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Vasili Markov

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Posts posted by Vasili Markov

  1. Vasilli Markov looked at his radio for a few minutes and listened then adjusted it back to the music station he was listening to.

    *sigh* "kids these days, give them a radio transmitter or an datanet connection and they think they own the world." he muttered to himself.

    He made a note of the frequency and would pass it on to intel in the morning, for now he wanted some quiet music so he could go to sleep.

  2. First, you are allowed to kill characters, but not leaders. Second, for them to be a leader, they have to have a nation state to be leader of. But I agree, etiquette left these boards a long while ago, and there have been some horrendous examples.

    I agree that there are many horrendous examples of poor etiquette.

    Hence me trying to bring etiquette back....

    And I think that we really need a code of conduct for players so they know how to behave. Good manners seems so rare these days.

  3. I hate their actions, but not them. Sumeragi could be a really good rper and I think she's making good headwinds, all people have to do is learn how to accept losses without giving up the kitchen sink and how to give losses without obliterating your friend's kitchen sink in the process. It's not that hard to do co-operative RP. Also, if they kept to context, that'd help things, but some do not understand that pushing the envelope of what can be done is a very bad thing.

    The funny thing is if she got caught, then good forum RPG etiquette would not let anyone actually kill her or permanently wreck her RP. She would lose a fair proportion of her high command NPCs and probably have some restrictions placed on her for a while by other characters, but she would be allowed to go after that storyline finished. Good manners would prevent anything less, but actions have consequences and those consequences have to be resolved in some way before the story can progress.

  4. "I can see your point" Captain Crystal replied before he left, "Just the general likes to make sure his the bases are covered before he acts, I will let him know that you want to wait and perhaps that is for the best, we don't want to make too much of a scene if we can get this done discretely he would prefer that option. He just wanted to let you know he had considered all the options. and DKT leaders are on our most wanted list at the moment. But perhaps you had best get in contact with him as soon as possible."

  5. When they got outside Captain Crystal did a quick check of the area to make sure they were alone then said, "The General has looked at the data you gave us, and he agrees something needs to be done to capture these criminals but it might not be wise to play our hand too soon and let them know what we are doing before we can act effectively. We will need to orginize a meeting for tomorrow to share our information about the target and decide on a coordinated plan of action. This also came in the package from the general as well." She handed Maelstrom a cardboard box that had been opened and resealed with tape. "This is a case of wine that he thought you might enjoy."

    Note: The box contains 6 bottles of fine light wine and a box of DVD-ROM disks that contain a complete geographic survey of New Zealand, and oceanographic surveys of all the beaches of New Zealand and the library data on the continent. the discs look to be in restored condition and have the old Novus Niciae University seal on them. A plain disc with "read me" on it has a commentary on the suability of the various beaches for accommodating landing craft and speculation about the military capabilities of c a m b e r l a i n and the criminals in question.

    "The general told me to ask you to call him as soon as you are not being watched"

  6. The Neo Olympian Representative Captain Marie Crystal finished looking at the last of the orders she had gotten from MILCOM about the data she passed on and got up.

    "Gentlemen, In the light of recent developments, I have been instructed to inform you that we will withdraw from this treaty due to various matters of state."

    As she left she bowed to maelstrom with her back to Camberlain's representative and made the battle sign language hand signal "see me outside" in front of her so only the promised land representative and maelstrom could see it and then she smiled and nodded.

  7. President Markov reviewed the various data tapes and documents on his desk that the dragon empire had presented and looked thoughtful for a moment. He listened to the audio tapes again then spoke into the intercom on his desk.

    "Contact the dragon empire and thank them for this information and make sure that Maelstrom gets a case of our best light wine, he has not been well recently and I hope that this perks him up a bit. Also contact the UFE let them know that we are behind them 100% no matter what on this matter. Oh , and have the joint chiefs meet me the the briefing room, I want a full briefing on the capabilities of Camberlain and the remaining DKT forces, I doubt they will react well when this evidence is presented and I want us to be ready for the worst"

    He then turned and left to get the maps of Camberlain and other data related to Camberlain and the DKT from his filing cabinet and put on his hat and left to go to the meeting.

    OOC: I hope that this RP will be allowed to progress....

  8. ooc: I almost never lie in the real world. I willt ell you this much. He wasn't telling the truth. I wrote that whole post for Nebu II and Zeek just edited it. I submitted the logs of the entire conversation we had in IRC plotting against Camberlain to HK47 so he could make his final decision on the issue. I think his decision is fair and equitable. The post was presented as the Truth without any evidence otherwise to let the world react. I guess we now have to tell people when we're lying to them in IC so as to prevent "accusations of metagaming".. which will of course result in some folks not reacting the same as if they had thought it was in fact truth, therefore a kind of tainted meta-gaming also.

    I feel so sorry for Ezequiel. His diplomatic coup was perfectly executed. We can't even make a false claim any more without people saying. "YOU LIE" in ooc.. instead of reacting in RP. That's the crappy area the rp on these boards are rapidly heading for.

    I agree Ezequiel's post would of been perfectly valid if it is viewed as him making a false claim and saying it is a fact. But people reacted as if he had concrete evidence when he never actually did present any evidence other than his testimony.

    I also feel that the amount of OOC comments has gotten out of hand with speculation and questioning of every IC action becoming increasingly commonplace.

    Out of character comments have no place in a RP and should be put in this thread and not in the actual RP because they tend to derail threads. And I do not want to spend more time reading OOC comments than actual IC content.

  9. Neo Olympia is disturbed by this news and calls for Camberlain to answer these allegations by presenting clear evidence that will dismiss them once and for all.

    OOC: My spelling checker auto-corrects "misspelled" words sometimes.

    OOC: Please make a OOC discussion thread. Because there are more OOC posts in this thread than IC posts.

  10. We can assure New Cymru that our civilian fishing vessels are keeping a safe distance and are only being used to ferry survivors to land.

    The coast guard vessels in the area are naval veterans of our predecessor and have skilled engineers, they are taking appropriate measures to protect themselves and the crews of the cutters they serve aboard against the radioactive hazard posed by the damaged reactors.

    Here is a status report:

    550 bodies recovered

    150 survivors in critical condition

    175 survivors in serious yet stable condition

    20 survivors with no injuries or minor injuries

    Our search will continue for a further 72 hours then we must retire to resupply our coast guard cutters.

    All injured sailors will be transported to the nearest medical facility capable of treating them.

  11. Pacifica City:

    29th January 2009

    Today 1.5 tons of high grade heroin was discovered in a shipping container that arrived on a freighter from Chamberlain. Tom Green a local stevedore at the docks remarked "What gave them away was the unusually weathered appearance of the container and the fact it was not on the cargo manifest so I contacted the customs provosts"

    The captain of the vessel and his crew are currently assisting the provost service with their enquires.

    Of particular note is an unusual marking on the crate that reads "旭日帝國", the provost service is currently searching for shipping companies with this name.

    The Provost service has stated that they are investigating this and would not comment further beyond what they said.

    The foreign ministry will be in contact with government of Chamberlain to discuss coordinating their efforts to shut-down this smuggling ring.

    OOC: Enable East Asian languages on your browser if you can not see the non English characters in this post.

  12. Even if Ez did not know any actual facts he can still say what he likes. Does it make it true? No. But he can say it.

    Even if a GM rules that he did not have access to that info then his thread should still be valid, the only difference would be that he is made up something that sounded plausible instead of having actual "facts".

  13. Let me begin by stating that Neo Olympia has a zero tolerance policy towards terrorism and views such organisations as enemies of global stability.

    And we have confirmed our intelligence that Chamberlain was in league with the former Sumeragi from multiple sources one of whom was the New Taiwanese Empire, A nation that has recently reasserted its independence and dissolved its merger with Chamberlain. And we have every reason to believe that they had access to the highest levels of classified information while they were merged so their information on this affair carries additional weight and such we regard their information as extremely reliable.

    However Neo Olympia would be willing to reverse its vote if Chamberlain can present evidence to prove that they did not either directly or indirectly support the former Sumeragi after she was deposed as leader of DKT and her terrorist activities.

    OOC: I will view eze's thread as being valid until a mod deletes it or makes a post saying it did not happen. I do not like doing a ret-con on an entire storyline since this leads to confusion of what is and is not a valid thread in future.

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