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Everything posted by kitex

  1. The Kitexian 1st Marines Division is now there. They are in civilian cruiser ships as we do not have an actual navy. We will be awaiting any requests for aid from coalition forces and also we ask that you allow our airborne corps to come to Kitexian vessels.
  2. The nation of Kitex recognizes Disparu and wishes it luck.
  3. The nation of Kitex is currently sending in its 1st Marine Corps Division (10,000 Marines) to work with Tahoen forces to defeat the rebels. Also elements, numbering 600 soldiers of our elite airborne corps are parachuting in on the coast of NZ to rendezvous with Tahoan forces as we speak.
  4. OOC: And for that I realize my mistake and apologize to Parvus. Pravus I apologize for threatening you with war.
  5. OOC: You are becoming quite the pest. If you attack Zoot than you will regret it dearly.
  6. What is the true nature of our mission to you? We are going to annex land in Anartica, if you did not read correctly. There is no purpose in having land in NZ as it is much to far away to govern. Please calm down.
  7. The government of Kitex will take any means necessary to stop NZ from falling into anarchy. As we have told you before we have no interest in NZ. We are currently thinking of annexing a small portion of Anarcitc land.
  8. The Kitexian government issues this statement: "The nation of Kitex has absolutely no interest in NZ, all we are trying to do is stop the state from collapsing into anarchy. We are not trying to grab any land at all, so we suggest that you stop trying to say that everyone in the Coalition is trying to.
  9. The government of Kitex condemns these terrorist attacks and is offering military support and is also offering tents, food, water, generators, and construction crews to help those affected by these attacks.
  10. "The government of Kitex sees PMCs as a threat to nations, as people can now have their own private armies and do pretty much anything they want, including terrorist/anti-government actions."
  11. kitex


    OOC: This is a story I am currently writing but, I wanna see what you guys will do with it. You can enter your countries and have them do stuff, whatever man. Also this will help as I am having some writer's block. I know that stories are not allowed but please look at this and make an exception, please Galaxies by DDB Prologue In the Andromeda galaxy, on the planet of Vashnu, there existed two nations, Troina and Haziek. They had been at war since the year 199x, over the assassination of Troina's king, Job, by the Haziekian Special Forces. Because of this assassination, Troina cut official trade with the nation of Haziek with the help of the UN. Troina's capital, Dervenia, was in political turmoil. Riots, protests, and violence rocked the capital until the Parliament took over temporarily as the acting government, until the king's son was old enough to take over Troina. A decade passed like this, along the way, the Parliament took over as the existing government. This was to be temporary until the former king's son was of age to take rule of the kingdom. Also a peace treaty was worked out between The Troinian Parliament and the Haziekien government, effectively ending the war. Finally the former king's son, named Dostum, became 21 and assumed the kingship of Triona. In the year 202x, Dostum married a woman named Shara. In that same year, she had a child named Lucius. Sixteen years have passed since then. Chapter 1 A dimly lit blue room with green shag carpeting and strange animal-looking markings in black paint covered the walls of the room. There were also six soldiers waiting for someone, fully dressed in black and fully armed with M4-a1s, fragmentation, smoke, and explosive grenades, and flash bangs. The troops suddenly stood at attention as a man entered the room. He has a brown beard with burns and is completely bald. His long blue and green robes went down to his feet and his stern, yet gentle, green-blue eyes stared the soldiers down. His footsteps are silent as he walks to address the troops. "Your mission is to steal the military projects and other military secrets of the Troinaian kingdom. Understood?" "Yessir." The soldiers then left the room using a backdoor exit. This led to a helicopter pad that had a helicopter already waiting on it. The pilot was reading a comic book, but then hearing approaching footsteps, he put away the comic book and began to start up the helicopter. Once the pilot was sure that all of the troops were on, he started the engine of the helicopter, and after five minutes, took of toward the outskirts of Dervenia, where the target SF base was located. The helicopter landed on a small, uninhabited field. The troops exited the helicopter at exactly 12am. They would now have exactly 3 1/2 hours to invade the military base, get the military secrets, and get back to the helicopter. They also had to cover about 3500 meters from the target base. Two soldiers quickly moved onto the outskirts of the SF base. All of the troops took out their NVGs and long-range, bolt-action sniper rifles and began to take out the ten soldiers that were guarding the base. The remaining four soldiers also took out their NVGs and M4A1s, and as soon as the guards were killed, the six troops then stripped the dead guards of their uniforms; the soldiers then changed and, after hiding the dead bodies, calmly went into the main building. They quietly went down a hall and around two corners. The troops then reached to steel doors, both had a large sign on them reading: DO NOT ENTER! ANYONE CAUGHT IN THIS ROOM WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION WILL BE SHOT. One soldier put two C2 charges on the doors while two others covered him and the remaining troops went back around the corner. When the charges were fully planted, the three soldiers went around the corner and set off both charges, making a large earth-shattering sound. All the troops then drew their weapons and quickly moved into the room. Three of the troops took up defensive positions behind tables and carts While the other three walked further into the room. They then came upon a large safe. Suddenly the three troops heard shots being fired. One of the troops left to help with fighting the Troinian security forces. The other two soldiers then began to plant multiple explosives on the safe. The troops then took cover and blew the charges on the safe. The door flew down making a loud clanging noise. "Hurry the f up over there!" a troop yelled at the soldiers near the safe door. "Number eight is down!" The soldiers near the safe quickly went in and extracted three large, perfectly round golden orbs. One of the troops put them in his backpack. One of the troops then called in for air support and the extraction helicopter to come. They then went to join their fellow SFs in fighting the Troinian forces. Five minutes later, a loud boom was heard as a Troinian attack chopper fired a missile near where the Haziekian and Tronian SF were Fighting. The Troinian forces then tried to take out the chopper but were cut down with the combined machine gun fire from the attack chopper and the extraction helicopter. The helicopter then hovered near the ground as the SF forces ran out of the military base and boarded the helicopter. The helicopter and chopper then departed for a military base in an allied country near Haziek. The time was 2:50 am. 2 WEEKS LATER A servant dressed in black pin-striped trousers, a white button-up shirt, and newly-polished black shoes walked up to a door with a tray carrying pancakes, eggs, orange juice, and four pieces of toast. The servant opened the door and revealed a magnificent room. The tan marble floor gently reflected the light of the sun. A large four-poster bed with deep blue curtains lay still. The walls were a neatly painted white. Curtains with deep blue shades had been pulled away from one another to let the sun in. A light coffee-colored hand came out and drew back the deep blue poster, revealing a well-built man of about 35. He had a light brown complexion, with large, olive-green eyes, his nose was medium sized, and his lips were full but seemed small for someone of his height. His hair was a deep black, jutting straight up. He sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for the servant to come to him. The servant gently placed the tray on the man's lap and stood back. "Thank you John," the man said quietly. "Your majesty," John whispered "there is something of extreme importance that the army general and the director of intelligence want you to know. They will be in the Situation Room at 10 am waiting for you." "Thank you, be on your way now." After eating, the king got up and put on a dark blue cloak that wrapped around his entire body. He then left his bed chambers and went down a hall decorated with paintings of kings, queens, princes, and princesses. His movements made no sound as the blue carpeting absorbed it. The king then made a left and went into a room. This room had a bare cement floor and a large round, wooden table was in the center of the room. There were four chairs, three of them were occupied. In the first chair was an aging man of about 45, with grey hair and eyebrows. His black eyes turned upward toward the dim lighting. He was dressed in a green suit that was decorated with medals and a black tie. In the second chair sat a man of 30 years of age. His strawberry-blonde hair didn’t match his cold grey eyes. He was about 5’ 8 with a slight muscular build. He wore an all grey suit with a light grey tie. The final person was dressed in an all white suit with a black tie. Her brown hair was tied tightly in a bun, her blue eyes looked straight at the man in the dark blue cloak. The man in the blue cloak went and took a seat in the only empty chair. “So what is so important that you are all here?” the man in the blue cloak said. ”Well Dostum, started the man in the green suit, “something extremely important has happened.” ” Just get to the damned point Gen. Baryoli!” the woman in grey suit snapped. “We don’t have any time to beat around the bush!” “Well since Baryoli and 10 am waiting for you." "Thank you, be on your way now." “Well since Baryoli and Dunwoody are want to hurry up, how about we let Director Petraus tell us what happened.” ”Last night Haziekian military forces came in and stole our military secrets,” Petraus said bluntly. “BS” “Sir, I wouldn’t lie to you about this. As of now all of the locations of our military bases, are Special Forces units, our nuclear silos, and anything else you can think of including training methods, the amount of troops in our military, and plans in case of invasion,” Gen. Baryoli interjected. “Can we send in any SF units after them?” ”We are still rebuilding our SF units as of now, sir.” ”OK, so what are our options?” ”Well,” Gen. Dunwoody mumbled quietly, “we could send your son as you keep saying that you want to send him on a mission like this so that he could truly learn to be a leader, as he is quite lazy.” ”You have a point. I’ll think about it.” Chapter 2 A room with bright colored blue shag carpeting. The walls were painted a flamingo pink, the sky blue curtains swayed gently as a warm breeze entered the room. A mixture of teddy bears and penguins lined the walls on either side. Near the middle of the room lied a large-four poster bed, with drapes wrapped around it. In this bed lay a man of about 16 years of age. His arms were thin and somewhat muscular, his hair was a golden-yellow and mainly went straight up, but some of it leaned slightly forward where the hair was nearest his forehead. The man had coffee-bean skin and light green eyes that somewhat matched his green boxers, which was the only thing he had on. His arms were wrapped around the waist of a woman of 17 years of age. The woman had brown hair that went down to about shoulder length. Her eyes were an azure blue and her figure was slim, her arms lean, but not muscular. She lie quietly with her eyes closed, wearing only underwear and a tank top. “Lucius?” the girl asked quietly. “Yes?” ” Let’s go get breakfast now alright?” ” That’s fine.” Lucius got up from the bed, it squeaked gently as he got off, his feet hitting the soft blue carpeting. He slowly walked over to the upper-left corner of the bedroom where his clothes were laying. He put on blue jeans, white sneakers and a white undershirt. The girl went over to a large oak drawer and pulled out and put on a red shirt, blue bell-bottom jeans and then put on wooden sandals with yellow straps. Lucius and the girl then left the room and went down a flight of red-carpeted stairs which led to the living room. The carpeting was blood-red and the walls were painted white and there was a pink sofa to the right side of the room. The two then went out the front door and in to the streets of Dervenia. The streets were newly paved with asphalt and all was quite as it was one o’ clock in the afternoon and most people were either at work or trying to stay out of the 87 degree heat. Lucius and the girl then walked up a street and then turned a right and began to walk up a small hill. The two then went into a small IHOP. The restaurant was made out of brick and the glass entrance door was creaky and the glass was slightly cracked. The inside had tan tile flooring and there was a small cash register on top of a new, freshly cleaned desk. Behind it was a young redheaded woman with orange-red freckles on her face. She was somewhat slim and just a hint of portliness at her stomach.
  12. President DDB stood at the podium. He was 40 , but looked about 50 with the lower sides of his hair graying. He was slim, wearing sunglasses, and a brown fur coat. "So who has questions? Nothing is to personal. Just ask away."
  13. The government of Kitex condemns the acts of Landon Mitchell. The nation of Kitex believes that in a nation, the people's voices should be heard. *****Classified***** 2 Spec Ops teams are currently on their way to rendezvous with resistance forces, offering them money and weapons.
  14. "The nation of Kitex is willing to send a brigade to help Dragonisian forces in peace keeping." Signature: President DDB
  15. The government of Kitex has changed its mind and will not send 2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division as it does not want to involve itself in matters of race.
  16. The government of Kitex congratulates the Isle De Malvinas on the opening of this nuclear power plant, currently a company in Kitex, Nuke Inc., is currently filling out the necessary forms to build and maintain three nuclear power plants. Construction for all three is expected to be done by 2013 and is supposed to cost a total of $20 billion yen.
  17. The government of Kitex congratulates both parties on the signing of this NAP.
  18. The government of Kitex is currently sending over the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division to the USB to help pro-government forces.
  19. The Kitexian government applauds both Lübeck and The Holy Imperium of Man for aggreing to this treaty.
  20. The Kitexian military has sent 50 of its elite airborne corps armed with the latest in bunny, squirrel, and mushroom-killing tech.
  21. The government of Kitex thanks Malvina for its help in stopping these Commies. NEWS UPDATE: Today, a total of three Kitexian Marines were killed as they were doing patrols in their Humvee, the military suspects it was an IED. Also all Faction members seem to have left their cells and headed to the easten wilderness. President DDB is calling for all military personnell to go back to their bases and that a mixture of Spec Ops and Marines will hunt down the terrorists.
  22. What's so bad abot sharing information about terrorists that are active in your region?
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