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Everything posted by Bower3aj

  1. maybe you or somebody else would like to post a link to this NAP, because you are not describing a NAP. A NAP means "I don't attack you, you don't attack me" not "I don't attack you, you don't attack me, and nobody else attacks you". If that's the case I need to encourage every alliance to get 1 NAP, since apparently two alliances signing it means every alliance signs it. Do you see where you're wrong yet? NAP =/= protection from non-signatories.
  2. you realize that a NAP protects them in no way right? it just says you won't fight them, it doesn't say anything about any other alliance. So you forced a treaty on them, not for their protection, but for your convenience
  3. good things are good well done, you paid your reps with no hassle and it didn't take long even with King Ed wanting to ensure that reliable people, not just any old joe, were sending them. Bravo, and best of luck out there
  4. why would either want this? Oh right.... Why does GDI want this? I would say both, but RV doesn't really care and will do whatever anyway. Dangerous for GDI, but then again, what's new?
  5. what is this I don't even... for real though. what's this?
  6. I only didn't get a medal because Mayz loves watching me bend over. That's right Mayz. I'm on to you! )): Mayzie )):
  7. bout time. This should have been signed like... hmmm... before I even ruled a nation. o/ the 57th o/ the Lodge
  8. apology accepted (at least for my part). This is TE after all Owned You
  9. I don't know if ours jumped up... or if yours jumped down We gained 5 members on or since your DoW. All of them are in an AZTEC alliance in SE. They heard the call for war and either made some nations or switched over to our AA. Either way, even with our continued growth, our new members, and your continued downturn and loss of members, you're still stronger than us by the numbers. We're still the underdog here
  10. If you didn't know NV is related to AZTEC than you clearly don't know a whole lot about FA, or follow any politics. Especially since AZTEC has been around longer than you have, and NV has always been in it. Which leads me to tell you that talking about something you know nothing about is generally regarded as a poor choice. Only generally though. Secondly, Mayzie didn't say anything about him being in 6 wars making him good. ilselu1 said they'd better watch out, cause hell hath no furry like a drunk Mazyie (and he's ALWAYS drunk). ilselu1 isn't even in Aztec in either SE or TE, as far as I can tell (he doesn't have his TE nation displayed and if he has one it doesn't match his SE name). So your wrong again. Also, you talk a big game telling other people that you know nothing about that they suck when you're standard of doing great is declaring 3 offensive wars and getting anarchied because of it. I understand the idea of a challenge but being suicidal doesn't make you a good ruler either. Finally, what numbers are you looking at? AZTEC has gone up in NS everyday since this war started, TRG has dropped. TRG has had members bail on them due to the war, AZTEC has not. TRG has ZERO POWs AZTEC has ONE. Gee, you know what? you're right TRG is winning and kicking our butts. I beg AZTEC to bow down to the mighty TRG! Hell, I'm not even fighting. We have less men on the battlefield already. Don't even need to fight. Don't worry though. I'll be in a war soon enough Space Monkey. Don't you worry
  11. no prob Mayz I know how to solve these problems anyway Well TRG at least you're not fighting an alliance 2/3 your size anymore. you've only got 2 more members now o/ AZTEC
  12. wow.. [insert tons of what may be considered trolling that I cut] show some respect. Mayz is a successful alliance leader. He's also a fierce fighter. if you don't believe it see if you can take him on, but I know you'll loose.
  13. They would have got killed anyway. Villen would have destroyed them, and then Dynomite would have destroyed them for breaking surrender terms.
  14. so... AvT who is RoK tri, doesn't know what his vice chancellor is doing in a diplomatic situation? The whole you'll know what I mean shortly part suggests an announcement to be made out here about it. I don't think that one of those can be made without the tri's approval. Hell, I don't even think a non-tri member can make a post for RoK (I might be wrong on that). What are you pulling here Ryan? besides, the whole cryptic talk thing worked well for Vox, it doesn't work well for GDI. Either announce it or save it until it's finished. K? good
  15. that's only because we've come to expect the humiliating, embarrassing, and degrading from you. 'Grats TMF, not like we didn't all know Ryan would back down after realizing that the world still wants to see him hurt. another let down...
  16. normally it would be like saying "this is a PIAT but we like each other enough that if you mess with the other one than we'll consider taking you down... oh and we may just help them steal your lunch money" but in this case you leave out the "this is a PIAT" part. No non-aggression, no intelligence, no aid. It's beautifully stupid. I can't wait until Ryan attacks the triple Entente. For I will be there telling them to request GDIs help in fighting GDI, as the treaty will not have been broken. Can you imagine the hilarity?
  17. correct Boris... anywho, glad to see that neither alliance keeps their sovereignty, and they can attack each other without breaking any pesky clauses. also " it is highly considered encouraged to help each other in the time of an offensive war as a sign of strong relations between each other." fixed that for ya
  18. o/ US! I got my hopes way to high in the search for the 2,000,000 strength competition. I used some very, VERY loose math to guesstimate (my mac has just confirmed to me that it recognizes guesstimate as an actual word!) the answer. I just neglected to include the math of the (then) impending war... Also, gotta our allies
  19. nicely done I await to see where this leads o/ NV o/ NoR
  20. Some have mentioned Superfriends. I will mention AZTEC as an exception to this rule. You just over look us because we're not made up of giant alliances, but NV, The Lodge, and 1TF will always ride together.
  21. o/ NV mighty fine protectors you got there OK
  22. Karma n: 1. (In Hinduism or Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. 2. Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation. or in layman's terms: Bad or good things happen to reflect the past actions of someone even easier to understand: bad things happen to bad people HEY! this war and these reps fit the definition of Karma. Sorry it isn't convenient.
  23. correct CtG... but we can also find this: Ryan doesn't exactly LIE here. TCW did not involve ALL the CoMA alliances. just 75% of the 4 that existed. In other words, 1 CoMA alliance wasn't in this war.
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