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the rebel

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Everything posted by the rebel

  1. I thought so, now run along back under that rock of yours.
  2. Raiders like Cobra are opportunistic, give an inch and they will take a mile.
  3. Wait....lower tiers are largely bereft of tech? No shit Sherlock. :p
  4. You might want to spend more time on nation building your alliance than throwing your willfully unprepared children members into a pointless war.
  5. They call that an escalation. The very same type of escalation you lot are complaining Meth is doing. I know, I know double standards, but contradicting yourself that easily, takes the biscuit.
  6. Jumped the gun and hit a non involved party, sounds like a rogue but you lot of have been stating he isn't a rogue. So that leaves it being a sanctioned attack.
  7. Maybe we should wait for Sir William to clear things up on whether he is a rogue or not. Considering he declared wars while on Kashmir and seeing how its implied to be sanctioned, that means Kashmir had declared war on both LN and GATO. Its funny when the challenged imply they declared war on an alliance member of CnG.
  8. Did he delegate you to be SNX's spin doctor? You do a fine job :)
  9. If Polar was scared of SNX's allies then they wouldn't of declared on SNX. All the world saw was SNX's allies pretending the war wasn't happening.
  10. Junka bent over and surrendered, if his allies were in he wouldn't of bent over so soon. I remember out damaging Mogar too, good times.
  11. Its what happens when Junka is forced to eat humble pie, when allies go "optional baby" :p
  12. Very nice, but don't insult people intelligence by trying to sell roguery then suicide as honourable.
  13. Honour is just a self imposed label to make you or friends feel better about your self or their self. Its been stated numerous times that they are doing just that once warchests run out. The former meets their goal sooner than the latter.
  14. First time I've seen going out with a bang phrased as honourable. Suicide is a much more honourable way out, than trying to take everyone with you.
  15. Some people like snakes and ladders, others like chess.
  16. It probably is intentional to stop old and large nations from avoiding naval attacks.
  17. Don't be daft, every tiny rogue and tiny aid thief needs broadcasting to the world as it's very important news.
  18. Easy there cowboy, that's fighting talk. I can be available for you if you wish, sit back down and drink your beer quietly.
  19. You seem concerned, maybe you should go help them out instead of crying from the sidelines.
  20. Considering that the over a month already was in the "useless tiers" as many including yourself call it or similar and not all or even most of the alliance, then I disagree the alliance hasn't been at war and only a small fraction have been doing terrorist counter operations as Junka calls it. Propaganda has to be consistent and not here, there and everywhere. I thought they would of been fully battle hardened already when their future allies and their allies slapped the whole of SNX around for abit? Even before that during the global or has Junka's reform not hit the military side yet as too busy being a farmer?
  21. Allies offered to pay reparations which is what Al wanted in the first place and they get rejected... The plot thickens!
  22. Weldone you remember a time when there was more actives and more actively engaged political rulers, most of those who remain in the latter category are retired or not bothered incumbents. Those new blood are stick by red tape in these established alliances or are in these "shitty little micros causing too much drama" as people say. Get used to it.
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