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Everything posted by kitex

  1. Today Parliament passed legislation that would allow $600 million yen to be invested in military bases to renovate or build new ones. Secretary of Defense Rusa MacNell had this to say on the law "I am quite happy that the government has decided to redo these old bases that are in dire need of renovation as some have leaky pipes, the temperature varies in room to room, and also there are some horrid odors that are coming from the basement of two bases." Also President DDB is finally announcing to the public who is in his Cabinet, after being in office since August 2008. Kitexian Cabinet for 2008-2012[ Department of State= Shino Valk Department of the Treasury= John Geithner Department of Defense= Rusa MacNell Department of Justice= Patricia Douglas Department of the Interior= Maria Lopez Department of Agriculture= Ron Medevev Department of Commerce= Julie Putin Department of Labor= Sarah Reader Department of Health and Human Services= Dan Silver Department of Transportation= Robert Fresh Department of Education= Elli Long Department of Energy= Bart Frank Department of Veterans Affairs= Lance Thomas Department of Homeland Security= Maria Sharapova When questioned about why it'd taken so long to release who was in his Cabinet, President DDB said "I've been really busy and in all the work of rebuilding the military and increasing economic output, I just forgot about it." Also Kitexian military has recently adopted the M4A1 as its standard weapon. Gen. Shino Vashni had this to say "The M4A1 is more versatile, compact, and, for the most part, all around better than the M16A2, I am quite glad that the government had us adopt it."
  2. The nation of Kitex is currently looking to buy ships for its Coast Guard. Please show the stats of the ship and also the price.
  3. The government of Kitex sends its condolences and is currently activating three Spec Ops teams to look for the assassin in our nation.
  4. President DDB of Kitex is saddened by the news of the collapse of this great nation.
  5. The general was a tall, somewhat muscular man. He wore a green suit with a black shirt and tie underneath and sat at a large oak desk. that had a small all black telephone on it, quietly smoking on a cigar. His gray hair was rumpled and in a general mess from the recent stress he'd been under. The room was quite large, with white walls and blue shag carpeting that needed to be replaced as it was beginning to smell moldy. The general then looked at his watch and the clock struck 9am. It's time. The general then picked up the phone and quickly dialed a number and hung up. Kitex's first border reinforcement began (OOC: Border Reinforcement is done only by active duty soldiers, 20,000 of the Kitexian Army and 10,000 of the Kitexian Marine Corps) Battalions 1 through 5 of the Army went to the western border of Kitex (it was particulary easy as the Humvees have not yet been equipped with all-wheel drive tires, thus most of the bases are at the borders). Battalions 6 through 10 went to the southern border. Battalions 1 through 5 of the Marines trudged several miles through the bitter cold to get to the northern border and Batts. 6 through 10 went to the eastern border. Several Brigade commanders radioed back to the general in the office "Everyone is in place. Kitexian borders are 100% secure, sir." "Very well everyone, return back home." "Yessir." Yet the military of Kitex was wrong. A small group of ten people had slipped through after they had gone home. 2 men and 2 women from some unclaimed region had slipped through the nation's military base defenses and had gotten to the capital of Kitex, Shiftyville. The first man was tall and had jet black hair with a thick beard. He had a quite demeanor and his skin was quite pale. The man's most interesting feature was his eyes. They were a gray, like the sky on a cloudy day. It seemed that he was in charge. The other man was short, had his hair dyed blue and his eyes were a piercing pitch black. He seemed to have a hidden hatred for everyone and everything. Quite dangerous was he. The first women had blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Her figure was slim, yet not too thin. From the looks of her, she seemed quite intelligent. The other women was a chubby redhead with soft baby blue eyes, she had amazing people and persuasion skills and everyone in the group liked her. There they began to plan the destruction of Kitex through trying to get people to rebel. OOC: Please forgive me if this isn;t good, usually I write so that is it quite descriptive, but I do not have a lot of time right now.
  6. The government of Kitex is quite impressed with the Marscurian arms. We would like to know the unit price for each weapon.
  7. The nation of Kitex is currently looking for body armor, weapons, tanks, vehicles, and transportation aircraft that can operate in Arctic conditions. The nation of Kitex is currently offering a lucrative 5 year $500,000,000 yen contract for any company (or, in the case of multiple companies the money will be equally divvied up amongst them) that can fulfill these needs. OOC: In all posts please include the unit price for the arms.
  8. OOC: Thanks man. IC: The land marked in red above, the nation of Kitex claims!
  9. Reasserting claim: The nation of Kitex claims land east of the Hanseatic Commonwealth Protectorate (which is in Anartica). Also the land is south and west of Transvaal and Natal (which are in southern Africa). The red signals the Kitexian border and the dark blue signals the extent of Kitexian waters.
  10. The nation of Kitex claims land east of the Hanseatic Commonwealth Protectorate (which is in Anartica). Also the land is south and west of Transvaal and Natal (which are in southern Africa). The red signals the Kitexian border and the dark blue signals the extent of Kitexian waters.
  11. The nation of Kitex claims this land:
  12. President DDB's plans for Kitex are to reform the military so that they'll encounter fewer losses in conflicts, to lower the cost on infra as that consumes most of our money, and to greatly increase R&D in both military and public aspects.
  13. Our economic policy is to make sure that we have all trade slots full and also to heavily invest in infra and tech. Our social policy is that we make sure that at least the vast majority of our people can have their basic everyday needs met.
  14. Generally the nation of Kitex generally wavers between isolationism and being quite open. Since we are quite new and do not have many allies, we will semi-actively seek out allies.
  15. President DDB stood at the podium in a blue suit, white shirt, and a white tie. The National House (where the President lives) was in the background, the grass shone a bright green. Two armed Kitexian Marines flanked him on both sides, there was also one in the front of the podium and another in the back. He looked tired, mainly because he was up all night with the members of the defense department formulating a new strategy so that the 56,500 (approximately) losses of infantry men and women in the Karma War would never again take place.
  16. The nation of Kitex has dealt with a rebellion before. We highly reccomend that you make sure that none of your civilian population tries to help the rebels.
  17. BREAKING NEWS: As of 1:16 (RL Eastern Time) on July 28, 2009. The nation of Kitex now exists in RL Argentina and Chile. General Information Our people are peaceful and support their appointed leader. They like to negotiate, fight and make money. They are highly supportive of the military even though not all of our wars have gone well. The populace doesn't like any problems when the economy goes down so the public opinion of the government and the economic situation go hand in hand. There is a variety of religions, such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, just to name a few. We allow complete religious freedom. We have a large troop force to crack down on violence within the nation. The military of Kitex has been positioned at all border crossings and is arresting all drug traffickers. We allow our citizens to protest their government but we use a strong police force to monitor things and arrest lawbreakers. We have an open border policy, but in order for immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. We believe in the freedom of speech and feels that it is every citizen's right to speak freely about their government. Military Army The Kitexian Army currently has 4,000 troops in it (includes active and reserve units). The KX Army, as are all of the Kitexian military branches, is hard to get into. You must pass a physical and then go through nine weeks of grueling training in order to prove your worth. While training, you must memorize how to handle, use, and take care of your weapon and also memorize a Code Of Honor that is across-the-board for all Kitexian military branches. Currently the primary weapon for the Army is the XM-16. Structure of the Kitexian Army The Army is made up of 4,000 troops. 2,100 are the "regular army" who are the active-duty soldiers and are the first ones that are deployed during times of war and crisis. The other part of the Army is the reserves. These soldiers preform only part-time duties as opposed to full-time ("active duty") soldiers, but rotate through mobilizations to full-time duty. When not on active duty, reserve soldiers typically perform training or service one weekend per month (inactive duty for training or "Battle Assembly") and for two continuous weeks at some time during the year (annual training). Many reserve soldiers are organized into Army Reserve units (troop program unit or TPU), while others serve to augment active Army units (Individual Mobilization Augmentee or IMA), or are simply in non-drilling control groups of the Individual Ready Reserve ("IRR"). Special Forces of the Kitexian Army Special Forces are asked with five primary missions: unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, and counter-terrorism. The first two emphasize language, cultural, and training skills in working with foreign troops. Other duties include combat search and rescue (CSAR), security assistance, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, humanitarian demining, counter-proliferation, psychological operations, and counter-drug operations; other components of the United States Special Operations Command or other U.S. government activities may also specialize in these secondary areas. Kitex's Death Brigade that was formed during the Rebellion has been broken up from the 100 man force down to about 25 SF groups, 15 of which are in the reserves. Of the 10 active groups, only two are working right now on combating the pirate "invasion" of the coastal cities in northwestern Kitex. Tank Corps The nation of Kitex only purchases tanks right before going to war, as it is more cost effective, but we do have a total of 1,000 engineers and actual combat operatives constantly working on virtual tanks, keeping their skills sharp. Marines There are currently on 3,000 KX Marines (including active and reserves) as the KMC are a truly elite unit. They have must first pass a physical and then go through 13 weeks of training that is to make them the best of the best. The KMC is, without a doubt, the best and most elite fighting force that the nation of Kitex has ever seen. They are truly able to operate on their own without any aid whatsoever. Capabilties The Corps responsible for providing force projection from the sea, using the mobility of the Kitexian Military Transportation System (KMTS) to rapidly deliver combined-arms task forces. The Marine Corps fulfills a vital role in national security as an amphibious, expeditionary, air-ground combined arms task force, capable of forcible entry from the air, land and sea. While the Marine Corps does not employ any unique combat arms, as a force it has the unique ability to rapidly deploy a combined-arms task force to almost anywhere in the world within days. The basic structure for all deployed units is a Marine Logistics-Ground Task Force (MLTF) that integrates a ground combat element and a logistics combat element combat component under a common command element. The amphibious assault techniques developed for the War of the Coalition evolved, with the addition of air assault and maneuver warfare doctrine, into the current "Operational Maneuver from the Sea" doctrine of power projection from the seas. The Marines are credited with the development of helicopter insertion doctrine and were the earliest in the American military to widely adopt maneuver-warfare principles which emphasize low-level initiative and flexible execution. Military Structure Division= 2,000 soldiers Brigade= 1,000 soldiers Battalion= 500 soldiers Company= 100 soldiers Platoon= 50 soldiers Squad= 5 soldiers National Guard The Kitexian National Guard is the citizen-soldier volunteer force that inhabits each city and town in the nation. There can be as few as 10 or as many as 100,000 NG members in a town. The NG is not a part of the Army, yet can be called on to be deployed overseas to help protect the nation. National Guard units can be mobilized for active duty, during times of war or of national emergency declared by Parliament, by the President or the Secretary of Defense to supplement regular armed forces. They can also be activated for service in their respective provinces upon declaration of a state of emergency by the governor of the province or territory in which they serve. Unlike Army Reserve members, National Guard members cannot be mobilized individually, except through voluntary transfers and Temporary Duty Assignments. Government and Politics The government of Kitex is a republic. Our legislative branch is composed of Parliament. Parliament has two parts, the Shu consists of 5 representatives from each province while the Aman consists of 20 representatives from each province. Upper Parliament contains the Shu is composed of 100 members while Lower Parliament, the Aman consists of 200 members. Any legislation that is proposed by the Aman then goes through the Shu, which then in turn goes to the President. If the President vetos the legislation, then Parliament can pass it as long as 2/3 of them vote for the law. The two main political bodies of Kitex are the Liberal Workers and the Conservative Lords. The two parties are constantly at odds with the LW favoring legislation that taxes the wealthy and helps the working class while the CL favors laws that lower taxes on the wealthy, deregulate the economy and increase military spending. The President can appoint and dismiss Secretaries, yet they must be confirmed with at least a 3/4 vote by members of the Shu. Also in times of war, natural disasters and major emergencies, the President can declare martial law for the maximum time limit of 96 hours, after that has expired Parliament must then vote on whether or not martial law should be extended. The President is voted in office every 4 years, members of Parliament, every 2.
  18. The nation of Kitex claims this: The nation of Kitex, as of 1:18 (RL Eastern Time) on July 28, 2009, declares that it exists and is a sovireign nation!
  19. "Uh we were never going to use Lethal Force unless we had to." So you admit that lethal force may have been used at some point? "Anyway we recognised our mistake and dropped the plan to be peace keepers." The government of Kitex is please by this, yet has decided that because of other things brought up in the OP, we shall not try to even begin diplomatic relations with Pax Paxis.
  20. The Kitexian government would like to know why you think that the internal affairs of a nation, no matter how horrid, allow you to then use lethal force to aid "the civilians suffering from the attacks"? No nation should ever meddle in the internal affairs of another nation unless the IA of the nation brings international condemnation and other nations also use lethal force. The government of Kitex agrees that you are infringing upon Italy's sovereignty.
  21. The nation of Kitex claims all of RL Japan and the majority of RL South Korea.
  22. The Kitexian diplomat stands up and says quitely "I recommend that since each Asian nation has its own needs and wants, that we start a topic on where to find trades and also where each Asian nation is, for example the nation of Kitex is located in Japan. Secondly, to ensure political stabilitity, the nation of Kitex thinks that NAPs will not do the trick as we also need a way of making sure that those who violate the NAPs are punished quickly. Finnally, for the most part, Kitex agrees with the Asian Union Charter (Draft # 1). If nothing is to be done about the NAPs, then we will sign.
  23. A Kitexian news caster stands up and asks Mr. Generalissimo, have you contacted the nation of Kitex an if not, when do you plan to?
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