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Everything posted by hobbies0310

  1. Feel like this was rushed but still poor showing recruiting there members.
  2. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1312822950' post='2774971'] It's clear that PB is going to roll C&G. [/quote] I lol'd
  4. updated. only need uranium wheat. sign up
  5. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1312259161' post='2769809'] That topic title is the most obnoxious thing I've read in a long time. [/quote] You actually read it? Nub
  6. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1312259161' post='2769809'] That topic title is the most obnoxious thing I've read in a long time. [/quote] You actually read it? Nub
  7. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1312048167' post='2767729'] You hush, i like my GRL capped [/quote] But i need to collect taxes!!! It was already capped from the pacifica war forever dang it, and this war is pretty much meaningless.. haha.
  8. Do you have forums? I was thinking of signing up.....
  9. Disband so the war will stop and the gloabal radiation will go down
  10. Please let them fight and get it over with, the global radiation is reducing my tax collection
  11. Idk when itl be, but hopefully it is very long and wipes out everyones warchests.
  12. Best trade circle in the game [Water]- Squid [Wheat]- TragicOne [Fish]- [Marble]- Squid [Pigs] - Arius [Lumber]- TragicOne [Sugar]- shwypn [Spices]- Arius [Iron]- shwypn [Aluminum]- Hobbies0310 [Cattle]- Hobbies0310 [Uranium]- FF Beer Construction. Fish/uranium bonus. Sign up here or message me in game if u want Orange TC
  13. lol wow. this is the worst DoW ( at least very dissapointing) that i have read in a while.
  14. I think people need to stop caring about there infra now that they are losing a little bit and keep fighting till the death! Peace is def. nahh
  15. no, no o/ peace. This is the end. Keep fighting till the death
  16. o/ NSO o/ NpO and heck, never thought i would be saying this, o/ NPO This is funner than GW3 lol
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