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Posts posted by Tibet

  1. "It is a truly sad day when words fail. The Chancellor knows this firsthand. The entire Franzharian Socialist and Reformist Parties had to be disbanded because the second in command of the Empire, Regent Ocato, felt that only Ranather's blood would vindicate him. To be faced with a pistol at point-blank range, at the funeral of our previous Emperor, I can't imagine the thoughts racing through Ranather's mind, until a well placed sniper put the ordeal to a close."

    "Perception. To understand another's view is to understand their motivation, and in the end, to understand them"

  2. Tonia (OOC: I'll call her that for now) giggled at the Imperator's good sense of humor, although she must admit that she was slightly surprised that King Sargun didnt chase him around. "Sure, I'll have one." She grinned, raising her hand up in the air. Glancing at the Dalai Lama besides her, she continued: "And bring one for him too, if he wants." She smiled.

    "That would be nice" the Dalai Lama said. He popped another marshmallow into his mouth.

  3. Yuka was deep in reflection, Kaeda thinking about why the Dalai Lama would say such things. She began to wonder if her appointment here wasnt just because his holiness decided he fancy to have her around for a bit.

    The Dalai Lama noticed their faces, "See, this is why I'm informal, if you are puzzled, ask questions. You can only learn so much from meditation on an idea without having questions answered, then more meditation, and more questions. It is not disrespectful to ask questions, it is an honor to be asked questions. You would not ask if you didn't respect and value my opinion, nor would I ask you questions if I didn't respect and honor yours."

    "Together, we can enlighten each other", he said with a wink. "One can only ponder things by themselves for a time, after that, they need outside perception, outside influence. All perception is good, either you agree or disagree, but it helps you understand more even if it is to just understand how another thinks, and what the reason is behind their actions. If you can learn the reasons behind the actions of your adversary, you can learn to know the moves that they will make because you learn to understand what motivates their movement, and in a way, you can predict their every move."

    "Just like the bird here coming in, he is low in the air and he probably wishes to go higher, but he is on the hurt this time of day."

    The bird flew past them towards the square below.

    "Now there is no food in the square for him, but the asphalt creates an updraft, he can it this and circle over it and it will push him up without any effort on his behalf, then he can glide back out to the plains and search for a meal"

    The eagle flew into the square and circled it going higher and higher without a beat from his wings, it was beautiful and graceful, as if no aircraft built by man could compare. He circled for five minutes until he could barely be seen from the height, then he turned out towards the plains.

    The Dalai Lama turned back up the stairs, "I cannot fly and the updraft does me no good, but by understanding what it has to offer others, I can understand others as well."

  4. The Ambassador giggled, and blushed a little, at the Dalai Lama's words. "Thank you. Yes, men do hit on me all of the time and I do tire of that -- although more often than not, they go speechless." She smiled. "Well...sure, I'll have some." She reached into the bag and took out some marshmallows. 'Might as well have fun.' She thought to herself as she flung a marshmallow at King Sargun. "It was the Imperator again!" She called out, trying to hold back her laughter.

    "Ah, onto covert operations already I see", he laughed along with her.

  5. "Yes, I encourage people to be informal in my presence", He smiled, "Formalities can be so intimidating, and if you intimidate people, then either they say what you wish to hear, or they don't speak at all, and neither way helps communication".

    They stepped until they were about half way up. The Dalai Lama turned around and took in the view:


    "Communication is the key to everything in life, and the lack of it leads to so many troubles. That is the reason diplomacy is so important, because it is nothing more than communication between nations. When the world has it, we all are successful, when the world loses it, we are led into war."

    He turned around and started back up the stairs...

  6. Ambassador Tonia Kermi smiled to herself as she surveyed the room -- it was filling up fast with representatives from all parts of the world. She felt more at ease now, although she was still nervous...

    The Dalai Lama appeared out of no where and sat down next to her, "A woman of your beauty should never sit alone, but today, you'll have to do with an old man such as myself", then he looked around the room, "of course, its their loss" and smiled. "Maybe me being here will save you the trouble of men constantly hitting on you, I'm sure you tire of that at times".

    He pulled out the bag of marshmallows, "Care for one? Your choice, eat or throw, just choose a target wisely, I have seen wars started for less an offense", he said.

  7. "you are a remarkably fit man for your age, your holiness" she said, her manner slightly warmer. Yuka was terrified that Kaeda might be reproached for such a disrespectful thing to be said to the Dalai Lama

    "We should all do what we can to take care of what we have", the Dalai Lama said and smiled at Yuka.

  8. "A splendid building!" said a very impressed Kaeda.

    "Is this where the Republics Embassy is?"

    "Yes, this is where you'll be housed and cared for. We are not priviledged, but we do cater to our guests as are the customs", the Dalai Lama said, "and of course all these stairs is how I maintain my figure", he said jokingly.

  9. Radio like this isn't done via your radio stations. The waves are "beamed" directly from transmitters to Neo Japan, and anybody with an AM radio can tune in if they know the frequency, and since it is on multiple frequencies of variable power, it is nearly impossible to block more than 10% of the time.

    OOC: Freq hopping is high tech stuff, which I'm not saying you can't do, just how are your target's going to be listening? They do not have freq hopping receivers, and freq hopping will prevent jamming, but that's because it hops between freqs every millisecond, not 8 hours. If it can be heard on a normal AM radio, it can be jammed, until the freq is changed, and upon the new freq being discovered, jammed again. Unless you have someone to receive the AM waves close to Japan, you'll never know that they are being jammed. Again, anyone who you wish to receive you message will have to have a freq hopping receiver (Like a SINCGAR radio) and in addition, they will have to have the freq hop key to know the algorythm of the code to hop. I was military communications for 3 years, commo instructor for 6 years. I am not saying what you want to do is impossible, I'm just saying that your RP won't work the way you are claiming. You'll have to have a spy with a retrans site, but if you do that, he can be triangulated and found, and jammed once his signal is found. You have a good RP idea, but what you are claiming just doesn't work that way. PM if you want some help with technical information, I am not oppossed to helping you understand the tech, cause you have it IG and would understand your abilities.

  10. "More, and more people. Whoop-dee-doo. The Dalai Lama, in the flesh. I'd like to tell you that an awful lot of people like your writings, but I can see you've already established a fan-club." He smiled in the direction of the two Japanese aids, before continuing. "Take a seat, kick up your feet, take a load off. Food's in the cabinets, labeled according to what it is." Kevin glared at the Monarch across the room before continuing. "There's drinks and stuff in the fridge. I'm here to deal with any diplomatic matters."

    "Well the writings would be more helpful if they weren't just read but each gets what they want from them I suppose", with that the Dalai Lama went over to the cabinet and found some marshmallows and sat down and started to toss them up into the air and catch them in his mouth.

  11. "Perspective" he said simply.

    "You have a unique perspective to assist me in understanding the situation in Neo Japan, and in other situations", he continued.

    He motioned for them to sit in the limo, and added, "I feel that we can learn much from each other", then turning to Yuka, "Ah Yuka, again we meet, it is indeed a pleasure to see you both".

  12. "So, I finally get to meet the most peaceful man on the planet. It is an honor."

    The Dalai Lama returned the respectful bow.

    "It is my honor to meet you sir, I greatly appreciate all the dedication and hard work of your people in the pursuit of the defense and stability of Tibet. You and your people are a testament to peace as much as I am."

  13. The plane landed at LIA and pulled up to the gate. The airport wasn't much but in small ways it showed class. It looked as if the best was made with what was available, and not much was modern, but everything was traditional. Not old, but it was new, to be made in a traditional way as if to pay some omaje to the heritage of Tibet. But that wasn't what caught the eye of Lady Kaeda.

    What caught her eye was the limo parked at the base of the stairs on the tarmac. Instead of using the gate to enter the airport, they were to descend the stairs into the limo. Upon understanding this, the door to the limo opened and the Dalai Lama exited the limo (apparently he just made it back as well).

    He saw Lady Kaeda and Yuka and smiled.

  14. Message from Tibetan Foreign Ministry

    The Dalai Lama has made this request through the Foreign Affairs Ministry, we are unaware of the reasons.  It is not uncommon for his to request Ambassadors from certain nations by name, most of the time it is due to him meeting the diplomat in one arena and wishing to have more time with the individual.  He takes a liking to certain people due to a number of reasons, and we normally do not ask, but if you like, we can have him state his reasons officially?

  15. Message from the Tibetan Foreign Ministry:

    The Dalai Lama requests that Ambassador Kaeda please be appointed as the ambassador to Tibet.  
    We would like to send Ambassador Dunje Chupo to represent the Tibetan People.  We haven't heard from our former Ambassador and fear that he was lost in the conflict since Tibet didn't remove its diplomats, and had no intention to, as we were brokering for peace.

    OOC: edited the from, I started the message then coded it wrong...lol...it was meant to be a request through the foreign ministry channels

  16. Yuka looked around furtively to be sure she wasnt overheard.

    "Lady Kaeda lost everything. If it wasnt for her job, shed probably have nothing to live for. If...if you could help her cope, or just help her, Id greatly appreciate it...I...i cant say anything here. State secrets" Yuka said fearfully

    OOC: oh noez what haz teh frosteh planned :awesome:

    The Dalai Lama looked at Yuma, he then looked around, seeing that they were as alone as they could be in a room with people, he wrote his personal cellphone number down for her and folded the paper and slipped it into her hand.

    "Yuma, this is my personal number, please, when you think I can help her, or anyone that you know that needs help as bad as this, you call me and I will do what I can to help. I have never given this number out before, and only you have it, so please use it under discression, but do us it. You can share it with Lady Kaeda, but no one else."

    The Dalai Lama held her hand with the number in it with both of his hands, "I wish that there was something that I could do for all of Neo Japan to help it heal, but I am not enough to comfort the pain, and for that I am sorry".

  17. "It is quite well", he moved his arm around as if it was something that he hadn't done it a while, "Yes, those Neo Japanese doctors must be some of the best in the world", then as soon as he said it, his smile lost its edge, and the light grew a little less bright in his eyes.

    "I do hope that they are well, and were able to make it through the madness with their lives". He blinked, and his smile returned, even if it was forced, it didn't appear so. The light was in his eyes again when he talked, even if it wasn't as bright, "I am fine, and I couldn't ask to feel any better".

    "How are your families?" he asked, as if he personally knew each relative.

  18. There was a slight disturbance at the door, and soon everyone knew why. Ambassador Kaeda, Neo Japans ambassador to this event, and her aids were stampeding through the door.

    "We were told the Dalai Lama was here!" one of them said excitedly looking around

    The Dalai Lama beamed as if seeing his children for the first time in weeks, "Ambassador Kaeda! What a priviledge to see you here!"

    The Dalai Lama faced them with open arms.

  19. Upon seeing the Dalai Lama enter the room, Ambassador Tonia Kermi smiled and stood up. She was a fan of his writings, and although a Christian herself, admired his beliefs and opinions; in other words, she held him in high regards.

    Striding over to the Dalai Lama, the Ambassador bowed and shook his hand - she had at first wanted to kiss him on the cheek, but decided against it. "Hello, Dalai Lama. It's great to finally meet you."

    He bowed as well before bypassing her hand and giving her a gentle fatherly embrace. "Peace be with you. It is wonderful to meet you as well Ambassador! Guand Yung (OOC: Tibet's Ambassador to Turkey) has talked very highly of you, I am glad to see you here!"

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