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Everything posted by Fireandthepassion

  1. Actually to spur a bit off topic I would say I've learned some thing that I once didn't believe which is sticking by those that you can consider to be your true friends. But I think my IC persona is totally align with my OOC persona when it comes to the game itself. My spiel is that I'm the worst player in CN trying to grind my way to the top, and I had sort of picked up that mentality the second semester of my college experience. Which is why Aaron Rowand has been all my avatars with CN related things since I made this nation. He's basically the sole grinder because he was so bad in center field by playing out of position that he had to make a lot of diving/jumping catches. It is rumored that he has the fire and the passion, heavy emphasis on passion, to be so grindy that he can be the top baseball player in major league baseball. However, that is strictly in game so I don't know how well that could be included in the role-playing aspect of alliance politics unless I started out being a newb and then eventually became smarter. That IC persona would have probably annoyed people on the forums so I take the forums as a different IC approach more so then the game so that I wouldn't entirely annoy users.
  2. Have no fear Opethian I shall act as a mole for you! I will aid you out of bill lock! Also calling it now. A battle of the titans. Opethian ruler of Pittsburghistan versus Ski11585 of Steelertopia.
  3. I'm sure this has already come up, buuuuut FIRE was name and color sphere change of The Syndicate which was a merger of Leviathan and Organized Nations Entente.
  4. Do not fret Mr. Cousteau! I as a comrade of Zoskia shall answer your question. The answer is steak wrapped in bacon that has a different cut of steak wrapped around the bacon with that steak having been wrapped with bacon! Also onion and jack cheese. The onions aren't entirely grilled they're like individually sliced slices that are slightly cooked. The cheese is entirely melted and made of awesome.
  5. What's your favorite color!? /obligatory favorite color post.
  6. Black: Sparta, Nemesis, GOONS Blue: NpO, NV, ARES Aqua: MK, MHA, Graemlins Orange: Orion, FOK, TOP White: STA, TPF, and TOOL Green: VE, GGA Purple: Valhalla, BAPS, Invicta Maroon: RIA, MA Red: NPO Brown: NSO, GATO, Browncoats Yellow: FAN Pink: LUE, RAD, Sparta Multi-Colored/No official Color: Gray Council
  7. Agreed on Fear's flag it's just awesome. I would have still voted for Polar even if FEAR was up there.
  8. But wasn't it common knowledge that the NpO was formed just to grief the NAAC?
  9. No offense Bob, but I don't think a lot of people were rioting because of the open recruitment. I think they were more upset over NPO putting a colony* on the blue sphere. However, I am sure there were some double standards going on. [OOC] I made my first nation a week before GWIII so I can't entirely comment on the political atmosphere of GWI/II[/OOC]. *Out of respect for Polaris, as I am member, connecting the current New Polar Order with the old isn't something anyone should do. Time goes on alliances evolve. Edit: BLAST THAT FALLEN FAIL HAS TWARTED WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY!
  10. According to Sponge via his own recounts said that Polaris freely recruited from NAAC when first formed, and Sponge went on to say that it was a norm that alliances back in the day up until GWIII that alliances would openly recruit from other alliances.
  11. You're doing something that is considered by many to be immoral. You're already doing something that is considered wrong you may as well throw some mud while you're at it especially if it's viewed by nearly the whole alliance that neutrality and peace is a lie. As it was stated already there is a clear difference between recruiting from another alliance and unaligned. Which recruiting unaligned is a-ok and aligned is bad. If you truly wish for a person wavering on leaving the alliance you should put down that alliance as much as possible to make yours seem that much better in comparison, or it could potentially reaffirm the desire for the nation to prove the person wrong by sticking to the alliance while tossing some mud back at the person trying to recruit from the alliance for some fun to defend the dignity of the alliance. Either way in the Sith's eyes they got a response so they've only created a win-win scenario in their eyes. They upset the neutral menaces by hitting their emotions, and they're getting some PR out of this as any kind of publicity is still attention to NSO.
  12. Yes because the Karma War has to do with everything when it came to condescending statement in the recruitment messages because you know Ivan Moldavi, a lot of old rulers in NSO, and at least one of the neutral menaces have never been to war right?
  13. So everyone has to be civil when recruiting from other alliances? Doppelganger, and I suppose NSO as a whole, "viewed" the neutral menaces as inferior for their stance on politics and war. I think had I been Doppelganger I would have naturally have done the same thing especially considering what being a Sith should entail. It should almost be part of the naturalness of being a Sith when doing something that is considered immoral that there should be statements that come off as condescending. Is it tasteful and respectful? No, but in the situation where something is considered immoral by nature it's not going to be executed in an honorable way no matter what. It's viewed as immoral by those that say it's immoral, and will naturally chastise NSO for what happened. Those that go meh whatever wont view it as immoral, but have to concede the point that what was said in a tiny tiny fraction of the message as being not nice.
  14. That's the thing I don't get about this whole situation. Why are people saying NSO was disrespecting alliances? They were [ooc]roleplaying their charaters[/ooc]. The Sith are evil. The Sith should be degrading to bring out the passion which as most of should know starts to lure a person to the dark-side. It's who they are. Do I agree with their methods personally? No, but I'm not going to tell people to stop doing it because it's mean. Also voted sometimes. It's not cool to try to recruit from your allies. /ninja edit I agree with the sentiment that if someone is going to leave because a stranger than your alliance as whole is better off.
  15. Eh I have no angst with you Baseballer. Good luck with this project.
  16. Stop being paranoid. Just because some alliances that were signatories of BLEU does not make this BLEU. It's a blue unity treaty so of course it's going to include blue alliances that were in BLEU unlike another pact that shall not be named. This is a mutual economic pact that is open to blue alliances. Also we're trying to assimilate aqua.
  17. How would the two week term be omitted? Karma could DoW and stagger those nations as I'm sure they have assigned the targeting for PM nations. If they come out of PM Karma could subject them to war for however long they wished until NPO crumbled down to accepting surrender. However, I do think NPO could do serious damage if their PM nations came out in a coordinated strike all at once to the point that the tides might turn on some fronts especially considering warchest amounts of some of their nations.
  18. There's no military clauses so why people are paranoid that this will be BLEU all over again is beyond me. There's not even an ODP clause like OUT if someone attacks a blue alliance that this treaty comes into play. It's an economic treaty that's it. BLEU is dead and it will stay dead, but who says that there shouldn't be something like this for blue alliances that mutually benefit the entire sphere? Although Random's craziness is exposing our evil plan to attack former agora members. Random back in your cage!
  19. You've never been in #ares then. Things can get down right weird.
  20. There's a war going on. Look after Second Patriotic War there were a lot of DoEs. Most will fail and remain microalliances. Some will succeed and reach a decent size.
  21. Oh no TOP ruining the game at TOP SPEED! I'll await for the ruin to hit me. 6 months from now sound good? Congratulations on the feat. Although how many of those sub-20,000 strength nations are ghosts?
  22. You have to specify other. The 12 alliances in the drop down menu are the 12 sanctioned alliances in game. In other news: Congratulations to ARES on reaching this mark again. Onward to some of most awesome guys on Bob.
  23. Yes because trying to buy someone in public, and then log dumping in public is certainly diplomatic too right?
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