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Everything posted by Reptyler

  1. [quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1286813381' post='2481564'] =posted image= That's all I have to say on the matter. [/quote] ... I really don't get it. I still think misr's attempt was worse, but this is pretty incomprehensible.
  2. This pains me. I read 20 pages of blogging about people making bad decisions, and this one final straw just gives me that sinking feeling inside.
  3. Maybe a new bloc will be announced.
  4. If you think I was unduly harsh, I apologize. But it seemed like you were making an awfully lame attempt to weasel your way out of admitting you were lying.
  5. I wish you could see the way my brow is furrowed right now, Steve.
  6. [quote name='Näktergal' timestamp='1286569587' post='2479073'] What you are saying doesn't even remotely contradict what he's saying, though. A case could easily be made to suggest that the reason [b][i]why[/i][/b] announcements in general have progressed from elaborate explanations of circumstances to terse statements of fact to people no longer announcing things on the OWF at all is because most major topics have a tendency to devolve into massive troll-fest where everyone shows up, whips out their agendas, and proceed to urinate on anyone and everyone they don't like. [/quote] Very well said. After a long hiatus from the OWF, coming back here has been alarming and depressing. Every minutia and oblique detail becomes a point of intense contention, and very infrequently do you see people agreeing with someone on the other side of the fence, or even being remotely civil in their disagreements. While there are some posters that have always been like this, the way it has spread to all corners of Digiterra is something that I would like to see reversed. I just don't know how.
  7. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1286564700' post='2479018'] Impero, I'm going to say this very slowly for your benefit, because you're the only one in the room that doesn't get it and you think you're on to something and its embarrassing to watch: The comment you are calling a lie is clearly tongue-in-cheek. There is a popular TV show in my tiny nation Schloss Eggenberg called Perry Mason, where a clever prosecutor ends each show with an AH-HA! moment. I can see you're going for it, but you're just not there because you're such a buffoon. [/quote] Oh, so you were just joking? I get it. "To err is human. To completely ignore, deflect, and to refuse to admit you have erred is Schattenman."
  8. [quote name='Chron' timestamp='1286499275' post='2478361'] Clearly you're trying too hard here. Honestly, you young people are just so quick to the trigger these days. You need to learn how to lean back and enjoy the simpler things in life, and not take such deep offense to every little thing. I sure hope your new friends will be able to help cool that quick temper of yours. [/quote] I concur. You, sir, are far too rational to be a Sith.
  9. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1286421586' post='2477697'] I said it didn't I? [/quote] Next time I'll just say "Stop being a troll, Damsky."
  10. Damsky, did you really feel like that needed to be said? Seriously.
  11. Since the lines of communications are actually still functional, I don't think this thread serves any useful purpose. Requesting a mod come along and lock it at their earliest convenience, please.
  12. Logged in to the VE site this morning to find this: [center][+] Defaced By C4patr0n [+] c4patr0n@hotmail.com ~ s3curitylabs@hotmail.com [+] EBRAR - Vatan-Ay - BrutaLChaoS - TntonE - Dizüçili - Tra!ner [+] fr0m : turkey ![/center] Please bear with us while we get this sorted out. EDIT: Forums are still up, it's only [url="http://www.viridianentente.com"]the one[/url] URL that's been defaced. http://www.viridianentente.com/forum.php should still work. Requesting a lock.
  13. MK needs to hurry up and pass us.
  14. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1286319962' post='2476436'] You're so boned. [/quote] Boned without protection? Say it ain't so, MK!
  15. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1286316407' post='2476361'] You'll also need bad grammar/spelling. And complete lack of logic. Having been in a one man alliance might help too. [/quote] He can keep the spellcheck if he's looking to imitate Schatt or RV.
  16. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1286279311' post='2475820'] I am strongly reminded of a certain announcement just after the close of GW3. (Complete with the statements of undying friendship and 'we have your back' from former allies, no less.) May your treatyless path work out better than that one did. [/quote] You must admit, the power structure here is different. VE was not a superpower of MK's caliber when it went totally independent.
  17. Everybody loves a FAN announcement! But seriously, if anything else goes down this week, the drama meter will go from black to plaid.
  18. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1286225961' post='2474584'] What are you on about? What big calls did VE make? You mean when they flip flop their position every week. I'm a coward because I don't wage a war against VE? Wow. That's hilarious. VE isn't even worth being attacked, and honestly, you never were. You've ridden the wave of your allies, while you failed to make a splash. Your only positive move was the creation of ZIPP which was nothing but a publicity move from every alliance who signed it. As far as insignificant goes, you're one of the ones who's been leading the charge. Even when you guys were in Q, no one ever mentioned VE, or SF for that matter, even in Pandora's Box you're still insignificant to the majority of the people (I honestly don't know why). So when will VE start to play in the big leagues instead of riding the pine. [/quote] I don't know where you get your ideas, because they are clearly not related to the reality I am familiar with. The reason you never heard about VE in Continuum or SuperFriends is because [b]we were never members of those blocs[/b]. The last bloc VE was a member in was The Initiative. When we left, we were the first alliance to cancel on NPO, ever, and got rolled for it, [i]all before your alliance ever existed[/i]. We've made decisions that have made a splash on the world, and who's even heard of your alliance? I could make a list of things VE has done since reformation that you haven't, like had a senator, been mentioned in the sanction race, been threatened with destruction by Electron Sponge, stood up for Ordo Verde in Karma, etc. What have you done? I don't know what VE did to hurt your feelings in a past life, but you need to quit sippin' on that haterade, man.
  19. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1286178802' post='2474075'] How devilishly clever of you. Not that you'll really give a crap, but I have to respect what master strategists you NPO lot were back then. [/quote] I think they mostly still are. Their fall did not remove all the talent from their organization, simply the power they hard worked so hard to maintain. [quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1286189401' post='2474114'] One hasnt been on a loosing side since existence. [/quote] To me, I think that would mean they're a damn fine alliance. How exactly do you measure success? To Believland, I think it means "20 nations and less than half a million NS". [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1286166010' post='2473908']You're just a bundle of laughable quotes. Are you saying AUT is secretly the ring leader of ex-heg's side? Hahaha. That's like saying VE never disbanded! Also, I just hope you realize that 10 man AA that AUT threw at you, it turns out their only treaty was one with you! So they're anything but that side. Unless you're saying that VE is that side. Which is surprising that you'd enter this bloc and still associate with the ex-heg. On the other hand, it's not like you've done worse political moves. Have fun PC, Umbrella and GOONS. [/quote] No, I am not referring to Ninjas at all, you misunderstand me completely. I am saying AUT is a shining example of someone who is willing to talk big, but never make a significant difference. I've been playing this game long enough to see many of his kind rally the call against evil, only to lead a suicidal charge that does nothing but waste resources. He, like you, will be forever doomed to be an armchair quarterback. You sit back and criticize all you want, but you are the coward who will never step up and make the hard calls yourself. If we make missteps, it is because we had the courage to play the game. You and your friends sniping us from the anonymity of insignificance and mediocrity can talk all you want, but until you step up and play in the big leagues, your talk is pretty cheap.
  20. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1286160150' post='2473772'] Yes, because heaven knows you guys need at least 3 to 1 odds to brag so damn much. [/quote] If you were more intelligent and attacked in greater numbers, we wouldn't have this problem, now would we? I feel quite confident saying "Do something about it" to you AUT, because your idea of "doing something about it" is making whiny threads and sending 10-man AA teams at GOONS. Until you or any alliance you are affiliated with accomplishes something worth talking about, your opinions are pretty darn invalid as to the quality of other peoples' alliances.
  21. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1286134517' post='2473322'] Hahahahaha! VE? HAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe you just said that. I can't wait to see this announced. [/quote] Who else gets 50 threads a day about "waaaaaah u used to be good but now that ur strong ur EVIL you bunch of HIPPO-CRITS"?
  22. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1286132701' post='2473282'] The real question is: There are six alliances listed in the bloc, with five demons coming out of the box. So which of the six listed alliances is the one opening the box? [/quote] I would assume VE, since everyone expects us to be the Messiah of CN for some reason, but honestly I'd rather be one of the cool little creepy things.
  23. [quote name='Kortal' timestamp='1286132014' post='2473260'] I agree this bloc will probably be rolled pretty quickly After all none of these alliances have any treaties and are all universally hated by the various significant factions like CnG or SF whom they have no working relationships with They won't know what hit them [/quote] Drat! I wish we'd thought of that sooner!
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