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Everything posted by TIEIXIAIS

  1. This is easily the worst decision IRON has made since the Woodstock massacre. You shame the fathers of the Republic.
  2. Don't play dumb. AA hopping to hit alliances you are not at war with.
  3. Hasn't MK rouged every alliance "competance" is at war with?
  4. I envy those allied to TOP. Paradoxia has proven through the test of time sincere friendship and loyalty. It is unfortunant this decision had to be made.
  5. [quote name='Sweeeeet Ronny D' timestamp='1342064233' post='3008723'] Nice i am one of the 8! looks like you Iron guys were slacking a bit eh? [/quote] Considering that VE was one of the last ones in and are the first out, I'd say we did a damn good job. Only two rounds of wars?
  6. Hey! You! VE! Get OFF my neighbors lawn!
  7. [quote name='Mr Havok' timestamp='1340250473' post='2991140'] Actually not pulled out of nowhere iron actually had NSO train them on how to post on the owf But keep digging that hole deeper I'm enjoying how bad you make the legitimate members of iron look Keep up the bad work champ [/quote] Don't let your mind wander, it's far too small to be let out on its own You should try staying on topic. We are talking about LSF and IRON at war, not how butt hurt MCXA still is.
  8. [quote name='Mr Havok' timestamp='1340249221' post='2991097'] It's not propaganda when I point out you don't know how to use correct words. Here is a tip only use words that you are sure of the meaning on. [/quote] Yes, because when someone does not know how to spell, their entire argument is void! I'm sorry, but my word usage was just fine. You're not the sharpest tool, not to say you aren't a tool. I would dearly love to explain what my previous comment meant, but I haven't got any crayons. [quote name='Mr Havok' timestamp='1340249221' post='2991097'] Either that or IRON can bring NSO back in to give you all lessons on how to post here and avoid trolling....you seem to need a refresher course But I suppose it's all a mute point now huh [/quote] Seeing as how you are no longer relevant, and your argument seems like it was pulled out of the pandora's box of stupidity, yes, yes it is mute. [quote] There was a time limit of 24 hours. When it lapsed, and LSF ran to IRON a minute after the deadline, IRON generously gave them another 24 hours. Then the continued insults and deliberate stalling came to light. Once IRON came to believe that LSF had no intention of honoring the terms, they were revoked in favor of a DoW.[/quote]
  9. [quote name='Mr Havok' timestamp='1340248815' post='2991078'] Mute on discovery huh there's a button on the tv for that I love when iron goes to war we get treated to the comic relief you provide Keep it up superstar you never disappoint [/quote] I see that the wonderful propaganda machine of MCXA is still well oiled. I think you may want to change it's diaper though. LSF could definitely use your help in resolving their paradox.
  10. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1340248033' post='2991054'] I've been pointing out two points. Of course, I don't expect *you* in specific to appreciate the arguments. Former IRON government members aren't exactly the people I'm trying to talk to. Two points out of three seem to be a good deal to me. That's 66% of their OP. 66% of their war reasons. And yes, it's complicated to send tech to a guy who's not online to confirm the tech must be sent to him and, when he is, he ignores us. I've only repeated myself as many times as IRON has said the lie about Opti being a member. I already acknowledged that they were perfectly in their right to DoW on us for the apology presented. I don't know how I am the one being obtuse or refusing to recognize what is right and what isn't. [/quote] For your ego's sake, I will say your two points are fantastic and right on point! I would however like to point out the fact that you only have to violate the terms once to manifest a valid CB. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1340248071' post='2991055'] One point? He seems to have hit them all. -Reps (only 18 hours, really?) -Expulsion (your own government acknowledged he left) -Apology (it was a forced apology, maybe iron should not have accepted it then?) Please feel free to point out what that "one point" is, however. [/quote] -Does not take 18 hours to send one FA offer. -The government assumed he left, but later found out he was still a member(And still is mind you) -The Apology was mute on discovery that it was not an apology. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1340248082' post='2991056'] That kind of attitude is exactly what lead to LSF acting in the way it has towards IRON. If you're going to treat us like garbage and disrespect us when we're making attempts to rectify the situation, you can expect hidden messages in our forced apologies and foul treatment in our IRC channel. I think IRON would have found if they gave us time to actually talk things out and have a proper vote according to our charter, that things would have turned out much different than they have and the relations between our two alliances would be on much better terms. xfd get a load of this guy [/quote] LSF did not recognize the terms, they were late in fact and if it wasn't for INT, LSF would have never even attempted them.
  11. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1340246926' post='2991031'] Truly a master debater here. [/quote] My hand agrees sir.
  12. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1340246343' post='2991015'] I don't believe anything he has stated has been factually incorrect thus far. [/quote] You lack relevance, and your backing of his 'argument' actually hurts it. Please, for LSF's sake stay out of it.
  13. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1340245558' post='2990984'] I'll keep posting what is the truth for as long as you keep denying it. That's a more verbose form of "no u". [/quote] I believe that you believe it is the truth. I accept the fact that your ego is so large that you are unable to sacrifice even the tiniest bit by accepting you are wrong. So you tell yourself over and over a scenario in your head until you believe it yourself. The fact remains, LSF is alone, and it's actions have been condoned by no one, and it is general belief that you $%&@ed up. I do hope LSF's metaphorical balls drop, so that we can draw this to a close.
  14. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1340244288' post='2990944'] What deadline are you rambling on about? The only one I knew was the ultimatum to agree to your terms. Which we missed by exactly [i]one minute[/i]. For the rest, you recognized our member as having left LSF. So did we. We can't be blamed if, suddenly, you decide he's not out of LSF anymore (how nice of you) because of some subjective criteria. You also gave us less than 18 hours before you considered the reps weren't paid. Despite being queried and ignoring us. Sorry, you failed on those two points. [/quote] Excuse me sir, I don't mean to be rude, but I just wanted to inform you your record player is broken.
  15. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1340236161' post='2990771'] I'm still masked on your board as a diplomat from TOP despite having left TOP over 72 hours ago and telling you about it in this very thread several hours ago. Demasking can take time. Everybody knows that. It's especially true in small alliances where there isn't a lot of people with admin powers. [/quote] Diplomat masks, especially during war time, tend to take longer to be noticed. We mask new members almost instantly, and banned, or retiring ones just as quickly as our new members. Diplomats take a bit more time. Opti was and still is a member of LSF. Alliances in LSF's position would have once agreed to the terms, taken quick action to demask him. Basically, your argument here is !@#$. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1340236161' post='2990771'] His words weren't taken out of context. I posted the whole logs. He was asked by Opti why he (Opti) was being attacked by IRON after the apology was posted. MCRABT responded that he (Opti) was being attacked because "he was no longer a member of LSF". I don't know how any of that can be any clearer. You guys either consider him a member of LSF or you don't. What happened is that you guys chose not to consider him a member of LSF for the purpose of attacking him (because war wasn't going to happen at that time) and then decided he was somehow magically back into LSF for the purpose of giving you some moral ground to stand on in your OP (and trying to paint us in a worse light).[/quote] He was attacked because it was assumed that you had removed Opti from your membership. However, you made the mistake of not removing him at all which just made your !@#$ storm even !@#$tier. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1340236161' post='2990771']We queried your government to know where exactly to send the technology to. It wasn't done out of fear - what is there to fear for us, with nine open war slots before your declaration? - but because we were trying to honor our agreement. Obviously, you didn't want none of that. Eighteen hours was too long a time for you.[/quote] The other parts of your agreement had not yet been honored, in fact you spat in our face....again....fulfilling the tech portion would not have gotten you out of trouble. You still have to honor the other two parts. I don't know if you know this, but you failed miserable at them. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1340236161' post='2990771'] Suddenly, despite querying you, we were unresponsive and unwilling to pay. Suddenly, Opti was back into LSF. Suddenly, war needed to be on. And rushed. Quick before those rascals at LSF actually send the tech. And rushed it was. [/quote] It seems your concept of time is skewered. We did not rush, in fact, we gave you longer than the deadline to comply. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1340236161' post='2990771'] I don't mind the war, my only problem is the lies you felt necessary to use to justify yourself. In a day where "I dislike you" is more than enough to start coalition wars, I don't understand why you simply didn't use the apology's subtext as your sole reason for declaring on us. It would have been more than enough to get the precious cheers of your allies, trust me.[/quote] Probable because LSF is more or less insignificant, and not worth a "We don't like you CB." The reason war was declared was more or less because you were unable to respect our sovereignty, denied us the terms you agreed upon, and you attempted to incite a war between our ally and another alliance, endangering the beloved Republic. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1340236161' post='2990771'] And my only question would be: what is it that you seek by warring with LSF, since you deny trying to go after Int or C&G? Reparations? You can't even trust us for eighteen hours and 200 tech and, let's be honest, we wouldn't trust you either. War blood? All of our nations are currently occupied with Nordreich. [/quote] We demand our sovereignty be respected and recognized as well as our allies in GLoF. I will also retort with a question. Why on Admins green Planet bob would we allow you to go beyond the deadline and so desperately try to resolve the situation only to screw over our allies by starting a war with C&G while knowing good and well that half of our allies will be dragged in to a separate conflict that is ongoing?
  16. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1340232599' post='2990691'] I suppose you're going to keep spamming until I give you a response, so here you go. I hope that the combined over 18m NS of IRON and NoR is enough to finally wipe that smile off of those smug ancom faces. [/quote] No, I was hoping for 100 tech, the expulsion of Optimistic, and an apology.
  17. Congratulations on obtaining peace polar. As for those frolicking about how ebil the reps are. I was assured that NpO would fight until they felt surrender terms were reasonable, and they've accepted so one can assume that...well I don't need to explain anymore. Again, congrats on peace and Kudos to UPN, CCC, and STA for sticking it out.
  18. [quote name='omfghi2u2' timestamp='1329562788' post='2923308'] And we can go on and on and on about what is fair and what is not. But it really isnt going to go anywhere seeing as how our side believes its crap, and your side believes its lenient. I am happy that our allies finally got peace. Alot of TOP and co are saying how they dont forget. I am sure they wont forget either. -omfg [/quote] It's never fun when you're on the losing side is it? Now just imagine how much worse you'd feel if it was because NpO betrayed you. The matter is settled, NpO wants to move on, and if they want to take a shot at IRON and TOP it's nothing new, and we'll handle it. Until then, be grateful IRON didn't ask any reps, and considered the situation sated.
  19. [quote name='omfghi2u2' timestamp='1329562348' post='2923305'] Who am I to criticize? I didn't realize you had to be someone of importance to voice your opinion. I feel quite strongly about it because they are my allies who are getting the short end of the stick. And go help them? I mean I'll help rebuild their nations. If you hated Polar so much, then why didn't you join TOP to go fight them? -omfg [/quote] Polar should have thought about the repercussions of blatantly backstabbing it's allies. The matter is considered settled and NpO got a significantly easier set of terms then IRON and TOP them. I'd be happy if I were you.
  20. [quote name='Mergerberger II' timestamp='1327474829' post='2906490'] Spreading falsehoods will get you everywhere. We have by no means refused to negotiate. [/quote] You haven't made any attempts either. Polar is losing terribly, typically a group in your position would have to seek peace in order to receive it.
  21. [quote name='Ch33kY' timestamp='1327325428' post='2905463'] This says it all. Highest ranking Polar nation in war mode is 31k NS. Yet the leadership refuse to negotiate their surrender. The NpO have over a hundred nations under 1k NS. These are the nations being made to pay for the poor decisions of their leadership hiding away in peace mode. . [/quote] The funny part is, it's because they are refusing to fight. [quote name='Dajobo' date='22 January 2012 - 03:58 PM' timestamp='1327269534' post='480961']4. Given the polar nations who are still in PM are either there for genuine reasons ( a few really do have very good RL reasons ) or there because they have disrgarded/disobayed orders ( I mentioned this earlier as an issue we will deal with after the war ) it means our largest nations are in the low 30k NS range.[/quote]
  22. [quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' timestamp='1326645797' post='2900075'] I'm sad to see that the largest alliances have less than 400 members [/quote] By April IRON will have 500 members
  23. [quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1325586800' post='2891396'] I am concerned. It is incredibly poor form to stay in PM once you have been ordered out. Then again, if people could stagger properly some of those people wouldn't have had the option would they? I take the criticism of cowardism extremely seriously, if only the people who were making them weren't the biggest opportunists in the game, I would care a whole lot more. For the record I have been nuked x+1 times (where x is a large number) this war, my SDI workers have been obviously drunk as skunks as they have stopped almost none. And for all the ''Grub is evil'' rhetoric, I find myself having to declare wars in defense of STA just to get some action. BTW TOP, cherry picking at a few large nations (and we still only have a few)because they are easy and convenient for you to fight doesn't make you brave, come down and fight me where I have ended and we will see exactly what you are determined to do. You always were short on determination, maybe someone else can do the job for you....as usual. Also hello. [/quote] I offered bluebird and Saratoga a 2 vs 1. They didn't respond. I wonder if there less then 1 billion dollar warchest had anything to do with it.
  24. Ouch FARK. Sparta still working on declaring those wars?
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