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Posts posted by Tibet

  1. The Dalai Lama sends his condolences along with all of Tibet, the Queen was wise beyond her years and understood the purpose of leadership. The Dalai Lama also is impressed with the wisdom and humbleness of the Royal Family, only true leaders would turn the leadership of a nation over to its people, and we are sure that through the examples of the Royal Family, the people of Colstream will prosper and grow. Many blessings to the Royal Family during their grief and peace be with you all.

  2. Tibet and the Dalai Lama welcome the nation of Franzharia to the international community. We are happy to perceive this nation as a peace loving nation with ambitions of helping its neighbors during their crisis.

    We would welcome an exchange of ambassadors to further our friendship and pursuit of peace and prosperity.

  3. Coded message
    To: All leaders helping Tibet
    From: Lgmmrm
    our units have entered the capitol
    please stand by for more news while the elevator music plays
    all units will be in the ghetto
    part of the capitol

    OOC: If you are in the Capital, you are about 500 miles from the actual fighting. I encourage you to RP, but it requires that you follow along first to actually participate.

  4. Nation Name: Franzharia

    Ruler: Ranather

    Franzharia would like to claim the Islands of Mauritius, Reunion, and Ferme (The three little islands east of Madagascar)


    Recognized by Tibet.

  5. Once the grain was brought in, a large crowd started to form to receive the grain...

    ...The Tibetan soldiers were distributing the grain. They were keeping a watchful eye, but by the time they noticed the man walking up, he exploded...

    Everything went dark, all that could be heard was a loud ringing in the ears of the ones that could hear anything. At first their eyes didn't seem to work, then as if a blurry picture was being brought to them from across the room, an image formed. It was blurry at first, but when they could finally focus...


  6. Tibet will assist its ally in any way that we can, however we have our hands full at the moment with internal affairs, but the Dalai Lama publically supports the new governments attempts.

  7. OOC: I read it. Does this mean the Marauder is dead?

    OOC: I will RP it as his main connection within Tibet is dead. Since he was never identified, and I think there would be no fun in him being dead already, but Triyunica is busy in RL, so we'll just take our time and wrap this us as we see fit. So, the main connection for the Maurauder within Tibet has been killed, which will take care of most of the people rioting, nowe its just to handle the insurgency with NW Tibet mainly.

  8. Well I guess condratulations are in order! CN will surely miss you, but it seems that you have shown your worth to others as well, and honestly it sounds like you are on your way to do more good in the RW, which is far more than you can do in CN!

    You will be missed in CNRP as well my friend, good luck to all you do in life!

    Peace be with you!

  9. After re-opening the borders Kanteero can send 100 tons of Grain to Tibet. If allowed Hypersoars(very very fast planes) will bring it.

    We thank Centurius for their support, please bring and drop the grain in the North West section of Tibet, establish communication with Promised Land Forces for the exact location of the drop. Your help is greatly appreciated.

  10. The Dalai Lama is greatly saddened by this news, Emperor Mykep was a warrior for peace, and understood the teachings of Shambhla. I will await his return. He no doubt will return greater in the next life than he was in this one. In a world where few men knew that path of peace, Emperor Mykep was a guide and held up his lantern during the darkest parts of the day. The world will miss a leader, and I will miss a friend.

  11. There is no problem with my forces working under a foreign command provided they are not extremely incompetent which we do not think of the Promised Land Military. I assume my division will have some freedom of manuever and initiative though.

    Lt. General Mike Chavez

    CO 2nd Light Infantry Division

    Yes, they will have few limitations, just overall operational manuever will be coordinated by the Promised Land Comanded, they will however have the ability to take the initiative to handle situations they encounter, I would just recommend close communications due to the experience that Promised Land Forces has with this type of warfare.

  12. OOC: I really need to do another map now...LOL. Also USNA do you have a problem with having your N/NW Forces under Promised Land Control, that is his Area of Operations. I mainly need you to secure the southern border as it has a hot spot in it and we're not sure how cray it'll get there. Any extra forces you want to contribute to the other matters would be great, but we need to each maintain our own AO.

  13. Understood. We will be deploying Light Infantry units and special forces in the conflict zone as they are much better suited to the mountainous terrain along with a regular mechanized division as heavy support. Air support will be available in the form of B-2s, B-52s, AC-130s, and A-10s along with normal fighters. The Joint Chiefs must still decide which units to deploy to theater.

    That is good to hear. Just to clarify, you will be having operation command on the Southern border from GIAS out to the western border. Promised Land will have operational command in the Northwest and West part of Tibet. Tibetan Military Command will continue to establish peace in the East and in Lhasa.

    Thank you gentleman for your assistance.

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