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Posts posted by Tibet

  1. The man I am going to assassinate says it is, he refuses to RP it.

    Important notes:

    +The Helicopter blew up in the middle of the Atlantic, few would notice it.

    +Fishing boats DO have the range, my dad used to sail from California to Hawaii.

    +The target is the leader of the USSR, you guys don't know this IC, just OOC.

    I personally don't see how it is godmodding, I'm going to give a chance to survive, just not much of one.

    My plan:

    -50 caliber bullet though the upper chest with a followup on the head if possible from a mile away. Fully possible with training.

    I have Sniper Training in RL (US Army, Fort Benning GA), the followup shot shouldn't be necessary and would be more difficult to achieve than the first with surprise. You never plan for a second shot, one shot, one kill. 50 cal would be perfect and can be used up to 2+ miles (over 4 miles is unconfirmed) with proper windage usage (Hell, I have hit 800m point targets (Head & Chest Targets) with a M-16A2 (.223) with proper windage).

    The Helicopter being lost at sea could easily be "lost at sea" with no knowledge of either the explosion or how it happened.

    I see no GodModding, please go about your business...oh, and peace be with you!

  2. The Dalai Lama hopes that with the winds of peace blowing the ashes of war away, that the people of the Welsh Empire are able to come to resolve their differences and again unite behind a strong government.

    If the Welsh Empire requires any additional help with preserving the peace within its own border, Tibet would be willing to offer a neutral force to assist with the peacekeeping process to where it could not be used as any fuel due to the neutrality of Tibet.

    We wish the Welsh Empire the best of luck to resolve this situation, the pursuit of peace is difficult at times as the behavior of man makes peace a very elusive thing.

  3. Press Release:

    Neo Triyunica had given civilians notice to vacate the areas bombed by new Triyunican bombs in the early morning. Anyone who failed to head the Imperial Decree is at fault. We waited several days for the evacuation to be completed. If the Neo Japanese citizens were not properly evacuated by non-military personnel, then that is a failure of the now defunct Imperial Government who started an aggressive war on Neo Triyunican Lands. We did not employ any nuclear or chemical warheads during this conflict. We did not employ any biological weapons. We did not employ WMD, we have only employed conventional weapons in this fight, large conventional warheads, but conventional warheads none the less.

    WMDs or not, using weapons of that caliber while the peace process is still in negotiations is not the actions of a modern civilized nation! Tibet condemns these actions due to the diregard of the santity of life. Even with a warning, you cannot possibly expect non-combatant people to evacute entire cities in the middle of a war zone when so much infrastructure and communication is lacking. These actions are reaching the stages of outright genocide and are deplorable!

    OOC: Evacuating entire cities is very difficult even during the best of circumstances, much less in the middle of a war zone.

  4. We have sent an ambassador to Arizona to discuss this conflict and to see if we can assist in resolving their involvement.

    We are requesting that no other forces or fleets be "sent" into this conflict while we attempt to resolve the conflict at hand the way it is. It is difficult to broker for peace while new situations are coming up as we talk of peace. We ask that all navies stand down and disengage as they can easily reengage if peace fails.

    The only forces that should continue to fight in Neo Japan are the defending forces and Neo Triyunican Forces, all other forces should respect the discussion of peace and stand down in an attempt to show a willingness to allow the peace negotiations to continue. It is hard to negotiation as the conflict still rages.

    I humbly request that no navies or forces take any staging or aggressive maneuvers while we attempt to have peace.

  5. OOC: Mention of IRC, forums and game mechanics are allowed, as are real world references. Do keep personal RL stuff out of this. You are still the ruler of a nation in this loose form of RP, not the player behind it.

    The Mod says this applies to this forum; don't worry about putting an 'OOC' tag for that.

    That is for OWF not the News Report Section. As stated:

    News Reports

    Is your nation, alliance or news organization reporting an event?


    Forum Led by: Gameplay/RP Team

  6. Regardless of your irrelevant opinion on this matter, Tahoe and its allies will remain at war with Arizona until a separate peace treaty is agreed upon by Arizona and Tahoe.

    Does this mean that Tahoe is removing itself from the conflict in Neo Japan?

  7. The Dalai Lama wishes to have it both way.

    Neo Triyunica knows better than this. The Dalai Lama seeks peace and is trying to ensure Neo Triyunica that the withdrawal of Tahoe forces will be welcomed with the simultanious withdraw of the rest of the Foreign Forces.

    But since the word of the Dalai Lama holds no weight with Neo Triyunica:

    The Dalai Lama requests that all foregin allies of Neo Japan formally state that they will remove themselves from this conflict if Tahoe pledges to do so as well.  This is to show goodwill that everyone wishes that this conflict be between the two nations in the region and those two nations alone.

  8. As a minor point the Dalai Lama would like clarification of points 3, 4, and 5. It is not rational for this to be indefinite, could a time period (in RL time) be set to where the international community will know that after the period in the terms that Neo Japan will be able to defend itself as a soverign nation again?

  9. We have not heard anything from the Neo Japanese about their willingess to talk about the original terms. We will request Tahoe withdraws when this happens. However, if our ally is to leave the war, we want assurances that everyone else will and stay out during the aftermath if Neo Japan chooses not to accept our terms. Anything else is a tactical regrouping not a strategic with drawl.

    Terms as they stand encase anyone has forgotten:

    [1] Neo Japan surrenders to the Neo Triyunican Empire. It issues a sincere and not sarcastic apology for its actions leading up to this war. Neo Japan will take full responsibility for aggression.

    [2] Kyushu and Shikoku transfers of sovereignty are considered void as Neo Japan admits to having had acted in bad faith after these accords. They are now formally and permanently reintegrated into the Neo Triyunican Empire

    [3] The Imperial Family of Neo Japan voluntary bans itself from any participation in politics or government and abolishes itself as anything more than a cultural institution. A new government will be established by the highest meritocratic official in the Neo Japanese government to be submitted for the approval of the coalition government. Upon approval of this government sovereignty of Honshu and Hokkaido will be restored.(You can RP the new guy but negotiations will be made IC to give us satisfactory policy)

    [4] All members of the Imperial Family of Neo Japan will be granted immunity from prosecution save for the Emperor himself. The Emperor will stand trial by Neo Triyunican Military Tribunal. Neo Triyunica will agree to wave the death penalty and seek house arrest at a location of its choosing.

    [5] Neo Japanese Navy and Airforce are hereby banned. All strategic aircraft defined as stealth or have long range capability are hereby banned. All naval vessels classified above "brown water" are banned. Conventional fighters and brown water patrol boats are allowed for self defense and law and order purposes.

    [6] Neo Triyunica will use its military to aid in the logistics of bringing relief supplies to the Neo Japanese people and grant the Neo Japanese citizens similar rights to its own citizens save for free passage into other areas of the Empire until sovereignty is restored.

    [7] Tahoe's entrance into this war is formally declared by both sides a legitimate fulfillment of the Francoist People's of the World Military Alliance.

    These terms have been edited form more specifics though they remain largely the same. I am willing as a mark of good will not to call for the utter abolition of the Imperial Family like Neo Japan has requested on the condition they also agree to term 7.

    If Neo Triyunica can get Tahoe's agreement to withdraw now, the Dalai Lama will seek the counsel of the Allies of Neo Japan and strongly urge them to do the same, you have the Dalai Lama's word that a strong urgence should be all that is required, but if needed Tibet will take a stronger stance for peace.

    Once all foreign soldiers are withdrawn, Neo Triyunica and Neo Japan can continue the conflict, seek peace terms as needed, and hopefully resolve this conflict in the due process allowing peace to return to the region.

    Once the peace terms are met, Tibet will seek the approval of the international community to accept that Tahoe's involvement was justified by the treaty that they honor with Neo Triyunica. Tahoe will not lose face for their involvement because they were honoring their treaty, even if it wasn't needed.

    We must start walking backwards and removing nations from this conflict instead of adding nations to it, and the main motivation for other nations to involve themselves is Tahoe's involvement. Remove their involvement and other nations will remove themselves and see this as a regional conflict alone.

  10. As soon as Neo Japan surrenders to us we will. Of course, if our friends in Triyunica ask us to withdraw we will as well, but would prefer to do so under circumstances favorable to us, and of course have Tahoe included in the surrender terms.

    The willingness of Tahoe to be included in surrender terms when there has been no offense made to them is baffling. Why do you persist on demanding inclusion in something that doesn't warrant your involvement in the first place? Your actions have done nothing but move this situation that was just a conflict into a greater war.

    Please, I urge you to remove yourself to where your allies wouldn't be in a position to dishonor you by asking you to remove yourself. You are putting your Ally in a awkward position. I doubt very seriously that you assistance was even needed in the first place, and now you are demanding to be included in the surrender terms. Neo Triyunica has stated that they wish this conflict to be between themselves and Neo Japan, and you still refuse to see this and remove yourself.

    OOC: For those that missed it:

    Statement from the Neo Triyunican Foreign Ministry:

    We are willing to accept the deal proposed by the Dalai Lama that the war be reduced the principle combatants of ourselves and the Neo Japanese. If forces are willing to withdraw any combat operations against Tahoe and pay for damage to infrastructure we will reintroduce the terms we have too the Neo Japanese.

    IC: Don't you understand that by asking you to remove yourself, Neo Triyunica might feel that they would be dishonoring you? I'm not saying that this is a fact, but it is something that perception can presume.

    Again, why should you be a part of the surrender terms?

    OOC: AND the only disrespect that Neo Japan made to you was OOC, and you are using it as fact IC.

  11. e are glad you were willing to join our Organisaton it is a honour your Holiness

    I am never far behind the winds of peace, where ever they blow, I will follow its sweet smell. Thank you for the honor of being a part of this hope for peace.

  12. We wish for an end to the strategic conflict rather than for an end to the tactical battle.

    That is understood, however any foreign soldiers, not Neo Triyunican, that are on Neo Japan soil should be removed from the conflict area. The Dalai lama believes that once Tahoe soldiers remove themselves from the conflict, other nations will be willing to remove themselves as well. Then this conflict can be resolved between the two warring nations and the two warring nations only.

  13. Statement from the Neo Triyunican Foreign Ministry:

    We are willing to accept the deal proposed by the Dalai Lama that the war be reduced the principle combatants of ourselves and the Neo Japanese. If forces are willing to withdraw any combat operations against Tahoe and pay for damage to infrastructure we will reintroduce the terms we have too the Neo Japanese.

    The Dalai Lama praises the leadership of Neo Triyunica for this compromise and asks that all nations please cease operations within this conflict to give a 72 hour period of peace (RL time) to where Neo Triyunica and Neo Japan can come to terms on their own without any outside influence to the peace process.

    Regarding the Republic of Arizona, they entered into hostile conflict without treaty obligations to do so. Our declaration of war has to do with them attacking our allies within Triyunican territorial waters, a purely defensive action.

    The Dala Lama humbly asks Arizona to be included in this cease fire to end all hostilities on the North American continent to where the situation doesn't spread. No nationa have been invaded as of yet, but a complete end of all hostilities is requested.

    In an order to preserve this cease fire and to cut down on mistakes that can be made, we ask all foreign naval ships that are not Neo Triyunica's or Neo Japan's to be removed to a radius of 100 miles from the conflict area.

    We ask that all land military units that are actively in combat to cease fire and hold posistions until the cease hour period has expired.

    Is this acceptable to Neo Triyunica and Neo Japan? If so, all other nations that are supporting either side are bound to these terms De Facto and should heed the wishes of the Ally they are supporting.

    Please lets all take a breath and allow peace a chance to breath as well...

  14. Personal Message to Kanteero
    The Dalai Lama has heard rumors of another World Unity Organization attempting to be established and welcomes the idea if it is true.  He only asks that if it does involve military pacts that he have the ability to be a part of it as either an advisor or observer, due to the neutrality of Tibet.

  15. The invasion of the Home Islands may be perceived as more aggression, but it is simply a measure to ensure that Neo Japan agrees to a solution, as so far they have maintained that their position was that there was to be no negotiation, and that a withdrawal from those islands was unacceptable.

    OOC: Someone said cold war?

    Neo Japan has already withdrawn from the islands in dispute and has asked for terms, Neo Triyunica has denied peace due to the interaction between Neo Japan and Tahoe which is a separate matter all together. The mission of reclaiming the islands for Neo Triyunica is a success, yet the NT Forces refuse to let up and now are invading the soverign home land of Neo Japan. Refusing to offer peace to a nation that is seeking terms due the them "disrespecting" a third nation is simply bad form and shows how much the government enjoys intimidation and aggression.

    There is no mission left for NT Forces in this conflict unless they have further motivation besides taking back what is theirs. Tibet supports the NT reclaimation of their lands, but the further invasion of Neo Japan is a violation of Neo Japan's soverignty and is contrary to the written CB provided by Neo Triyunica for this war. Neo Japan is seeking diplomacy, but only with Neo Triyunica, which is right. Tahoe has no place in these discussions or negotiations.

    OOC: AND most of the issue between Neo Japan and Tahoe was OOC and has no bearing on the conflict as far as the "disrespect" being portrayed IC by NT.

  16. This new escalation of the conflict balances the matter, however, escalation is not what we need. All nations other than Neo Japan and Neo Triyunica should cease hostilities, and all together withdraw themselves from the conflict. I am not asking for any single nation to cease hostilities, because that would bring unbalance back into this conflict.

    I am requesting that ALL nations that were not part of the initial conflict remove themselves from this conflict! The actions taken by new nations entering this conflict, however balancing it may be to the sides, is still escalation.

    Maybe now that it is seen how its aggression will be perceived by the international community, Neo Triyunica will be willing to negotiate fairer terms with Neo Japan?

  17. This is blatant agression. This was a simple situation that should have been dealt with through proper channels of diplomacy. The failure of Neo Triyunica to offer respectable terms to a soverign nation, then to perform actions that are the same actions that they are using as a CB is simply immoral and hypocritical. Neo Japan has said that they are open to negotiations with Neo Triyunica, as they are the agressor. Neo Triyunica wanting to bring Tahoe into the peace talks with no merit other than their willingness to do so lacks the judgement of a nation seeking an end to the conflict. Neo Triyunica makes itself perfectly clear that they are not willing to end this conflict without full control of Neo Japan. This action and attitude is in direct defiance of their own standards to which they hold other nations.

    Tibet humbly requests that all nations remove themselves from the negotiation process and allow Neo Japan and Neo Triyunica to come to terms on their own. Tibet is a neutral party in this and is willing to help in all fairness, but the terms will be decided upon between the two parties involved and only the two parties involved if we were allowed to facilitate peace.

    Neo Triyunica has made it perfectly clear that Tibet is not welcome in the process, and again, this shows the motivation of this conflict to be the destruction of a soverign nation, NOT the protection and reclaimation of its territory, that mission has already been accomplished, yet the conflict still rages due to Neo Triyunica's actions, and now other nations are being allowed into the conflict by Neo Triyunica as well when it is not needed. Escalation of the conflict is not what is needed at this point.

    OOC: Can no one ever RP a cold war? Good grief! This RP is getting absurd. Don't do actions in a conflict that are the main actions by the other side that you are using to justify your position.

  18. moar OOC: Again, Subtle, the map he showed was the way old Scramble for Asia map. Thats his proof. Im not argueing he doesnt have proof of the claims then, Im argueing he has none now, other then the simple fact he just took it over.

    OOC: Even OOC Diplomacy would have allowed for a RP of the islands revolting and wanting to "rejoin" NT, this would have been a far better solution that open warfare.


    Neo Japan has agreed to seek Peace, Neo Triyunica continuing to seek war in this manner when they have already accomplished everything that created this conflict just gives truth to the idea that there are more reasons to which they started this conflict besides just retaking the islands in dispute.

    Neo Triyunica is in control of the disputed territory, Neo Japan has withdrawn. Under the circumstances to which lead to this confrontation, one would think that Neo Triyunica would be more open minded to show some diplomacy since this conflict resulted of a lack of communication of the proper claims of the disputed territories. That has since been resolved.

    What more does Neo Triyunica seek?

  19. OOC: When I took over, and later when Frost asked me to give him the Islands they were white. I can assume that oversight was Sithis'.

    It is very apparant that this could have been avoided if there was any sense of diplomacy. But nations that seek war will be quick to assume that they are justified in their actions, without any need for such diplomacy.

    Tibet seeks peace for this conflict and offer to host a peace conference if all sides involved could come to a cease fire.

    We would seek:

    The immediate withdraw of all foreign forces from Neo Japan.

    The territory in question to be returned to Neo Triyunica.

    Damages on the territory in question to be paid by Neo Japan.

    Damages in Neo Japan homeland to be paid by Neo Triyunica.

  20. The Dalai Lama sends his condolences to the people of TWE, and praises the Prime Minister for keeping peace and wisdom during these difficult times. Not pointing any fingers without valid proof is what is best for peace and justice. The Dalai Lama believes that this is an attempt by some terrorist faction to bring Kanteero and TWE closer to war, since we feel that Kanteero cannot be behind such actions.

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