heavy-Lift Cargo Airship made in Germany today.

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