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Posts posted by Tibet

  1. IC: The Franzharian's who had stormed the camp earlier had now set a station up on the Tibetan side of the border. They were attempting to treat the wounded civilians as well as try to identify them. Commander Ilov sent out a communique to Tibetan and USNA officials seeking assistance to help with the now-humanitarian operation.

    Tibetan Forces can move the stable patients to Lhasa in a 20 minute helicopter ride from the border. We will also dispatch first responders and medical teams to assist those that are not stable.

  2. We urge both sides to stand down and cease operations. USNA and GIAS forces have not fought and died together to allow this to happen. We have allies on both sides and are reluctant to do anything against either. Please allow for diplomatic talks to resolve the situation. USNA forces involved in peacekeeping and rebuilding operations in GIAS have been put on full combat alert. This must be solved through diplomacy. President Kusanagi is currently doing well and has been pronounced fit to be released from the medical facilities on the USNS Iwo Jima. If she wishes we shall provide transport and escort to the capital of GIAS to see if something can be done.

    (OOC: I was waiting for King Kevz to RP President Kusanagi this entire time. Guess I should have asked him)

    OOC: THAT was why I gave the long deadline, I was hoping that she would come in at the last minute and restore sanity.

    IC: We wil await the return of President Kusanagi as she is the rightful leader of GIAS. Hopefully she can restore order and reason to GIAS.

  3. OOC: We moved ahead when he started to actually threaten the civilians. Cobra and Franzharia already know about the Civilian deaths but pulled out nonetheless. We just couldn't abide that, I'm sorry if we derailed the RP, but knowing that the danger was now REAL, they were already mostly dead notwithstanding, we couldn't take any chances.

    OOC: oh I understand completely and I take full responsibility for the lact of communication of Slavorussia as the other protector of GIAS. :blush:

    I just didn't think it would explode the way it did.

  4. OOC: I actually meant 72 hours guys...LOL. I was going to contact Slavorussia if GIAS still refused by Sunday. Just FFYI, when I say a time, its real time. I am sorry that failed to communicate the protectorate status, both Tibet and Slavorussia were protectors, now just Slavorussia. I'm sure that Slavorussia will handle this, I just wanted to give KK time to think about his RP since he's going into Right Field again. I have been gone this whole time and just now saw the incidents. And I don't think that the Dalai Lama or Justinian the Mighty will care for GIAS' actions when they discover the deaths of the diplomats.

    IC: The Dalai Lama calls for peace and reinterates the dealine of 66 hours remaining.

  5. ...deal with his own problems in his nation before going on about others.

    That is exactly what I am doing. When Tibetan diplomats and nationals are being held against their will, it is the Dalai Lama's problem. So release our people and we will wash our hands of you and your problems.

  6. USNA is also an ally of Tibet, as are many nations. Please reconsider, Tibet is looking forward to a period of peace after our ordeal, and now you are doing this? GIAS has tried the patience of nations in the past, Tibet is one nation that stepped forward to assist GIAS, and this is the reward that you return? We even welcomed you to the land that you now call home, and this is your answer to that kindness?

  7. They are to stay in the Labour camps but have had their time reduced to 10 years of labour. After that they shall be returned to you.

    As for annihilation our nation lies in ruins after we were attacked in which our only allie to come to our aid was the USNA so the only extra damaged caused would be to the ruins and few remaining factories and government buildings.

    And I would suggest talking to your allies prior to providing an answer. Tibet is a peaceful nation and actions of aggression against a peaceful nation says a lot about a government, and could unite nations against you. Carefully consider you words and actions, now is the time for wisdom instead of haste.

    OOC: I was editing the post, but your haste beat my wisdom... :wacko:

  8. Then you may remove us from being one of your protectorate.

    So noted, now what are your actions in regard to the Tibetan diplomats and nationals? And I would suggest talking to your allies prior to providing an answer. Tibet is a peaceful nation and actions of aggression against a peaceful nation says a lot about a government, and could unite nations against you. Carefully consider you words and actions, now is the time for wisdom instead of haste.

  9. Due to the threats of war from Kanteero the nation of Ghost In A Shell has closed all of its borders to anyone who isn't a member of the military. Also ALL people from other nations have been detained and sent to our Labour camps where they shall work for the rest of their lives. Of course these camp's locations are secret.

    Tibet requests that their diplomat be allowed to leave GIAS. Also, we strongly suggest a change of course in the dealings with the international diplomats. What you do to your own citizens is the choice of your government and the citizens will judge you, but what you do to other nations citizens opens your government up to judgement from other nations, and their judgement will be more forceful, failure to change this policy will result in Tibet removing GIAS as a 'protectorate'.

  10. If you wish the Kanteerian Instructors currently in TIbet can stay there too to help train the Enlisted at this moment we do not need them in Kanteero.

    OOC: Quite Ironic that the most pacifist nation in RP soon will have the most strong and efficient Army :P

    That would be most generous. Tibet has learned through this crisis that we were ill prepared to protect our people during their time of need. Peace is our goal and our ideal, but as long as there are opposing forces to peace, we must be viligent and have the resources to protect our people. Since we assume the charge of standard bearers for peace, others will single us out, and due to that we must be able to protect ourselves, and we thank you, our allies for giving us the resources needed to provide that protection during times of internal turmoil.

    OOC: Is anyone going to find the Captain in the cave?

  11. Ofcourse they are welcome in Kanteero. We have just opened a new Military Academy in Belgrade it can host 500 Tibetan Officers annually.

    Then we will take you up on your offer, until we can get better accomadations here in Tibet, the Dalai Lama thanks you personally.

    Promised Land has no objection to training the officers of Tibet's military forces. If you wish, we can continue to help train your enlisted men as well, until such a time as you can train them yourselves.

    We would be most honored if you could continue to train our enlisted men here in Tibet, we will house your instructors as diplomats until a more appropriate facility can be built for them to utilize. We thank Promised Land for their continued support of Tibet.

    Seeing as the job is pretty much done we are ordering the 1st Airborne Division home. The remaining elements of the 2nd Light Infantry Division will stay for a while longer. As to training we have a very good training program in place at home for both line troops and officers. If you wish we can transport some of your men to try it out and see if it suits their needs. If so we can still train Tibetan troops there and try construct something similar in Tibet itself.

    We thank USNA for its assistance during this crisis. Not only have we learned more about each other during this process, we are happy to consider USNA a staut Ally. We have the available instuctors, but if you would like to assist us in building an academy, we would be most honored.

  12. NW Tibet

    To help maintain order, Clancy had informal 'courts' set up in each village, allowing the villagers with complaints concerning their neighbors or the army itself to state their grievances and be given fair hearing. The temporary 'judges' were diplomats with training to settle disputes, travelling from village to village as circuit judges, and protected by bodyguards of ten men each.

    However, this was only the beginning. They were also teaching the people in each village how to work out their problems themselves, to elect certain individuals everyone felt were responsible and level-headed enough to keep the peace in a fair manner.

    As time went by the insurgency dies as people started to fight back and take control of their own lands once again. Its not sure just how much of the insurgency was killed and how many left Tibet, but the one thing that is certain is that next time they return, the people of Tibet will be more prepared due to the faithfullness and attention of its allies.

    Control has been achieved and the training can continue until the international forces agree that Tibet's Military is trained appropriately.

    Also the Dalai Lama requests the permission to have military officers trained at the military academys of any allies willing to accept them until Tibet has enough experience and infrastructure to open our own military academy. We would particularly be interested in Neo Japan, Promised Land, and Kanteero if they would accept it.

  13. To: Tibetan Government

    From: General Francis Drake, Commander of "Tibetan Relief Force"

    I regret to inform you that the task force's jurisdiction in the area we occupy has been rescinded by the Colstream Government. This means the base we have built is to be evacuated in a total withdrawl back to Colstream. This is due to the upcoming presidential elections and also the fact that the Ministry Of Defence would like the C-130s based in Tibet to be withdrawn as they feel that we can do no more in helping the villagers due to the threat now diminishing in the area we currently occupy. By midnight local time, the task force would have vacated the base which will be left as accomodation for the local villagers.

    We thank the Colstream government and its people for the assistance that they were able to provide during our time of need. Colstream is a standard of international cooperation that should be viewed with admiration.

  14. The volunteer is evacuated via air transport to a more secure location, and better medical facilities. If he dies he will be autopsied to discover the cause of death. As it is, a blood sample will be taken and analyzed.

    The Blood sample reveals mercury poisoning. Your scientist now understands that the grain is seed grain, and methylmercury is used as a preservative. It is safe to use for planting, but not for eating.

    NW Tibet

    Due to the insurgency not having a leader, and the effort from the troops to gain the trust of the people, more local people are asking how they can help out and maintain order. The villages are chaotic and viligants are taking justice in their own hands for unrelated crimes from the insurgency. The Village leaders are listening for guidance. People are to the point where they have enough food, but now its just the disorder.

  15. Civillian changes:

    1) ALL citizens must now head to their nearest military outpost and have their details inputted into the new database. Failure to do so results in death.

    2) ALL citizens must take their new identity card with them at ALL times. Failure to do so results in death.

    3) ALL citizens must abide by the 7pm curfew. Failure to do so results in death.

    4) ALL citizens that are able to do so must sign up for conscription. Failure results in death.

    These penalties seem steep for the crime. They leave no room for rehabilitation. Please consider Labor Camps to where the convicted can work off their penance! This could be free labor for the government, while teaching skills to people that would normally not have a way out of a circular fate. Also the people can feel a sense of worth for themselves in a hard days work, with understanding of when their punishment will end. With no light at the end of the tunnel, people will more easily revolt against you in the future. Show some compassion and people who support you will have something to say when they debate the quality of the government.

  16. However, before the grain was approved for use, a volunteer or two was called for to test its effects

    After 2 days you notice that your volunteer is having some loss of physical coordination, difficulty in speech, narrowing of the visual field, hearing impairment, and some blindness.

    [sW Tibet]

    A USNA Patrol comes across a remote village that isn't on any maps, and when they confirm with Tibetan Authorities, there is no known civilian town in the area. Perhaps a closer look is needed.

    [NW Tibet]

    2 more suicide attacks today, one destroyed a local gas station one of the few in the area. The other was in the marketplace. 4 Tibetan soldiers were killed, and over two dozen cilivians.

  17. OOC: I don't even know what those are, for the most part. Well, I can't say I brought a top analyst or scientist to the field, so...

    IC: "As far as I can tell, there's nothing wrong with this grain. All I can find are certain presevatives that, while usually come with a warning label, do not have any seriously harmful side effects when used in moderation. To all appearances, it was simply abandoned and forgotten."

    However, before the grain was approved for use, a volunteer or two was called for to test its effects (OOC: Kind of like a medieval taste-tester for the monarch./OOC)

    OOC: He wouldn't need to be a TOP analyst or scientist, its actually fairly common, use Google for you analyst.

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