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Vasili Markov

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Posts posted by Vasili Markov

  1. Forum Name: Vasili Markov

    Nation of Choice: The Horde of the Golden Fist (Upper Clan)

    Character Role of Choice: Barbarian Warlord

    Name of Choice: Kalisha Longblade

    Weapons of Choice: Greatsword, Spears, Hatchet, Dagger, Long bow.

    Skills: Exotic Mount (A Siberian Tiger) , Charismatic Leadership, Millitary Strategist, Wilderness Survival

    Character description:

    A 6'5 woman with short black hair, She is muscular from years of living on the steppe and fighting many duels.

    She assended to the leadership of the Horde of the Golden Fist by slaying the previous warlord Rargnos Silvermane in single combat in a trial of strength.

    She is a master of hit and run tactics and will strike at unguarded villages and lightly guarded outposts without warning and put them to the sword and torch before vanishing just as fast as she arrived.


    OOC: I noticed a lack of bad guys here so I made you one. We still need more people on the horde side.

  2. I am excited by this idea, finally some action in CNRP that we can all RP.

    A nuclear winter is survivable,

    Granted we won't be in great shape at the end,

    but those not directly affected by the blasts and fallout will still be around.

    Some of the European powers will still be around also,

    depending on if they can find realistic solutions to the radioactivity of the area.

    And those who survive will hopefully be wiser,

    and choose conventional military solutions or heaven forbid,

    Diplomactic solutions to their problems.

    The nuclear weapons are a weapon of last resort,

    and hopefully the survivors will realise that,

    and be more reluctant to use them as a "cure all" for all their problems.

    This is not the end of the story, just the end of a chapter and how the story progresses is up to all of us.

  3. Across Neo Olympia seismographs went off the scale, as nuclear fire rained down on the northern hemisphere.

    The world had descended into a nuclear inferno and now it was time to go through the crucible.

    The fallout was contained mostly to the northern hemisphere so radioactivity would not be an issue.

    But nuclear winter was approaching and it was time to use the plans that had been put in place many months ago.

    Acid rain might be a problem for a few months so the hydroponic farms in the shelters were put to full capacity production to cover the shortfall of food over the next few years until the land recovered. These would be expanded since the shelters were not needed after the main acid rain had passed and they would increase productivity. Scientists would be instructed to double and redouble their research into food production, This and the stockpiles of grain and other non perishables would ensure that nobody would really starve.There would be no luxuries for several years but a basic existence could be guaranteed.

    The General looked out of his office at from the senate building and shook his head, he had seen this coming it was an inevitable consequence of the political situation in Europe, he had tried to stop it but he did not have the resources. And now it was time to reap the whirlwind. This would be a trial of fire for the world and at the end he hoped he would be around to reforge it into something better and more just.

    "Marcus" he said to one of the senate aides "Have you heard from the Australian coalition yet?"

    "No sir, nothing yet but I am sure that they will be in contact soon" The aide replied

    "Well let them know that we are prepared for this nuclear winter" The general said in a gruff voice "We will help them set up hydroponic farms, and such."

    "Right away Sir" The aid said and saluted then went to the communications room to write a message for the general to approve .

    It was sent later on in the day.

  4. Because I like multiple others become disillusioned with the way people are treated by the GMs in that game OOC based on whether their IC actions are on one side or not. I am also disillusioned with the excuse that if we didn't see it, its our fault for not objecting. I would rather create a new system that has a fresh start. I am tired of being treated like !@#$ in #cnrp because I am fighting a war that the GMs don't see eye to eye with us ICly.

    I agree with this statement.

  5. I shall RP a nuclear winter and minor fallout. Perhaps a few years when summer never comes and substandard food production for normal agriculture but that will probably be the extent of it.

    I have a decent shelter system and hydroponic food and a seed bank.

    I am sitting pretty now.

    Really, even I saw this coming and took precautions.

  6. Neo Olympia is extending its harbour fortifications to include flak towers through out the major cities. These towers will also serve as government office buildings.

    Also we have installed Faraday cages on all electrical equipment as a precaution against EMP weapons and as a safety measure all electrical equipment is to be made to class 2 standard and class 3 if it is vital equipment.

    OOC: The Faraday cage was invented in 1836 so it is well within my tech capability and Flak Towers are 1945 technology. (100 tech.)

  7. The Guard nodded. He took the wine carefully and made a gesture with a clawed hand that seems to indicate to follow him. They were taken back behind the walls, the turrets.. the gates closed behind them. The guard took them to, basically a guardhouse next to the wall. He picked up a phone and spoke into it, "Visitors.. cat folk. Diplomacy have a dossier on them?".... "Neo Olympians? You have an interpreter.. okay.. please hold.." He offered the phone to the ranger.

    It is assumed the ranger will likely pick up, if they do, they hear this, "Greetings from the Storm Dragon Empire, we have been anticipating you may arrive. You're going to need to come to the City of Dragonisia, to the capitol, to meet our leaders. Follow the guard, he will put you on a high speed rail to here." They spoke in the cat folk's tongue.

    The ranger said in accented Draconic "This is acceptable, we will take our motorbikes as well, we look forward to meeting you and trading with your people", The party of rangers then got directions to the train station and rode there.

  8. CNRP getting its own sub forum and nobody else gets one it would amount to a mod endorsement of it being the only official RP.

    If CNRP gets a forum so should every RP with more than 20 players then it will be fair to the other systems.

  9. I not see a problem with multiple systems it makes RP more interesting.


    Original Story line

    Long-standing developed plot lines


    Tech Sharing frowned on

    Mergers officially BANNED

    Enforcement of IG stats ranges from exemptions to harsh enforcement.



    World is open to new players

    Non standard tech is OK within reason (A tank can be a man in power armour if you have the tech to build it, but it is still a "tank" of that TL for combat purposes).

    Non human races are allowed provided they are no more powerful than a baseline human.

    Consistent enforcement of IG stats with no exceptions.

    Tech sharing officially ok.

    Mergers officially ok.


    Very new

    Uncrowded map

    Consistant enforcement of IG stats with no exceptions.

    Tech sharing allowed?

    Mergers allowed on a case by case basis

  10. The rangers dismounted and dusted themselves off.

    The took a large box of scrolls from the back of the motorcycle and spoke to a guard.

    *Clears Throat* "Greetings, we are a party from Olympia and we wish to speak with your leader, we have brought a gift of scrolls containing the stories of out people as a token of friendship, We wish to speak with your leader about trading between us" The ranger captain said in thickly accented draconic as she read from a scroll. She had recently had the scroll delivered by a messenger from the ship.

    She reached into her leg pouch and produced a small bottle of wine and offered it to the guard. "Please see to it that we see him soon" she said and smiled.

  11. A small float plane landed in a nearby lake and three rangers climbed out and got into an inflatable raft,

    The were wearing ranger uniforms.


    They loaded a large stone covered in intricate writing onto the raft and rowed to the shore and lugged the stone to the village where the radio waves had come from. The stone was a copy of the great keystone found at the dig site and contained enough of the ancient languages so that a person could translate the writings on some of the old artefacts in Olympia and Chief Markov though that a copy of it might be of use here.

    When they got to the outskirts of the village the stopped near a field and put the stone down.

    One of the rangers went into a field were someone was working and slowly and deliberately said this.

    "Excuse me, I am from the Olympian tribal federation and we have a gift for Chief Chamberlain From Chief Markov"

    OOC & Secondary Canon note: The language of the ancients is English for the sake of simplicity and as an adventure hook to give us a common language. Similar stones can be found all over the place, they are quite common. I am halfway thru writing "The legacy of the ancients" storyline now, consider this a teaser.

  12. My official answer: Nuts.

    Message to the Lusitanian.

    Flank speed towards Triyunica.

    Try and outrun these pests.

    Keep broadcasting and do not fire the first shot.

    If a boarding party looks likely detonate the scuttling charges. and bail out.

    we will send a ship for you.

  13. OOC: just because I did not say they were there does not mean that they are there. or that they are actual journalists. It could just be the ships crew on the radio pretending to be journalists. Not godmoding just bluffing. And if you respond to this knowledge IC you will be godmoding.

  14. The freighters are going to international waters as per standard operating procedures.

    We do not enter territorial waters unless it is the intended destination or it is an emergency.

    And if it is an emergency we will let you know with distress calls.

    ***Classified to Triyun***

    We request a naval escort from you once we hit the halfway mark.

    We are proceeding at full speed to the halfway mark.

  15. We are sending the mixed freighter NNOV Lusitanian to the UFE as planned our trade with our Francoist allies will continue uninterrupted.

    We advise the AC that this ship is a military ship as are all our ships, we are in a state of emergency since the dragon empire collapsed and as such all civilian ships have been commandeered for the duration.

    Firing on our ships will be considered an unequivocal act of war. We regret that it has come to this but we have our duties and you have yours.

    I do not wish a war but it circumstances call for me to keep my word regardless of the cost, surely you would do likewise in similar circumstances.

    We did not start the mess in Europe, We do not like the mess in Europe, But it is our duty to assist our allies in Europe and we have swore an oath to that.

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