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Posts posted by Tibet

  1. OOC: Read your history correctly. at the extent of Japanese expansion only 1/2 of Sakhalin was Japanese. So its still Russian. Besides, the populations is now 98% russian, and in RL its in Russian Control. The Japanese have even publicly relinqueshed claim to it in the 1956 San Francisco Treaty.

    OOC: You amuse me, that is not easily done. And if you can amuse me, I'm sure that you are making yourself a target of nations that will not take kindly to your tone or candor. This is CNRP and history is really what we as a whole decide it is, since all the world history doesn't comply in here. I am well aware that the claim was 1/2 of the island, which is 50%, you need 51% technically. But something tells me that technicalities are not what's keeping you out of this pact. Just go RP another leadership change and try again, with a little more respect and candor this time.

  2. The Dalai Lama of Tibet praises LeVentNoir for his mercy and diplomacy by which this "situation" is being handled. He has made his intentions known and given the deadline for this "error" to be corrected. These are the actions of a wise leader, and any wise leader would also adhere to these conditions and comply instead of allowing the wrath of the Imperial Wellington to be poured onto the citizens that are under your care.

    The Dalai Lama for all his wisdom cannot understand why? Why would ANYONE allow themselves to be caught in this type of situation with the nation of Imperial Wellington of all things?

    *Dalai Lama to his aid upon reading the news - "If I was on a flight over the ocean and had an emergency with the plane, I would ditch in the ocean before attempting to enter their borders...this is just madness"

  3. She closed her eyes and straightened herself.

    "I am a diplomat of the Republic, Your holiness. If this will indeed push for better relations between our two countries then I will do my best to assist you in any way I possibly can"

    "If that is your job, Lady Kaeda then you have no work to do as the relations between our nations couldn't be any better, I would trade places with Lord Frost if Neo Triyunica would be willing to do it", the Dalai Lama paused a moment as if his thoughts were elsewere. Then he continued, "I need you to assist me in this endevor and will consider it a personal favor in which I will be in your debt".

  4. "I wish you to assist because I believe that you have the perception needed to make this successful", the Dalai Lama finally said, "You have seen the troubles and problems of war firsthand and know the plight of civilians during war and can best understand the need, perhaps even more than myself"

    He stared intently at her hoping that she would finally see the value that she could bring to the proposal, "Do not worry about what others will do, that is my problem, I need you for your perception, not just your diplomacy skills"

  5. Yes, but I used to be in the top 5%, and I'm a lot closer now than when I did fall below the mark originally. In RL, those who have the ability to build and maintain nuclear weaponry don't magically lose it if other nations become stronger than them. Am I right?

    I would agree to that. Prehaps in the future, a screenshot could be saved as "proof" of their "nuclear testing detonation" allowing them to have Nukes in RP and not losing them due to IG Wars or changes. I can imagine posts now of "Nuclear Test Successful" and a screenshot being posted. LOL

    I think that would bring a sense of realness to CNRP. I think we also need a stick thread of "Nuclear Power" Nations to where everyone will agree to who they are.

  6. Hmm I actually like this idea, but I didn't even know those existed :mellow:

    They do, but between whom is classified information. Honestly, I'm only mentioning the general details due to what it could bring us in RP, but I will not get into any further detail as to not get close to the limits of the classified information, after all this is just a game...LOL...I think the idea is all we need anyway.

    in addition, using these NRTs should be a simple way of coming to a compromise of who can have RP Nukes as well. If someone can't have a nuke, but can get an NRT with an ally, they would be more willing to accept the Nuke RP Guidelines.

  7. Yeah but they are able to maintain them especially if they actually have access to uranium.

    Oh by the way the reason we made the sale public. We didn't buy them to fire them we bought them to make the Nuclear Enemy aware of the fact we can fire them back.

    Actually nukes can be maintained without access to uranium, I doubt the half-life of uranium should be the issue of the maintenance, not just the technology but procedures would have to be taught for saftey and procedures to maintain them as well.

    As far as firing back, that's what treaties are for. And we haven't seen any of these treaties in CN or CNRP, as they are different in nature. A Nuclear Retaliation Treaty is a treaty that states that any nuclear attack on the nation will be retaliated immediately by nukes from the allied nation. I would love to give more details, but its still classified above Top Secret so I cannot point out much more than just the idea of it.

    I am quite amazed that I haven't seen any of these treaties in CN yet...This way, there is no need to give a nation a nuke when they might change government and you could lose the ally and them still have the nuke. This treaty allows the nuclear capable nation to retain control and support their ally all in one step. Also, we need to consider distance. If a nation poses a threat to me, I want to have a NRT (Nuclear Retaliation Treaty) with a nation that is very close to my adversary, that way, I can be content that by the time their nukes are in orbit enroute to my nation, the shorter range nukes from my ally have already hit my adversary.

    IC: Peace be with you :P

  8. "You realize that if we are included on the original planning, then it would seem like nothing more then pandering for others peoples money and supplies?"

    "Ah but it is not just for Neo Japan, and that will be made clear, and for the most part, there is already a rebuilding effort in effect right now and I'm not sure if this can be implemented in time for Neo Japan to benefit from it at all anyway", the Dalai Lama stated.

    "I have asked you here to assist me in the diplomatic technical writting of the Agreement for the nations that are willing to have a branch in their nation. It isn't a military or economic agreement, it is a diplomatic agreement only to establish the organization and to recognize it as a non-combatant entity that will not be fired during conflicts".

  9. I do like the idea that nations who are not quite there yet can RP, responsibly, to be sure, small nuclear warheads fired from field guns, or ww2 style nukes delievered by planes, as when we talk about nukes we generally mean ICBM's, so what about less sophisticated types for those other people.

    If you have to shoot me down over this, please do so kindly, i'm just snowballing an idea here.

    It sounds like this debate could actually be RPed as a Non-Proliferation Treaty by the current accepted Nuclear capable nations.

    Also, as a side note, in RL just because a nation has more than WW2 technology, it doesn't entitle them to nuclear weapons, there are plenty of advanced nations in Real World that are advanced but do not have nuclear weapons. Nuclear power is one thing, nuclear weapons is a different type of enrichment process altogether.

  10. With Slavorussia and Forever Battlefield the bookends of this union, Tibet sees this organization as a large stable organization that can fulfill its goal in the stablization and security of North Asia. I know that Slavorussia has been working on this for some time now and I am glad to see the fruits of their efforts.

  11. "You are the first international people that I have shared this with", the Dalai Lama exclaimed, "Actually, this was brought about with a side discussion that I had with Yuka. During that discussion, she sparked an idea in my mind, and I have been working on it ever since, so in a way this can be attributed to her".

  12. "The world needs a HERO", the Dalai Lama said smiling. "There is a need for someone to assist the victims in wars, famine, and other disasters".

    The Dalai Lama looked at them, and saw the look on their faces. They didn't question the sanity of the man before them, but they appeared as if they were starting to. "Forgive me", he chuckled, "I forget that I am used to this saying, but you are not".

    He cleared his throat, "I am talking about a Humanitarian Emergency Relief Organization or HERO for short".

    Then he started to get excited and he had to stand up and pace as he talked, "Imagine a neutral organization that could be on the battlefield in between warring nations to assist non-combatants in evacuation, medical care, shelter, and the normal wellness care of civilians while their nations leadership is more focused on security issues and war tactics. In peacetime this same organization could spearhead disaster relief and fulfill the medical, shelter, and food needs of the populace."

    He stared at them waiting for their reaction.

    OOC: There is no Red Cross/Red Cresent in our RP World, and we need one in my opinion.

  13. They came to a great meeting room that had a huge table surrounded by chairs, the table was insanely large, and had at least 30 chairs around it. The Dalai Lama noticed their gaze and said, "This table is rarely used", he chuckled a little, "I'm not sure if we could even move the thing".

    They walked up to the table and sat in three chairs at the end of the table. A monk brought out a simple meal of fruits and vegetables and they ate a little and sat and talked while they ate.

    "What is the world missing Lady Kaeda?" the Dalai Lama asked, and with that another monk brought in a rolled up piece of drawing paper.

    The Dalai Lama unrolled it:


  14. Kyokujitsu Teikoku supports the Uyghur Empire, and wishes it well with the reunification of Turkestan before the Russians come.

    OOC: You really should buy more land..... You have less land them me.

    The "Russians" that you refer to is nothing more than a pact of nations than are in lands of the former USSR, as by which, the Uyghur Empire could join the pact. The pact does not seek to be an aggressor, but is mainly an economic and defensive pact. Before spreading rumors of war and aggression prehaps take a small portion of time to actually understand something.

    This behavior is not something that is needed in a world that is already trigger happy. More diplomats that understand politcs are needed instead of people spreading rumors based on their own misunderstanding of situations.

  15. is sakhalin not russian? novaja zemlja demands you check your maps,improve your school geography curriculum, and invite Novaja Zemlja

    OOC: Actually it depends on which history you read, that island was disputed between Japan and the USSR since WW2...so show some respect and stop demanding things from nations that could swat you like a fly. I don't see your nations lasting long if you don't change your diplomacy style. How many leaders are you going to go through until then?

  16. "I do believe i understand you a bit more now" Kaeda said as they continued to climb

    "then I suppose I will come to you often with questions"

    "Then I will become able to understand you a bit more as well", the Dalai Lama said as they reached the top.

    The huge ornamant doors opened as they walked inside, nothing modern here as well, just very traditional and respectful culture. Buddhist Monks who voluteered to be servants were everywhere tending to the maintenance of the facility in a quiet and respectful manner.

    The Dalai Lama walked up to a monk that was dusting a tapestry, "Chujan, these are our new guests, Lady Kaeda and Yuka, they will be staying with us for a while." The monk bowed gracefully and respectfully without saying a word.

    The Dalai Lama continued, "Chujan here maintains our centuries old tapestries in the main hallway, and due to his work, they look better now than they did when the great artist made them" with the words of the Dalai Lama, Chujan blushed and waved a hand as if dismissing such a claim, smiled and went back to work.

    They continued walking down the hallway as the Dalai Lama took the time to introduce them to a handful of other monks in the hall.

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