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Vasili Markov

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Posts posted by Vasili Markov

  1. The Federation of Neo Olympia extends a warm invitation to all the nations of the world to send their representatives to attend the re-opening of the senate and council and to also attend a conference afterwards where any questions you might have about the new kingdom will be answered by General Vasili Markov himself.

    Dress Standard: Formal Wear / Dress Millitary Uniform

  2. Neo Olympia City:

    Lost patrol found:

    Today a lost patrol from the old kingdom has made contact with a border patrol.

    They were in remarkably good condition and the General has expressed hope that further such lost units will be discovered in the coming weeks.

    There is a formal ceremony to be held tomorrow to welcome them back on the MILCOM HQ assembly area and all off duty unit commanders and NCOs stationed in the capital are ordered to attend. Other personnel are invited to attend.

    A light lunch and refreshments will be served afterwards.

    Capital building refurbished.

    The old Nician senate & council building has just been refurbished and elections for councillors and examinations for the senate will commence on the 4th of January of 2009. Candidates are expected to have their credentials filed at MILCOM HQ by no later than the 30th of December to be considered for election/examination.

    General Markov has publicly stated that this will be the beginning of the re-establishment of the old kingdom's organs of government and martial law will be relaxed as soon as a civil police force is established. He then went on to say that he will be occupying the post of prime minister previously held by Charles Johns and will endeavour to live up to the accomplishments of his predecessor.

    Building collapse in industrial district.

    The old tank works on the outskirts of the city collapsed today, two members of the work team assigned to refurbishing that building were admitted to hospital and are said to be in a serious but stable condition. A formal enquiry will be held to determine the cause of the collapse.

    Olympian Vineyards releases its first batch of wine.

    The Olympian wine company today released its first batch of wine. it is a high quality red desert wine that has a fruity taste with a hint of oak. Henry Jackson the well respected wine critic rated the wine as being five star quality.

    This wine will be marketed under the "ambrosia" brand and made available to the international market for export.

  3. As the former Empress ends her satellite call, she turns around to face yet another camera, this time it was a big announcement, one that will broadcast all the way to the Europe and African plates....

    'I, Former Empress of Taiwan, announce the revival of The Taiwanese Empire, I shall be The Empress forever more. All Taiwanese has been regained, with the acceptance of a little of the land which is useless to the Empire. Thanks to New Cymru, Wanatet Corp. and The Chola Empire, they shall all have access to all Taiwanese water, islands and mainland.'

    'That is all, Thank you.'


    Neo Olympia Recognises The Taiwanese Empire and wishes it success and prosperity.

  4. When the !@#$ hits the fan, and Osama Bin Laden is found, when there is a snowball fight in hell, and animal control has to buy planes to catch the pigs in the sky.

    I was just about to suggest porcine aviation as one of the signs.

  5. Here is a short official biography of Vasili Markov that the Neo Olympian foreign office has released to the various news agencies of the world.

    General Vasili Markov

    Age: 32

    Gender: Male

    Current Position:

    Commander in Chief of Olympian Millitary.

    Head of State.

    Head of Government.

    Former Positions Held:

    Colonel in the Nician Defence forces

    Commander of Special Forces.

    Director of Z.E.R.O. (Zombie Emergency Response Organisation)


    Hero of the Nician Empire medal.

    Distinguished Service Medal (Triple Award)

    Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (Double Award)

    Africa Medal (Command cross)

    Asia Medal (Command cross)

    Oceania Medal (Command cross with diamond cluster and swords) [Outstanding Performance, Personally lead a combat unit in battle to victory against superior numbers when defeat seemed certain]

    Wound medal

    Expert Marksman Badge (Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Sub Machine Gun, Machine Gun).

    Mechanised unit Badge.

    Ranger Badge.

    Good Conduct Medal.


    Before enlisting in the military, he led an unremarkable life as the heir to a vast fortune from the prominent Markov electronics company.

    After the Diaspora of the empire caused by the collapse of the old kingdom he resumed his role as the director of Markov Electronics but he found it unsatisfying and dreamed of a return to the old days when he "made a difference" in his own words.

    So he is using his fortune to finance an attempt to rebuild in the spirit of the old kingdom and lead it back to its past grandeur.

  6. OOC: I see. Welcome. :)


    The Eastern Union would like to purchase 5 acres with which to build an embassy in New Olympia. We will send foreign diplomats upon its completion, if that is agreeable.

    That is acceptable.

    Welcome to Neo Olympia please enjoy your stay.

    *Message has Several Diplomatic Visas and a list of licence plate numbers for use on diplomatic vehicles enclosed*

  7. The Nation of Neo Olympia is pleased to announce that it has completed training their foreign office staff.

    An office suite will be made ready for any nation that applies for one in our spacious new foreign ministry building complex upon its completion.

    The option to purchase a plot of land and build your own embassy is also available and 5 acre embassy lots are available on a first come first served basis.

  8. Ok I am curious.

    I have done a bit of reading and I have seen that several nations have exemptions from using their ingame stats in RP for various reasons.

    And I am wondering if I could get a similar exemption.

    Here is the back story I am planning on using to explain higher than indicated stats.

    My nation is comprised of expatriates from my former nation who were the core of the military and scientific elite.

    And they have access to a few hidden underground warehouses that contain relic technology and equipment.

    I was wondering what if anything this would allow my nation to get any tech or infra for RP purposes only.

  9. Excellent! ^_^ Will you be coming back to CN RP as well? We missed your voice of reason, it's been a madhouse! :o Good to have you back.

    I am planning a story arc to cover my re-entry into CN RP.

    I have made a initial post in the news section and more is planned as I write it and I get settled back into CN.

    It feels good to be in the saddle again.

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