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Posts posted by Tibet

  1. Tibet is honored to have reserved slots in the Naval Academy, but seeing how we do not have a Navy or will never have a navy (landlocked), we would cherish the idea of transferring our slots to the Academy for Army Officers, with no disrespect intended between branches.

    OOC: Sorry I couldn't help it :P:wub:

  2. The Dalai Lama turned on the TV to watch this press release:


    The nation of Imperial Wellington has "pretended" to have invaded Bauhinia, due to territorial and political tension with Bauhinia. The matter, as stated by the Bauhinia Council, is quite tense, and the council has stated that they will temporarily halt talks with Imperial Wellington and its allies, including Uberstein Empire, and several other nations. Talks with other nations will resume. "We shall halt all talks with Imperial Wellington until the situation cools down a bit", stated a spokesman for the Bauhinia Council.

  3. OOC: Out of respect for these nations, I am keeping the matter behind closed doors as to not make a show of it, to where the intentions of the Dalai Lama cannot be thought of as being for anything other than what they are, for learning and understanding Fracoism. If I allowed observers of other nations, it could create an environment to defensiveness or "being judged" and it will not be a relaxed environment of openness and frankness. I also respectfully ask for no OOC posts in the middle of these discussions about the content of the discussions as well.

  4. This is an open letter to all Nations that hold true to the ideals of Francoism.  The Dalai Lama is perplexed by the reading about the fundamental ideas behind Francoism vs the world's perception of the nations that abide by these ideas.  This meeting is not to debate the idea of Francoism, this meeting is to where the Dalai Lama can understand more about Francoism to where the perception of these nations can be included into the understanding that the Dalai Lama wishes to have of these nations to better the diplomacy between our nations and hopefully the world.
    This is a reaching out to understand Fracoism, and questions will be asked that will be respectful, and are not intended to be judgemental, but to be used to help understanding and learning take place.  I hope to have all nations of Fracoism represented, to where all perceptions can be included, to where more of an understanding can take place.
    All nations wishing to attend this meeting will be received in the Hall of Honor in Lhasa, Tibet


  5. OOC: I like the idea behind the nation of Kyokujitsu Teikoku, it is quite creative, I have no reservations with the nation, I just think we got off to a bad start with Sumeragi first RPs that seemed to try to force their history and RP onto established RPers. I wish Kyokujitsu Teikoku well and happy RPing.

  6. The Dalai Lama is glad that the will of the people has been heard and that the leadership of the New Byzantine Empire is in touch with its citizens so much that it could go through a change such as this in a peaceful, organized way. That alone says a lot about the leadership of a nation.

  7. OOC: you do realize that that particular part of his post was OOC?

    OOC: I didn't, but thanks for pointing it out, fixed my tag.

    The Neo Triyunican Empire is suspending its recognition of this agreement. Our claim to Sakhalin being our protectorate still stands.

    Tibet urges all parties involved to have talks discussing the situation, it seems this small nations could also gain knowledge by sitting at the table with these two great nations.

  8. coatofarmsuy4.png

    Novaja Zemlja is now proclaimed a autonomous region of Forever Battlefield, if Mykep agrees to two terms: I can take back control of it 2 weeks (in RL) later, and you keep letting me use the seal for the occaisional IA. OOC: Im off to read more Confucian, Mohzi, Mencius, all those Chinese Management and Virtue texts, and try to find a sentence where it tells you not to use aggressive foreign policy.

    OOC: Instead of looking for text to not say something, try to figure out what they are saying. I offer my writings to you as well if you are open to self-reflection.

    ETA:fixed tag

  9. [NEEDS] 46,000 L of water

    Tibetan Water Purification Teams can be dispatched to the area to start assiting the purification of water that may have become tainted in the earthquake and with the assistance of other nations Air Transportation we can gladly send 50,000 L of water to assist in Humanitarian Relief.

    The Dalai Lama requests nations to state how much water they could transfer from Lhasa, Tibet to Bohovia within the next 24 hours and proceed to transport, we will give approval outright for the visas required.

  10. The Dalai Lama of Tibet wishes to inform Emperor Mykep the Younger that the room that was set aside for his father in the Hall of Honor will now be set aside for him and will always be a place that he can lay his head whenever he wishes. In Tibet, he is considered family and is always welcome and will be received respectfully and sincerely with the admiration of the people and leaders of Tibet.

  11. "Please tell me what reservations you have about this project, I need to know if there is anything that would cause conflict within you", the Dalai Lama said after he noticed the silence.

    "This project is important to me, but not as important as the struggle that you have within you", he said softly, "What is it that is bothering you my child?"

  12. You have insulted "His Holiness" the Dalai Lama by using sarcasm, you know.

    OOC: Being Chinese, I conform to the steoreotype of being extremely anti-dalai lama. If Triyun attacked you, I will at least make a favorable mention on Triyun's part.

    OOC: Again, real world politics do not transfer here, RP however you wish, but don't assume that the CNRP world is the same as current world politics. And I was OOC, not IC of HH, there was no disrespect, so again, it seems like you need to understand the basic principles of RPing. If you wish to continue this discussion, take it to PM where I will gladly banter with you either IC or OOC, your choice.

  13. As DIRECT result of the blatant and aggravated insult to our Ruler LeVentNoir, Imperial Wellington immediately declares war on Bauhinia.

    No quarter will be given. The only result will be the total annihilation of Bauhinia.

    It was "This to be complied with within 48 hours."

    I think the 14 days was about you paying for the costs after surrender...

  14. There is so many problems with this post, I lul'd.

    I think you're being disrespectful. Disagree? Read your post.

    And Tibet, I think you're trolling. You keep posting, (and double posting) just attacking a guy.

    Can you resist an opportunity not to post?

    OOC: I'm sorry, you of course are right, I'm the troll, because my posts do not relate to the thread, because the individiual has a complete lack of understanding about the RUSSIAN Pact and is assuming an entirely different situation aside of what is fact, your posts on the other hand are entirely relative and you are a regular CNRPer who is respected in this sub-forum right? Please forgive my arrogance, peace be with you.

  15. OOC: Fine, I suppose the Realist Rule of "The strong do as they will, and the weak suffer as they must." is applied here.

    OOC: Nope, its more of "The blind will stay blind, regardless of how many lights are turned on". Now hold on while I change out the bulb for a higher wattage, maybe that would help...

  16. I love how everyone has an urge to post over and over, and gang up on one person...

    Reminds me of alliance wars :o

    OOC: When anyone starts posting like a troll, they get shot at from everyangle. Not saying this uy is as bad as a troll, but when you give no respect, you get none in return.

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