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Vasili Markov

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Posts posted by Vasili Markov

  1. Neo Olympia has completed its deliberations for each matter separately and the senate has instructed me to convey the following.

    Having reviewed this intelligence and other intelligence I have received on this matter I have no choice but to conclude that Chamberlain is in violation of the articles of the AUA treaty and must be expelled.

    As for the second motion that "The New Taiwanese Empire" be admitted into the AUA. We have no objections to this and will vote to accept.

    Motion 1:


    Motion 2:


  2. The Dragonisian envoy lays down the news articles in which this is reference to. Here.

    "If, and it is a very big if, the allegations are found to be true that Camberlain harbors these criminals (former leadership of the DKT) then it would be a violation of the AUA treaty by failing to share strategic intelligence. We fully encourage Camberlain to co-operate with international authorities and allow a multilateral investigation into the potential presence of the leadership of the former DKT in their domain among the DKT citizen national population. If this is a true, Camberlain should also be concerned noting the past acts in which this empire attempted to do multiple.. extensively ecologically devastating acts against this region in the seeking their own national defense. Not only that, they invoked a nuclear war and a nuclear strike upon their own domain.. We would consider the presence of these treaties of the utmost threat to our national and regional security. Do not let your citizens perish and suffer because you would harbor a few that have made ill judgments as I assure you.. if this were found to be true, you surely would be the target of many even if not ourselves. If the allegations are not true, then this investigation will be spent worthlessly chasing ghosts and Camberlain would be out nothing."

    Neo Olympia seconds this and calls for a vote for the AUA to investigate the degree of Camberlain's involvement in this affair and the allegations that they are harbouring wanted war criminals.

  3. Freemasonry is an accepted social institution in Neo Olympia and many of our high ranking officials are members. We have found that freemasonry is no threat to national security and the organisation promotes good citizenship and strong moral values which are a great benefit to us.

  4. A pair of Bahamut fighters and a C-130 transport landed at the airport and Prime minister General Abigail Johns climbed out of the $@pit of her fighter and went to the C-130 to change into her dress uniform. A group of rangers from the transport took up positions near the fighters an the transport and talked to each other.

    The rear cargo door of the C-130 opened and a limo with 6 motorcycle escorts drove out of the aircraft and on to the runway and onto the ball. Upon arriving she introduced herself to the man at the door and made her way into the ballroom with her aides.

  5. My army shall participate.

    How many troops will be allowed per side?

    And when will the wargames begin?

    I shall be happy to send a couple of engineer units to the area to prepare a few simulated villages and settlements to make things more interesting.

  6. Nation Name: Neo Olympia

    Nation Ruler: President General Vasili Markov

    Ambassador Name: Major Chikako Watanabe.

    Can we open an embassy in your nation: Yes

    5 acres of land has been made available for the establishment of a Cainette embassy in the diplomatic district of Neo Olympia city. You may choose to use our highly skilled local building contractors to build your embassy to your specifications.

  7. The Neo Olympian Provost service is on the look out for any man who resembles Ebenzer Pinkerton or Elijah Anderson . A forensic artist has also been commissioned to provide a portrait of these individuals without the extremely distinctive make-up and accessories shown in the pictures.

  8. This latest announcement by Camberlain concerns us.

    At face value this violates the free trade agreement of the AUA.

    We are interested in other signatories views on this matter.

    I have no problem with my shipping containers being searched as long as none are sent back without good reason.

    There are many reasons why a container needs to be searched, such as maintaining quarantine to maintain a barrier for introduced pests that could damage agriculture and the continuing war on illegal drugs that are being smuggled by criminal cartels.

    We maintain strict searches of all our outgoing freight to ensure that all our exports are of the highest quality and free from pests and contraband.

    Our provost service also searches random incoming freight to combat drug smuggling and organised crime, but our searches are designed to minimise any interruption to regular legitimate trade.

  9. Name of Nation: Neo Olympia

    Ambassador: Major Ian McAlpine

    What security arrangements need to be made: 30 embassy guards (Neo Olympian Army Special Diplomatic Protection Service), 2 humvees, 6 motorcycles, 1 armoured limousine, 1 Transport helicopter. 5 guard dogs will also patrol the grounds with their handlers. All guards will have standard infantry kit when on duty.

    Type of building: Neo Classical complex of buildings set on parkland, With a 10 meter tall stone wall surrounding the compound. A helepad and hanger is on the roof of the main building.

    Consulate or embassy/ High commission: Consulate, I will upgrade this to a full embassy if the ambassador is granted diplomatic immunity.

    What you hope to gain from Esvokerstanian Partnership and friendship.

    The primary goal of this consulate is to provide a point of contact for official communications between our governments.

    The consulate will provide assistance to Neo Olympian citizens and allied nationals who do not have a consulate/embassy in the nation.

    This consulate will provide access to immigration services for anyone wishing to emigrate.

    Would you like us to transport things like mail and food into your embassy?

    We can make our own arrangements for the transport of supplies to the embassy using local shops and such for food supplies. Mail will be collected by the gate guard.

    For us to consider a full embassy we will require standard diplomatic immunity for the ambassador and their staff (they get expelled as persona non grata if they violate any laws and will be punished by our laws in our courts, a prosecutor from the host nation is allowed to participate in the trial) and a diplomatic pouch privilege (A bag that is not subject to security checks, used for the transport of confidential items)

  10. Can you explain this part?

    What I mean is if for instance Player A decided to tribute a certain amount of money to player B every year for reasons related to CNRP then the Net National Income of player A would go down while player B's would go up. Or if Player A decides to sell a certain item in the RP (like a particularly cool looking tank for instance) then their CNRP income would improve because of these RP sales.

  11. There are several things that need to be taken into account to make this idea for a in-game economy workable.

    I have included the original formula here for reference.

    Nation GDP = (Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day) x IG Citizens x 36500

    1) This formula only calculates total GDP, and no nation ever spends 100% of its GDP so a rules for taxation system need to be included to provide the portion of the GDP that is available for government spending. I would suggest amending the formula to calculate total taxation revenue like so;

    National annual taxation revenue = (Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day) x IG Citizens x 36500 x Taxation rate (as a percentage)

    2) And some items need maintenance so the amount that is spent on these recurring expenses needs to be calculated.

    The following formula can obtain this figure.

    National Maintenance Costs = Daily IG bills x 36500

    3) And by deducting maintenance costs from taxation revenue we will be left with the available base amount of money that the player can actually spend in a year.

    Base Annual National Net income = National annual taxation revenue - National Maintenance Costs.

    4) (Optional) Then we can factor in the additional income and expenses that the player has accrued by roleplaying their nation to arrive at the RP Annual National income.

  12. $32,047,929,290.00 (and growing daily)

    Too many rules is just as bad (and arguably worse) as not enough rules. I for one don't want to have to reference a pile of rules every time I do something. Rules should exist to enhance RP not to limit it, And having too may rules in a system encourages rules lawyers.

    Plus this system fails to take trade, aid or projected growth into account so it is a flawed model.

  13. CombatArmor.jpg

    The Department of the Army has recently purchased and customised a new combat armour system and designed a new rifle for general issue to all infantry and provost units.

    This armour has the following specifications:

    Armour type: Steel/Ceramic composite reinforced kevlar

    Stopping power: Classified

    Features: Integrated IR/Night-vision sights in helmet, C3 Backpack computer, Helmet mounted Digital Camera, Heads Up Display, Basic NBC Protection (Enhanced with gas mask (not shown)).

    (OOC: Triyun's Standard Combat armor with a few cosmetic changes, purchased via trade)

    Notes: This armour is the standard field uniform of all army & provost personnel. A field/officer cap is issued as part of the uniform to be worn in non hostile areas with the helmet stowed on a lanyard on the harness. The 1st ranger division will wear a green beret instead of the field cap and Provosts will have a red beret or helmet.


    Neo Olympian Arms ACR-01 Advanced Combat Rifle


    Weight 7.12 lb (3.2 kg)unloaded

    Length 30.7 in (780 mm)

    Barrel length 21.3 in (541 mm)

    Cartridge 5.56x45mm SCF (synthetic case flechette)

    Rate of fire Semi automatic, burst, fully automatic

    Muzzle velocity 4,757 ft/s (1,450 m/s)

    Feed system 24-round box magazine

    Notes: This weapon has an integrated digital camera, a weapon aiming gyroscope & a laser sight/range finder that can interface with the armour systems backpack via a data cable.

    (RL OOC Data: Steyr ACR, Design Date: 1987)

  14. To accomplish the goal of improving the standing of Francoism throughout the world the nation of Neo Olympia asks that Neo Triyunica share her technological knowledge by allowing our young people to attend your colleges and universities. In exchange for this we naturally will pay the full fees of these students and any technological breakthroughs based on their education will be shared automatically.

    OOC: this is a tech sharing agreement with semi-realistic RP reason for why my effective TL will go up. :)

  15. I am very much independent in in my political decisions for my nation although I choose to follow the Francoist philosophy when considering my options.

    The reasons for my objection to the agreement in question are simple. I examined the past record of Rebel Army in getting involved in wars and I judged that it would be too much of a risk us to be honour bound to rush to their aid in every time they got involved in a war.

    But do not mistake my caution for disrespect, I have nothing but the highest respect for Rebel Army but their apparent views and my own are too dissimilar in regards to matters of war for us to be a harmonious match in this regard.

  16. We would like to purchase enough of the Standard Infantry Armour to outfit our army and a squadron of A-10 Dragon's Claw ground attack aircraft. We would also be very interested in acquiring several suits of the advanced armour for the elite presidential guards and myself.

    Please send us a quote about the pricing of these items.

  17. I pretty much agree with Botha, but why not rename 'News' as 'CNRP' with the explanation text making it clear it is entirely separate to the 'in game' CN. Then rename the others as required.

    I think that this is a good idea.

    CNRP has grown enough now to need its own subforum.

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