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Everything posted by Reptyler

  1. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1286129910' post='2473181'] I often felt that one day that a collection of fail would assemble. Such a strong force of fail it'd need to be organized into a bloc... and here it is. [/quote] Dear sir, if we had wanted to listen to your incessant whining, we would have announced the bloc ourselves.
  2. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1286059258' post='2472541'] Self-control [i]is[/i] cowardice and opportunism by your standards. You and the mob demand thoughtless, emotion driven action, mindless charges into annihilation for one ideology or another. The mob demands chaos. I prefer reason and the patient pursuit of set goals with success measured by results, not action alone. Once the goal is set, one must put their heart aside and fight with their brains. Civilized, successful alliances recognize this. It is why they are successful. You rail against me, rail against Viridia, rail against every alliance in power for one reason or another. You're railing against civilization, order, and meritocracy. And for what? For the passing whims of the moment. The players on the stage could change and still you would boo. [/quote] Oh thank you Ardus, for saying it better than I was going to.
  3. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1286033155' post='2472203'] The sentiment here is good. Reptyler, as a member in an alliance steeped in tradition, what changes are you making at home? [/quote] Funny you should ask, actually. I wrote [url="http://www.viridianentente.com/showthread.php?25980-How-to-encourage-activity-and-involvement-my-ramble"]a couple thousand words[/url] on how we're treating our membership on the VE boards, but because of its comprehensive and verbose nature, very few people have gotten around to reading it. I am hoping that the interior affairs staff, parliament, and ministers of awesome will take the time to read, digest, and chime in on my thoughts in the near future.
  4. Maybe this thread would have attracted more attention if it was titled [i]Pull your heads out of your nether regions: it's 2010, start acting like it.[/i]. Subtitle would list all the people I don't like, and instruct them to go die in a fire for being hypocritical and neo-hegemonist. (;
  5. Talking with you guys recently reminded me of an old girlfriend of mine. Her eyes reminded me of a sunset over the beach, her personality was adventurous and irresistible, and she was a damn good kisser. But one thing that always aggravated me about her was going out to eat. Everywhere we dined, she found the closest thing to chicken fingers on the menu and ordered it. Every single time, she ate nothing but chicken fingers and French fries. That’s a silly thing to be bothered by, I know, but I was amazed at how little variety she had in her life. I like cooking, but cooking for her wasn’t fun because she was so picky. In the past few months, I’ve seen hundreds of pages of discourse devoted to one topic: stagnation. The world has changed, that much is sure, but the players haven’t. People in this world tend to hold on to everything; like the beautiful girl I told you about, you cling to tradition and the comfort it brings. You do things the way you’ve always done them because that’s the way it’s always been done. You know what you like, and you stick with it. But right now, that approach isn’t working. CyberNations has lost its appeal, and we are trying to fix the problem by changing nothing. When membership numbers are down, we spam more recruitment messages. When growth slows down, we yell more about buying tech. We bring the same attitudes to the negotiating table that we did in the past, and let years’ worth of accumulated bias color our views. Whatever we do in this world, it seems like the only solution to any problem is to find the traditional cure, and simply do more of it. [i]The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.[/i] My fellow leaders, if Planet Bob is growing stale, it is because you still cling to the ideas and traditions of years ago and refuse to move on. I have seen it happen over and over again where the powers in charge will say to the ones not in power that they are incapable of success because of past failures. [b]That is a lie.[/b] Learn from your mistakes, and boldly go forth to prove that you will not make the same mistakes again. In life, we fall so that we can learn to pick ourselves back up again. The only unforgivable failure is the failure to try. I have also seen alliance leaders make honest efforts at improving their alliance policies and fixing the mistakes of the past, but our callousness as a group has made us unable to accept that they will be anything but failures. Failure to forgive is hypocritical, for we are all in need of forgiveness at one point or another. We should all be willing to accept that better decisions can be made, problems can be fixed, and people can indeed change for the better. In short, fellow leaders, you shouldn’t make every decision based solely on years of precedent, but rather on logical and rational judgments of what you can observe. If CyberNations is losing its flavor, try doing something different, because variety is the spice is life. We don’t have to live in the same redundant paradigm day after day, year after year. Be the change you wish to see in the world. The only person keeping you from rising up and making a better reality is yourself.
  6. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1285969457' post='2471485'] Silly, AUT, dont you know? VE never [i]disbanded[/i] they merely took a [i]hiatus[/i] as they planned to reform all along [/quote] Oh snap, I thought we had this conversation fifty times already. Yeah, we did. But for the unenlightened: we disbanded. It happened. Smooth made a silly argument once about how it's [i]kind of like we never disbanded[/i] because most of the savvy ones wanted to reform as soon as the chance presented, and pundits have used that as ammunition ever since. Here on Planet Bob, any political misstep or communications error will cost you for about 5 years, so that argument will be usable for another 20 months or so, I think. And for those still bitter about the WotC, if an ally starts acting very hostile and tells you to "Go f*** yourself", and you don't drop them, you're a tool, and you have my pity.
  7. Seeing how I'm in a good mood tonight, I'll point out that VE actually gained members over the course of the month while everyone else almost universally lost them. We must be doing something right, I suppose.
  8. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1285896974' post='2470501'] Yes his mass message to all Vox members of that youtube clip proved that. [/quote] My message then was similar to my message now: lighten up a bit and quit hating on the world. Life's too short to spend it upset at everything. Granted, I was much less eloquent back then, and admin and I had a talk about penis jokes and how they don't belong in CyberNations, but in the end everything turned out okay.
  9. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1285890596' post='2470348'] [color="#0000FF"]VE has jumped in bed with the neo-UJP, becoming a mockery of everything it once stood for. I'd say that's a little more than simply changing attitudes. But I wouldn't expect a VE lackey such as WF to say otherwise. And Reptyler, you whole "two month" gap thing, rubbish. During that time, and in late June, everyone knew what was up. People orchestrated a mass cancellation on Polaris in order to isolate them, and then in the following month several NpO allies were attacked with flimsy reasoning in order to bait the NpO into a war. As for Dark Fist, considering that NpO was under siege, and SCM impersonates high ranking NpO officials (and he is the leader of DF mind you), is a reason for war. He deserved to have some sense smacked into him. And Chickenzilla, there really was no proof other than speculation, and it was the resignations forum of all things. Please, I do not buy your whole NpO was a terrible ally. You needed a reason to cancel on them because you knew they were going to get rolled soon. That's all there is to it.[/color] [/quote] While there are falsehoods and misrepresentations in this post, probably most puzzling is that none of it has anything to do with me, despite my name being dropped.
  10. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285890024' post='2470339'] VE has never been an alliance worthy of praise. Sometimes they're on the right side, but never for the right reasons. Their greatest achievement has been convincing so many that they are an honourable and upstanding alliance. Even the fact that people become occasionally disappointed in them is evidence of this. [/quote] All of us are in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
  11. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1285882859' post='2470212']My point is at one point you were thought to be the [i]antithysis[/i] (sp?) of GOONS and now are allied to them and support their actions. VE historically, it appears, doesn't stand for much other than siding with the part that has the most alliances. And isn't it just the most opportunistic thing that GOONS now are in a position of power and when you opposed them they were on their way to defeat? [/quote] Let me share with you a personal story, if you will. Normally I do not speak so freely in these forums, but I feel it may give you some much-needed insight. I hate GOONS. I really do. After VE disbanded, I had a few encounters with them that were absolutely horrible. I still remember some of the teasing I endured when I posted on their boards. When we had the chance to reform, it was quite bitter having to do so on GGA and NPO's terms, but I took solace in the fact that GOONS were now facing the refining fire of nuclear armageddon. When these new GOONS showed up, I assumed we would wait long enough for them to screw up and then crush them. If there's one thing CyberNations has taught me, it is patience. So I waited. But these new GOONS were very cautious. I scrutinized them, waiting for something worthy of a solid CB, but they did a decent job of squirming out of the problems that most new alliances face. To my horror, they started talking to us. And they were being [b]nice[/b]! Of course, it's easy to be nice when you're sent as an official diplomat. That's just one person, and they're trained to talk sweet to people they hate. I didn't trust them, no sir, I hated the GOONS and their Umbrella stooges. I was against it when Seth pushed for us to think about allying GOONS. I was so sure that they would betray us, and that nothing but rotten things could come from them. It had to be a trap, why in the world would the GOONS want to be so kind to us? It had to be a scheme to try and get our guard down. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, GOONS would stab us in the back and laugh like an evil cartoon villain. The talks went on for weeks. I didn't pay much attention because I didn't think it would ever amount to a treaty. But it did. I posted on the VE forums saying it would be "a cold day in hell before I side with GOONS on anything important". No joke, I was pissed. Around this point, I started reading the forums more. I got a job working in the State department in addition to IA, so I got to be a diplomat. And a funny thing started happening. I started to feel pity for the GOONS. No matter what they did, everyone wanted to smear them. And I'll be damned, if they didn't defend themselves so well from verbal assaults on all sides. I began to see the distinct difference between the new GOONS and the Neutral Shoving ones. This was truly a different sort of scoundrel. It was so strange, I actually started to respect these GOONS. And then I started to feel bad for doubting their efforts to be nice. The more I talked to them, the more I liked them. And the more I thought about it, the more I decided that they truly had changed, and I had to let go of my old grudges. As one of the old guard of VE, one of the few remaining who was there for the Green Civil War, I had a change of heart, based upon what I saw and what I heard and what I felt. I forgave them. And it was pretty damn liberating. Yes, VE was the antithesis of hatred, of the unjust, of constant trolling and making fun based on speculated real names, sexual orientations, racial backgrounds, etc. I received slurs of all those types from the Neutral Shoving GOONS. But to continue to hold grudges and hate on the GOONS made us blind and hateful, as well. We all make mistakes in this life, and to withhold forgiveness is hypocritical, for we are all in need of forgiveness at some point or another. It's been said that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. I refuse to hold VE down like that any longer. I have forgiven, and based on what I've seen from the new GOONS, I am willing to give them another chance.
  12. [quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1285881342' post='2470185'] As long as it's not an alliance war, sanctions are fair game. [/quote] When you had to fight tooth and nail for that sanction power, and the 4th place person on your sphere has more than the 3 winners of any other sphere combined, you would feel a bit more inclined to put that power to good use. We are green team, and we endorse rogue senators. Joking aside, I can see this kind of opinion falling by the wayside like the Think of the Children act.
  13. Obviously, they are not acceptable if your name is Free Quebec. Damn Canadians. I've seen people make all kinds of arguments over the ethics of senators and sanctions, but I think when it comes down to it, you better hope you have access to a senator of your own, really. I'd rather see epic senate races to get your people in power (like Green before Bilrow wrecked it) than having to read a big long argument on the forums about how "wrong" the other guys' sanction was.
  14. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285872668' post='2470004'] So you think members from GOONS, VE, Umb, NPO, iFOK, MK, NEW, TOP, GOD, Celestial Being and PC all got together in a collaborative effort to drown out your opinion? Or perhaps it is an objectively terrible opinion. [/quote] Seriously amigo, think about it a minute. Now, has VE been a "good guy" alliance in the past? Yes, and I like that. Was allying with GGA when we really didn't like them honorable? No, but it was necessary to survive. Does this mean VE is never again allowed to be a "good guy" alliance? If you think so, I think you've got something stuck in your nether regions that is impairing your ability to concentrate, think straight, and form coherent sentences. Quite honestly, I'm tired of all this moralist argument crap. I'd rather you expect us to be bad guys than try to be like "DOUBLE STANDARDS AND HYPOCRISY" whenever we do something you don't like. Our view of the most correct way to do things will not always be aligned with your view of the most correct way to do things, that is certain. But that doesn't give you the right to moan and complain like daddy just took your cell phone away for failing your English class and making a D in Home Economics.
  15. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1285746032' post='2468059'] Blah blah self-justification blah blah. Rogues, no more or less than any other rogues from any era of the game. [/quote] I love you Xippo but I disagree. Someone as distinguished as Ejay went about and made a DoE, had a protectorate with a sanctioned alliance, upgraded that protectorate to a treaty with a sanctioned alliance, and conducted their alliance affairs like, you know, an actual alliance. This isn't some grouping that just dropped out of another alliance, gathered under one AA and said GOGO ATTACK GONS NOW. What we have here is a legitimate alliance, by every measure that I can think of, demanding that people recognize them as such. [quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1285740468' post='2467949'] I'm torn. On the one hand, I like Ejay. On the other, everyone posting !@#$ about "HOW DARE GOONS' ALLIES ATTACK THEIR ENEMIES YOU ARE COWARDS RAAAAR" are complete idiots. [/quote] My thoughts exactly, sir.
  16. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285742950' post='2468026'] You're right, we didn't think you would, but you did. So kudos for that. Not going to talk bad about you for that. [b]If there's anything I can't talk bad about it's people putting up instead of shutting up. There are still a LOT of people who will talk bad about GOONS all day long but never do anything about it, always waiting for someone else to.[/b][emphasis added]...I don't know why anyone is surprised our allies chipped in, whether you believe we asked them to or not. Every thread about us has this argument so you should really stop being surprised by the outcome.[/quote] Let me lay this out there, guys: those of you who insist on making the most asinine arguments as to why GOONS are evil in regards to their handling of wars are absolutely ridiculous. As someone who personally wasn't a big fan of GOONS for historical reasons, even I can see that you guys don't have a leg to stand on. If you want to vilify GOONS, please start using different arguments, because these old ones are stale and were pretty craptacular to begin with. [i](Fernando12, Alterego, I'm looking at you.)[/i] To be honest, this seems like a pretty universal win-win situation to me. Ninjas is glad to be taking the fight to GOONS over their lack of respect, GOONS seems to be happy that someone is actually attacking them with nukes instead of grade school playground name-calling. And GOONS allies are happy to have nations in range to practice on. Really, the people with the most room to complain are Viridians, and personally I have no idea what to think of all this. What's bad is that the stupid commentary bothers me far more than the confusing situation that spawned it.
  17. Vanguard (I guess MK will do), another treaty with GOD, and [s]GOONS Umbrella[/s] Poison Clan.
  18. [quote name='Cornelius' timestamp='1285648922' post='2466621'] I'd keep the Maroon Entente with GOD, the NV MDoAP, and one treaty that doesn't exist yet. And throw in a reminder that we'll defend any Green alliance if we feel like it. [/quote] I like that idea, too. Especially the 3rd one you listed.
  19. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1285586631' post='2465944'] I wouldn't be surprised, all you and your alliance are good enough for nowadays really. I'm sure Bob Janova can write up a couple long winded and useless posts to justify this position then go back and apologize for it all saying he should have taken more action. You know, VE stuff. [/quote] Yeah, stuff, we do stuff. You don't. You should probably go make a poll about it Arcturus: VE-GOONS-Ninjas eternal MADP?
  20. I could see us dropping everything but GOD and GOONS just to see the forums baww at us till kingdom come. Okay, maybe not, but a guy can dream, can't he?
  21. I really, really liked the pirate theme, even if Viridian Parley just doesn't sound as awesome as some of the other names.
  22. That be a mighty fine Jolly Roger yer flyin. Congrats on building your fleet!
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