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Demosthenes Locke

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Everything posted by Demosthenes Locke

  1. So you guys are just suiciding at this point. Great strategy, TPF.
  2. The OP's picture is absolutely adorable.
  3. Yes. GOONS are back. But they're not the old GOONS. This thread is pointless.
  4. Ragnarok asked for our help. Because they asked us, we activated the aggression clause. We don't bandwagon. We will never bandwagon. Don't offend me by implying we bandwagon ever again.
  5. I love you, Proximus. I want your son to marry my daughter one day.
  6. Blah, blah, blah... Don't assume that CN only functions because you're around. Everyone will get on fine without you. You're not that integral to the game.
  7. And that, my friends, is called an "$@!-fact." Definition: $@!-fact (n.) an erroneous statement structured to look as if it is fact. Usually referred to as "talking out of one's $@!." Look your facts up before you make your own, kid. R&R has never gone to war except to honor our treaties. Which, from the looks of it, is quite uncommon these days.
  8. UPN. They've only got a small taste of what R&R offers.
  9. Superfriends will not split. Stop making idiotic assumptions based on nothing. This war is still too early in its execution to determine anything.
  10. So let me see if I got this right... You're not fighting alongside NPO in this war. However, anyone who bandwagons onto NPO's destruction for the lulz will be attacked by MHA. Correct?
  11. Welcome to the party, FOK. We're glad to have you with us.
  12. Dear Emperor, Stop !@#$%*ing. You sound like a child. Cheers, DL
  13. Let's taste manflesh tonight. o/ R&R o/ SF
  14. Oh, shut up. Stop making useless threads.
  15. What I expected of Pacifica. Poor form, guys.
  16. I fully support this. /idontgivea!@#$aboutMogar
  17. Hey guys, thanks--I'm trying to get my sugar/wheat trade back so I can keep that population boost. And I switched my nation position on nukes--gave me $10 more per civilian--thanks Cao!
  18. Hey all, got a question for you. Last night, I had around 2947 infrastructure, and around 29,000 citizens. This morning, I bought enough infrastructure to reach 3007. Now I have 26,000 citizens. I was all up to date with improvements (as a matter of fact, I bought one last night), now it says that I have -3 improvements available. Was there a change to the game as to how things are calculated?
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