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Posts posted by Tibet

  1. We also are troubled to see the Prime Minister has returned to the WMD false rhetoric instead of moving beyond it. Overall we are disappointed that the transfer of sovereignty seemed to have moved towards a regression of East Asian Relations. We hope for better in the future.

    Something that is still in deliberation should not be waved away as false rhetoric. The Dalai Lama has specifically ask questions about these types of weapons to where outside nations can form their own opinion about these weapons as far as their classification.

    And each time, these question (OOC: Specifically about destruction radius) went unanswered. So before claiming that this talk is "false rhetoric", how about a continuation of that debate (OOC: In its thread). It is certainly within your opinion to classify your own weapons, but to tell other nations that their opinion is "false rhetoric" without a proper debate is contrary to the ideals that you seek to protect (OOC: Individual Nation Rights and whatnot)

  2. The doors to the room opened, and everyone thought that the USNA Ambassador had finally made it until they saw the Dalai Lama enter the room


    "I smell marshmallows! I just love those things."

    He smiles broadly, "Good Day Ladies and Gentleman, it is indeed an honor to be here to welcome the Imperator to the international community! May the Imperium of America become a torch for peace in this dark world."

    With that, he started to individually greet each of the Ambassadors before having a seat at the table.

  3. Reporter for the Tibetan News Agency:

    "Neo Japan has a long history of support for Tibet, how will this change that relationship if at all?"

    "Has the new government heard anything on the condition of the Emperor?"

    "What assistance can Tibet provide to the people of Neo Japan? We are experts at water purification and can export many tons of potable water while water purification plants are being brought online, would that be helpful to Neo Japan's rebuilding mission?"

  4. I just came in here to say the same thing about nukes V the King. These nations are no where near the capability without a manhattan project for nukes. You shouldn't get a free pass because one nation chooses to hand them out like children's play toys. Regarding nukes in general unless you are basically way ahead of everyone else, you should try to keep a limited Arsenal. Having huge arsenal is pretty unrealistic unless you are massive, the nation in question selling them off hardly qualifies as such.

    Agreed. Allies do NOT simply give nukes to each other, that doesn't happen in the Real World "to common knowledge" (*CLASSIFIED*), and we should do our best to RP in an acurate, feasible manner.

    Even sharing Tech is a little much. I would say again that allies should only be able to share technology with allies of equal level (C3 Stuff), but tech that is military in nature should be limited to 50% (not equal) due to simple national security concerns.

  5. OOC: Hold your horses! I'm trying to explain the rational of what Kyokujitsu Teikoku is doing, not dictating how to RP.

    The Kyokujitsu Teikoku mentality is that it's the true successor of Old Japan, and its goal is to eventually reunite the Japanese Islands and move back the Imperial Family to Kyoto. It believes that any attempt to split the Japanese people is heresy(so, it would consider how your 3000 citizens in Kyushu/Shikoku think as something to be taught out of), and that any government supporting such a split is not legitmate.

    As I have said above, we should continue this legacy debate later when I make a thread on the origins of my nation and its policies. So please, don't think that I'm against you OOC-wise, and spinning things out of thin air.

    BTW, can you tell me just how many people are in Kyushu/Shikoku? I need to adjust the number of citizens I plan on sending there to "reunite" the people there.

    OOC: I've read enough, now I'll post.

    #1 You are claiming a history that directly affects another RPer. You will have to go back more than half a century. You need to go back to before any history that Frost has to legitimately claim that your have history from his land, as he has established a history already. I can RP that New Guinea was destroyed 50 years ago killing all inhabitants, but if that interferes with your history in the CNRP world, I would have trouble getting other RPers to buy into it.

    #2 You are claiming to be brothers to Lord Frost's people and are trying to unite them, but you come in on the coat tails of a Triyunican invasion? So with the approval of the enemies of your brothers you are now wishing to resettle on land that was just fought over between your "Brothers" and their mortal enemies? That isn't a good RP, because it wouldn't happen that way in RL, that would be like the Korea People asking the Japanese to help reunite the pennisula, that would never happen.

    #3 Lord Forst has been trying to reunite the Japanese homeland for some time, and he thought he had done it due to a map error, but instead, when another RPer left, if was messed up, he claimed it, reuniting the Islands of Japan was important to his RP, and the inability of others to us diplomacy brought about the fall of Neo Japan, and the Japanese people, and during that where were you, his Japanese "brothers"? Where were the ancient honorable people of Japan that you RP? They were siding with the very nation that was bombing their "ancient homeland" and their "brothers".

    What right do you have to attempt to rewrite the glorious history of the Japanese People, when your actions have been unhonrable and in direct disregard to your own RP?

  6. It's still very silly. A nation will not instantly be as technologically advanced as his ally just because he's feeding him some technology. Of course, he'll have more a more advanced arsenal, better ships and planes, etc. Industries can benefit as well. But naturally, the society at large will very likely not embrace technology at a quick pace, if they'd be able to handle/afford it at all.

    OOC: Think in RL terms; even if the US allies itself to, say, Ghana, the country will very likely be as technologically backwards as before, although it will probably have a finer military (but not that fine, as the military itself needs to be trained over the years to adapt to new technology.)

    Very true, also I would think that they would maybe get 50%, not 100%, due to "National Security" Issues and whatnot...No nation shares "everything". I know when I was in the Army, we gave ROK (Korea) equipment that we were phasing out, it was worthless to us, but it was still better than anything they had. So, I would say that an ally would have access to 50% of the allied nations tech, but the great thing is the allied nation itself!

  7. Somehow I doubt he'd go THAT far...but he'[s surprised us all in the past.

    @Tibet...perhaps...but that just doesn't seem to be the case to me, in this instance. I get the feeling this was a hurried thing, despite the flawless execution of the other parts of the plan.

    that is the thin line between IC and OOC...something hurried OOC can be RPed the right way as if IC it has been planned from teh start. It all depends on how it goes down. Logically, I agree with you. But I still feel that Ubey is a good enough RPer to be able to RP his way to explain how this as a solid attempt.

  8. Actually, it's a safe assumption that these people were taken fairly recently, as the event that pissed Uberstein off only happened recently.

    That would be a valid assumption, however do you put it past Ubey to have people kidnapped already that are from nations that are on his list? No me...LOL

  9. The exact quote is as follows...

    So, I reiterate...50-50 odds (might as well flip a coin), but I take back the part about a complete god-mod.

    Still, doesn't state how long ago to establish a length for training, doesn't talk about if the abductee had prior military/sniper training. I concede my 99% rate, but I cannot debate any odds until more is known about the areas mentioned because they would greatly effect the odds in question. Simply saying 50-50 without knowing these facts is still just a safe guess.

  10. The Dalai Lama wishes to establish diplomatic ties between Imperium of America and Tibet. Imperium of America seems to be a peace loving nation with the wisdom to understand its place in the international community.

    Ambassador Choja Katsu will be sent as our diplomat if agreed.

  11. Yeah, but in just a couple days? Is that even possible? These are persons taken from the target's own people, not likely to be top-caliber in the first place.

    Love your nickname for him, BTW.

    No, you're right that he couldn't be trained in that amount of time, but has Ubey said that or is that an assumption? I haven't seen anything talking about the training of the individual, but I might have missed it. We don't know the training the individual had prior to being abducted either. Too many details that are unknown to debunk and say its not possible. Unlikely? Yeah, but God-modding? I don't label it that.

  12. Tibet will resume diplomatic ties with Neo Japan once there is an election without Neo Triyunican influence. Tibetans are deeply saddened by the situation in Neo Japan and are interested in doing everything within our power to assist with rebuilding that will be allowed.

    OOC: Although, that's an accurate enough statement, after their actions in Neo Japan. Except that we know time travel is an impossibility! :P

    OOC: Or is it?

  13. As I said, despite any hurried training he may give them, they aren't top-caliber assassins--merely poor, brainwashed fools. So yes, it is.

    But brainwashing done right will not interfer with abilities (OOC: Bourne Identity anyone?), and if anyone can do brainwashing professionally, I'd have to say it would be Ubey...

  14. There are plenty of precedence in history of the defending who end up winning occupying the victors. Any suggestion to the contrary is foolish. Neither Tokyo or Nagasaki were destroyed by the bombs usuages there. Certain key areas were destroyed. As for mushroom clouds there are plenty of weapons modern nations employ which create them.

    Mushroom clouds was just a minor point. Care to discuss the destruction radius? How many miles in a radius was destroyed from one bomb?

    A MOAB will create a mushroom cloud, albeit a minor one. But again, the radius of the destruction path can determine the mass destruction term.

    (DOD) Weapons that are capable of a high order of destruction and/or of being used in such a manner as to destroy large numbers of people. Weapons of mass destruction can be high explosives or nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological weapons, but exclude the means of transporting or propelling the weapon where such means is a separable and divisible part of the weapon. Also called WMD.

  15. Neo Triyunica rejects that any weapon of mass destruction was used. Neo Triyunica instead posits that heavy conventional weapons were used, but that these weapons do not represent mass destruction as the term has been historically untilized.

    Clearly any term that does not consider a weapon that creates a mushroom cloud and destroys an entire city as a Weapon of Mass Destruction needs to be reconsidered.

    A Heavy Conventional Weapon is termed anything up to an including a MOAB Fuel-Air Bomb which could destroy maybe a 1 mile radius, clearly anything with a greater radius of destruction than this falls in between a convention weapon and a WMD and should be clarified.

    Besides, any weapon whatever the term it is "called by" that can destroy an entire city in one blow represents the term mass destruction very well.

  16. Tibet would like to send 500 Tons of potable water to Neo Japan and requests Visas for Water Purification Teams and authorization for their equipment to be sent via Air to Neo Japan. In order to speed the process to where fresh water can start to be purified for the populace, could Neo Triyunica please send NT Military Planes to the international airport in Lhasa to where inspection and processing can happen prior to the planes being loaded to where they can commence activity as soon as they land and are briefed of where the best locations for their setup are located?

  17. Well, i didn't RP any "public speech" yet and there is no other way to assassinate him, but here is how it goes: The USSR is a de-facto dictatorship which uses military and armed police to retain the law and order on the streets, there are no individual freedoms and there are controls and raids everyday to hit hard dissidents and "enemies of the state". There would be no building without sniper cover, there ARE soldiers and officers on the streets who check everyone who looks suspicious - unless your guy is gonna eat the 50.cal sniper rifle, it is pretty hard for him to go around with such a big bag to hide him without getting suspicious to the military, plus - how will you shoot from "one mile" if President Pochenko on his balcony, and there are other buildings around you to cover the visual..

    So lets suppose your guy will not be caught by the police or military with a tiny Cal. 50 rifle, when and how will you shoot me? With godmodding i mean you give me no chance to react or RP it, which is like you are the protagonist and we are the NPC, i don't like that AND if you are gonna RP it in your way, like you never fail - i will contact a roleplay mod and tell him i don't like the way you roleplayed this.

    uh, you have provided nothing that couldn't easily be worked around.

    Sniper can transport via two methods, covert or open:

    open is what you are assuming, that he is disquising himself in some way to get close, prehaps as one of the snipers that is providing "cover" that is normally the best way to do it in a dictatorship :).

    covert is where he will be moving either through the sewer system, or some other out of sight method.

    Any sniper sent on this mission would have a 99% kill rate, or he wouldn't be sent on this mission.

    Your guy IS an NPC, if he is killed, you just RP another one, you are not your RP Character.

  18. That may be true, but strength doesn't make you right. There are no differences in the intelligence between most civilized nations, be they weak or strong. Might doesn't make them right it just allows them to write the history and to spin the truth under their perception.

    Nations of greater strength should understand that they have a greater responsibility to peace and he peace process. They are the ones who can enforce peace through deterrance to where all nations can be better off. It is sad to see that the doctrine that most of the stronger nations follow lacks the encouragement to promote peace and to deter war, but that isn't displayed. Instead the stronger nations act as though they are paranoid of the weaker nations that just wish to exist in peace.

    If these nations actually stood up for peace, few would be able to challenge them, and they would find themselves even more powerful in the international community, but instead, that potential is eroded by paranoia and assumptions.

  19. :blink:

    Who would have guessed that the peacefull guy had sniper training. Thanks for the help.

    The followup on the head is when he's on the ground dead, it's to make sure they don't use that handy polish technology and put him in a robot body.

    First shot is always a pink mist shot (head shot) snipers do not aim for the chest, unless a head shot isn't available and the shot must be taken.

    Yeah, I also had a Top Secret/plus and handled nuclear launch codes for three years. Talk about repetative paperwork! It is not everything its made out to be...

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