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Posts posted by Tibet

  1. Promised Land recognizes this nation, and will send an ambassador if it is acceptable to the Dalai Lama, to open diplomatic relations.

    Indeed! The Dalai Lama is open and looks forward to diplomatic relations with Promised Land, please send your ambassador, we will welcome them and treat them in high regard until a proper embassy can be built.

  2. Novus Niciae recognizes the nation of Tibet and invites the Dalai Lama to visit and establish an embassy in Novus Niciae.

    The Dalai Lama is honored to be invited and recognized by Novus Niciae. We will look forward to visiting and establishing diplomatic ties with our neighbor!

  3. Visit us in Tyberia please: www.tyberia.net

    We would like to honor the Dalai Lama as a Dignitary.

    EDIT: We are all about philosophy at the TTC.

    The Dalai Lama would be honered to speak to you as a dignitary, and please lets discuss our philosophy!

  4. The Dalai Lama accepts the schedule of the Kingdom Of Sahrani for the 25th, and can remain for an additional day to discuss its application into the GGA.

    The Dalai Lama will present the Prime Minister and His Majesty each with a ceremonial yellow hat, the traditional headgear of the leaders of Tibet as a show of respect and friendship.

  5. Prime Minister Sarah Sanchez invites Dalai Lama in the Royal Parliament of Abu Dhabi City, we hope to open advanced diplomatic relations.

    I accept Prime Minister Sarah Sanchez's invitation and look forward to our countries improved diplomatic ties. Please advise me of the date and protocol and I will come bearing the proper gifts of a friendship.

    OOC: I will be on vacation next week, and not sure if I have internet access

  6. This is a great day for all of the People of Tibet!

    We are starting on our infrastructure and are happy to be able to live our lives under the Free Flag of Tibet!

    We dream of a prosperous Tibet with a strong population, with a military strong enough to defend our way of live.

    We have no will to oppress any people of any nation, because we have felt oppression.

    We have no will to initiate any war, because all can be accomplished through peace.

    We will always strive for peace, and trade, and understanding, to where we can all grow.

    I also plan to devote my time in the advancement of philosophy within the world.

  7. As the 15th Dalai Lama of Tibet I am requesting that anyone who holds claims to the Tibet Autonomous Region TAR please make themselves known to where I can conduct diplomacy with them to get an understanding of borders.

    I am requesting an audience to understand borders and neighbors in my region. We are a peaceful nation and wish to conduct ourselves in a very honorable and wise fashion.

    We offer greetings to the world and best wishes to all people and all religions.

    I will be taking a tour of the world next week to observe the political climate of the world, so please forgive me for my absence, but I look forward to our future communications.

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