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Posts posted by Tibet

  1. I will be happy To sign this and I also would like to sign an MDP with tibet

    For People of freedom

    logan Matut, Presidente

    Garun Gataru, External affairs minister

    Chiman Takula, Ambassador to tibet

    Dhalimatun Gataru, VP

    Chirutan Bicabica, Official record keeper

    We would like to have better diplomatic relations with lgmmrm before entering into any treaties with them.

  2. Though it was an outpost, it still had unseen sentries surrounding it at a perimiter of thirty yards, ten men spaced evenly apart around the circle.

    The trooper delviered the truck with its contents to the most qualified person, to examine the grain for any contaminants whether deliberate or accidental. After he pulled to a stop, he began unloading the grain for examination...

    He unloaded the grain and samples were taken, when the grain was analyzed the following preservative chemicals for seed grain were found:

    Methoxcychlor WP

  3. Colstream message to Tibetan Government:

    Colstream Army in southwest is giving out free fresh water to villages that do not have their own water supply. We would also like to give out pigs and cattle with your permission.

    That is permissive, we just request that goats are given out instead of pigs, they survive the climate better here in Tibet.  Thank You for your generocity!

  4. In the camp where all Kanteerian personnel were located multiple Transport Aircraft would deliver it's load.

    The 100 Technicians are awaiting Orders from Tibet as to where they have to transport them and if they need to provide Basic Training or more Specific.


  5. 'Well, it seems to be working fine,' thought the trooper. 'Let's test it out.'

    It was an older model, but it still drove like any other vehicle. He pressed the accelerator...

    OOC: You're driving me nuts. There's something wrong with this picture, but I still don't know what.

    The truck slugishly moved off and handled well without any power steering. The trooper drove the truck to an outpost...

  6. Franzharia will sign as a Section V signatory.

    For The Imperial Federation of Franzharia

    Emperor Rukia IV, Emeritus

    Lord High Chancellor Ranather von Duscherer Rukia

    The Dalai Lama is greatly moved by the attention shown to Tibet and the prospect of peace for its people.

  7. OOC: So I assume that means it isn't rigged to explode when it's started up?

    IC: The Promised Land trooper signalled that he couldn't find anything, but to still stay back. He had removed the bodies was going to try and start the vehicle. If it didn't explode when that happened, he'd take it to an outpost where it would be examined for poison or any other contamination. No possibility would be left alone.

    The soldier started the vehicle and everything worked fine for a truck its age...

  8. OOC: Ah, yes, thank's for reminding me.

    IC: When Clancy recieved news of this, he sent ten tanks from the Tibetan Armor brigade, 50 Tibetan troops, and ten more of his own.

    One of the newly arrived Elite troopers checked for IED's using his cell phone, but nothing turned up.

    The patrol unit remained under cover, the tank units just beyond them and most of the newcomers surrounding the armor. One man, wearingkevlar armor under his uniform, was sent in to investigate. If there were any undetected explosives, only one person would be hurt...

    The single soldier searched the entire truck through and through and found no hint of explosives or rigging of any kind.

  9. Suspecting a trap, the patrol lays low approximately 20 yards away, and radios in their finding to Base Camp. One of them tosses a few loose rocks, to check for 'sensitive' explosives. (OOC: Such as mines or other explosive booby traps)

    Nothing happens.

    OOC: could also do some querying pings with cell phone freqs (for IEDs) and that would also be a negative.

  10. OOC: just wanna get this out of the way: the Imperial Guard Infantry I sent in (the guys with the stealth chopper hiding around) answer to nobody but the Imperial Guard Command and the Emperor himself. Sorry mr. clancy :D

    OOC: Correct. I meant all the new forces coming in afterwards. Their are 4 operational command structures:

    NW Tibet - Promised Land

    SW Tibet - USNA

    Eastern Tibet - Tibet

    Neo Japan has sole command over his IGI

    Training & Doctrine Command (TRADOC) has gone to Kanteero to improve the efficiency of the Tibetan Forces.

  11. A piece of paper is no substitute for a true heart and one's word. We cannot formally sign because of alliance obligations, but karma brothers are brothers nonetheless. We stand with the Dharma.

    Sun WuKong, the Monkey King

    Keeper of the Peach of Immortality

    Wielder of the Golden Staff

    Ruler of the Lands of the Dhammapada

    It is indeed an honor! Peace be with you.

  12. --Encryption Code 5H8UJ--
    Subject: Purchase of M=16A2
    This can be delivered within 2 weeks. As for payment the very least we can do to help your cause is provide the means to defend yourselves free of charge. We have 600,000 M-16's simply lying around in our Storages. We will also send 100 Technicians to help your troops use the Weapons in cooperation with the Special ops.
    Imperial Department of Defense
    --End Message: 5H8UJ--

    This is greatly appreciated. The defense of Tibet will be greatly enhanced due to your generocity.

  13. Cobra reqeusts permission to send in 350 soldiers to help secure Tibet against this insurgency. Please note that the 350 men we will be sending (If this is approved by the goverment of Tibet) are all battle hardened (Due to the recent uprising that was put down in Cobra).

    This is approved, but due to the number of people coming in, all peacekeeping forces will fall under the command of Promised Land Major Clancy, if this is okay, proceed and meet up with him.

    All Training Forces will fall under the command of Kanteero.

  14. Just send a message to the Defense Ministry with how many you need we have hundreds of thousands in storage for these situations.

    We currently have 120,000 troops Active, and 70,000 troops in reserve (OOC: x10 factor and my reserves is the difference in actual and effective i.e. 12,000 (19,000))
    If you could spare 200K rifles and armorers to teach our people how to fix them, that would be highly benefitial.  Please tell us the fair market value of the material and we will gladly pay it.

  15. OOC: Continuing here :)

    IC: 400 Forces will train the troops at the Academy and 100 will go to the Battlefield. They are accompanied by 5,000 M-16's to be used by the Instructors and Tibettan troops.

    This will be great training for our troops as they are currently using M1903 Bolt Action Rifles...

  16. The Special ops have arrived the only thing they need is a place to set up a camp and Soldiers to train. If this works out Kanteero is willing to instruct your Defense force more permanently.

    OOC: Please RP this in the Grain Shortage Hits Tibet Thread to where we don't HJ this thread. We are not sure if the two situations are linked yet.

    IC: We have one base camp set up under the command of Promised Land in Western Tibet, and you can utilize our academy for garrison training of our troops that are no deployed as of yet. We rotate units using the rule of 3, one in fight, one training preparing to relieve the unit fighting, and one unit recovering from fighting. You can train units that are in the training phase at the academt and possibly deploy a training detachment to the field to train the units in the field?

  17. 500 Marine Special Ops have been send to Tibet to help them and if needed give the Soldiers more training(OOC: As a peaceful nation I don't think Tibet's Military is that trained :P ).

    This is greatly appreciated, and you are right, due to our nature, the Tibetan Military is not well versed in the art of war. :blush:

    As it has become obvious during this situation.

  18. Your holiness, allow me to send 300 Special Forces to Tibet to act as advisers to your troops. I know it is not much, but it is all I can spare pending the war within my borders.

    Any assistance in training our troops would be greatly appreciated. Promised Land is currently assisting us with training as well as fighting the insurgents, perhaps your could take over the training duties to allow Promised Land to fully commit to the fight? 300 Special Forces would be quite useful as instructors.

  19. Colstream officially declares war on Deutschland in order to defend Tibet under the "Tibetan Defense Pact".

    OOC: This is my first RP war too.

    Colstream also asks Tibet if the Colstream Army can build up in his territory. At the moment, the Colstream forces are at standby positions in Colstream.

    Due to the unrest Tibet is currently facing, we welcome any assistance with the insurgents that we are fighting in Western Tibet. It is not know just what ties, if any, the current insurgency has to Deutschland.

    We are still trying to understand and analyze all the data that we have received.

  20. In one of the patrols, Clancy's men come across a cargo truck full of grain, apparently it was one that was thought lost during on of the ambushes of a convoy prior to the peacekeeper's arrival.

    Both the driver and the passenger are dead and have bullet holes in their foreheads. The truck has been there a while, but the grain is still free of mice and bugs...

  21. I understand and study on a daily basis The Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path.

    It would be an honor and a privilege to assist in the protection the nation of Tibet.

    We look forward to establishing a more meaningful relationship with the Confederation. Your willingness to sign this pact speaks measures to us, and we don't know that much about your nation.

    We would like to exchange ambassadors in order to learn more about your customs and culture.

  22. Meanwhile, several thousand miles away in northwestern Tibet, a member of the relief force Promised Land had sent to help that nation during its grain shortage stumbled across some documents in an abandoned village. After reading for only five minutes, his eyes widened. Kaiser Martens must be mad to attempt an assassination here! The Dalai Lama was the most respected man on the planet!

    OOC: Well, Martens, you said you wanted it to be you against the world. If you still want it to be the case, you'll accept that assassination plot and it will somehow go public.

    OOC: Hey KM, do you want to RP this addition or not? I'm open to it if you want it.

  23. [Northwest Tibet near the New Triyunican Border]

    The Marauder looked over his men, there were about two dozen within his close circle. He looked each of them in the eye before starting his speech.

    "Brothers, you have been trained well. I am proud of you and I know that Allah is proud of you as well. I have urgent business to attend to and must travel to make sure that our brothers in the west are ready with their plans as well. I leave you in the very capable hands of Brother Isa Al-Rashid, he will be in direct contact with me and will be my right hand."

    The Marauder looked around the room again, to make sure that everyone was respectful of his new appointment.

    "Brother Isa will lead you on to victory here, and we will free our people of the lies that flow forth from Lhasa. We will bring our ways to these backward peoples and they will learn of 'the way'. Continue to be mindful of your actions, using the satellite phones and not your cell phones or radios, which can easily be tracked. Travel in small groups and use our brothers that you recruit to do most of the work, don't put yourselves in danger, you are the leaders of the movement and need to remain so."

    "Contact our base camp in the south and have them meet up with our brothers in GIAS and once they complete their mission in GIAS, they are to move into Southwestern Tibet to mirror what we are doing here."

    "I leave you know my brothers, but I will be back soon, Shalom."

    With that, the Marauder left the tent and got into an old land rover that headed off towards New Triyunica.

    Isa Al-Rashid instantly spoke up, "My brothers I am deeply honored to be leading you know, what we fight for here is Allah's will, and we will all be blessed by pouring out his wrath. Hurry my brothers, we must prepare!"

  24. "theres one"

    "I see him. Suicide tactics? I mean in the Middle east maybe, but Tibetan folk? weird"

    OOC: The insurgents are not ethnic Tibetans, they are ethnically Pakistani, muslims in North Western Tibet, which is within Tibetan borders, but outside of my AOI so I RP that area as insurgent until I can control it with my AOI centered in the captial city of Lhasa

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