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Posts posted by Tibet

  1. At what point can one be self aware that the Zone of Order is becoming a Zone of Peace?

    What are the telling signs of such an evolution?

    If there was a single world bloc that was defensive in nature and allowed all members their own sovereignty, and it was a medium for diplomacy to be used as a first resort, that did not try to police the rest of the world but only to maintain the diplomacy of the nations within the order, would it be just a Zone of Order? Isn't this feasible?

  2. lg,

    I would suggest that you talk with some nation that is willing to openly back you, and take you on as a protectorate. If you cannot find such a nation, that should be a time for self reflection. Many positive actions are needed to out weight the few negative actions, such is karma.

    Good Luck, and Peace Be With You.

  3. So if a International Organization was setup to bring nations together under the intention of bettering themselves, focusing on preserving their soveignty, purely defensive, and they didn't try to police the actions of other nations, but only focused on maintaining order within the treaty bloc, would you perceive this organization as a Zone of Peace or a Zone of Order? Would you be a part of such an organization?

  4. So how would this Zone of Order be different than a Zone of Peace. Your perception is understandable and is valid in the way that it is presented, but terminology is the key to understanding. How is what you call a Zone of Order any different than what others see as a Zone of Peace?

  5. We do not believe it should be our business what another country is doing on the other side of the world.

    So at what point would you get involved? If there is evidence to suggest that their aggression will not stop in their own region and could spread to your doorstep, at what point do you see making it your business for the sake of defense?

    The Zone of Peace as you call it is a little different under Tibet's perception. Tibet has no right to say what happens inside another nations borders, but once one nation's aggressive action pour through their borders to another the situation must be accessed to see if it could pose a threat. This Zone of Peace is used as a buffer to protect nations that have similar interests in peace from Nations that potentially pose a threat. The Zone of Peace is not here to act as an aggressor against any nation or to impose any ideas or interest onto a soverign nation. The labeled Zone of Peace nations wish to have the same security that you wish to have.

    If we are all seeking security, what is it that is the main obstacle in the way?

  6. I RP as serious as they come. I try to RP a leader that is drastically different than my personal life and experiences. I feel like I am good enough to accomplish that, and when I do, it makes the game all more interesting for me. :awesome:

  7. "The Dalai Lama wishes for me to keep an eye on her, he never mentioned her beauty", Feng Lu said.

    "You know he never mentions things like that, I guess he thought you'd see that for yourself", the old man said.

    Feng Lu thought for a moment, "I will enjoy this assignment", he said, then walked out towards Yuka, trying to not look as if he was following her.

  8. These are very wise words. I guess the difference in our philosophy is what we understand by "people as a whole". The Dalai Lama holds the ideas of what is best for the people of Tibet, but tries to balance this with the world being the "people as a whole". I am not the leader of the world by any measure, but what is best for the people of the world in whole is also important as we are all intertwined together. Something that happens in one part of the world affects another part. I agree that compassion is best used when dealing with people as a whole, however there are times when compassion can be used on an individual basis when doing so will not take priority over the masses.

    By understanding what is best for the world I can understand threats to the people of Tibet on a global stage, not just internally. By understanding the people of the world, and their perceptions, it allows me to take better care of my people than I could if I excluded myself and my nation from the politics of the world. By being a diplomat for peace, since we have no ambition, Tibet doesn't have to worry about being the target of nations that are aggressive. In the absence of technology, power, and strength, Tibet has found protection through the actions of peace, charity, and compassion.

    I think we both want what is best for our people, we both just have a different ideology to accomplish our objective. Not to say that either is wrong, as each leader's path is their own.

    Why, in your understanding, do you think that Nations in Francoism are perceived as "aggressive" by some other nations of the world?

  9. Yuka was leaving the room when she accidently bumped into a man in the hallway who wasn't looking where he was going. He was a young man in his late 20s with dark haor and a muscular build.

    ""I am so sorry", he said, "please forgive me".

    "I do not recognized you, are you a new diplomat? Again, it was so follish of me, I am sorry", he said bowing gracefully

    "My name is Dorje Feng Lu, and I am at your service, and now in your debt", he said looking at her feet.

  10. OOC:LOL!

    Ok, so we are agreed that the Mobile Hospital of 60 beds and a few surgery rooms with an urgent care center is feasible, and that 400 tons is a feasible payload for the Mobile Warehouses...focus people, focus...LOL

    Once we are agreed to the terms by which this can be RPed I'll be glad to fathom the concepts of this in the current moment with technology that is currently in the works...

  11. To the Dalai Lama: While we would be open to signing an agreement of non-aggression with the other Asian neighbors, we would only do so in a context separate from this treaty which we feel has been politicized and has a taint of anti-Triyunican sentiments. Any pan-asian organization we believe should be negotiated by all major players at the very beginning, that way we can ensure fairness. Should anyone wish to form an organization like that in the future, we will participate and unless there were extreme circumstances sign and support it.

    The NAP I mentioned is a separate treaty all together from this Asian bloc, as Tibet is not a part of the Asian bloc, but would sign the NAP.

    To tibet: sure why not. Non-aggression pact right?

    Yes, for ALL asian nations

  12. [OOC]And we still can't make helium carry more than a hundred years ago.

    Properties of elements don't just magically change as we advancce technologically.

    OOC: Please see earlier posts, I am not limiting the technology to Helium, that is everyone else's arguement, I am simply saying that there will be a technology to allow an aircraft of this size to exist in the future, I don't know how, but that is the fun in RPing future tech. I just want it to be feasible not actual, since it doesn't have to be actual, its future tech. I'm not saying it has to be Helium, besides, heated helium will lift more than cold helium, how do I know that they won't find a way to make helium even more efficient at lifting? I don't know, its not discovered yet.

    We agree that its plausible, I'm just trying to find a method to where we can agree on it for RPing purposes. We're not going to actually go out and build this thing...lol

  13. OOC: I'm talking about maybe 5 Titanics. The Hindenburg, about 3 meters longer than the Titanic, could hold about 130 people and cargo. That's not much weight.

    OOC: right, but that is also a century old technology. We have come a long way in tech since then, and will go even further in the next 20 years...

  14. OOC: Of course I assumed helium. Nobody here has the tech to use Vacuume airships, and hydrogen is madness.

    OOC: I have no idea what can do it, hence why I'm having someone else do it :unsure:

    I admit that I do not have the knowledge to debate you on this, that is why I am asking for help to get to a concensus as to what is possible with the tech that the building nations have.

    We agreed on 60 hospital beds, now we are trying to agree on the tonnage of the payload.

    Is 400 tons plausible?

    What if you could heat the Helium to where it could lift more, with some kind of electrical heating element? I know there is discussion about that process...That would certainly boost the lifting power.

  15. OOC: The ability to fly is different. I am talking about Helium, it has a set bouancy, it cannot lift more than that. What you are saying is the equivlent of saying.

    "With enough technology, a single hydrogen atom can lift 2000 tons"

    I have never said such a thing, You are the one who assumed Helium because it is the best technology as of now for the job. I am saying that the tech will be discovered to make it happen. I haven't put down any details, I am trying to find them.

  16. OOC: It isn't really future tech to carry 60 hospital beds and medical equipment, we could do it with less-than-modern equipment.

    OOC: Right, but now I'm talking about the payload of the warehouses, how many tons could they carry with future tech. I want to have a realistic RP, so I have to understand the many aspects of the possibilities here. I welcome your input as obviously you know a lot about this, just understand that we are basing this on the abilities of the tech of the nations that are producing them.

  17. OOC: So you can break physics, right?

    Look, it doesn't matter how much tech you have, you cannot make helium magicly lift more!

    OOC: Finding new technology isn't breaking physics, two centuries ago flying would have been breaking physics, but due to the Advance in tech, it is possible now. In the future many things are going to come to past to make us question physics, and the book on that is not fully written yet, we are understanding physics more each day. I agree that this is future tech, but it is not impossible. Going to the moon usd to be considered "impossible".

  18. [OOC]

    How about adding a dozen or two helicopter rotors? Could those enhance the lift?

    OOC: The actual RL prototype of this does have rotors to assist in its lift. I am not saying that it will be entirely Gas, it will have to have some kind of assistance for lifting, which is why I asked a nation with HIGH tech to build it. I can see these in production in the next 20 years, so the higher tech nations could support such an idea.

    Besides, I haven't questioned your RP Tech Ubie, so why is this an issue now in this thread? If you want to debate Frost, take it to PM and you can debate the feasibility of it all day. Can we atleast agree that this IS future tech, and a nation that has future tech ability could design build and maintain such a design?

  19. [OOC]

    Question: How big will the hospitals be? A full state-of-the-art hospital with hundreds of people and all that stuff is essentially impossible to lift without *gigantic* investments.

    A hospital with 60 or so people and equipment, sure, that's possible, although still somewhat more expensive than say the Hindenburg.

    We are not talking about a fully functional hospital, we are talking about maybe 50 beds for stay in patiences, a few surgery rooms and mostly an urgent care facility.

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