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Blog Comments posted by watchman

  1. This is silly.

    But, whatever. It was a lose/lose situation for Sam, Iggy, etc. In order for MCXA to become what they wanted it to be, they would have needed to purge most of the membership - full out elimination of 75% of the membership. That would have been !@#$% crazy and people like Rextu would have screamed bloody murder. So, instead, they pulled away to allow MCXA to continue on a course of quantity > quality. And, here we are 549 Days later and Rextu is still screaming bloody murder.

    This is silly.

  2. Considering our options, the path of weakness and fear or the path of sacrifice and commitment, entering the war was the best thing Zenith could ever do. It scoured the cowards from our ranks, made heroes of our leadership and warriors, and baptized the newer nations on the fire-belching blood-soaked Forge of War.

    At the cost of our alliance's arms, land, infra, and tech, we pried even greater treasures from jaws of hell: respect, experience, and character.

    We were afforded the distinct honor of standing up for our allies and even though we took quite a beating, I'm glad we did.

    And now we reap the benefits and look forward to helping our allies rebuild.

    Certainly Zenith showed themselves to be fine and honorable allies. It seems to me that such a distinction is invaluable.

  3. Breaking a treaty is the biggest weasel move you've seen since... the legal cancellation of treaties?

    If you are saying that there is no difference between legal cancellation and and attacking a treaty partner while the treaty is in effect, I would be interested to hear from you just what the use is of having any treaties whatsoever.

  4. God, if you're the best spin doctor the Hegemony has, they really need to open an Academy or something, you're rubbish at this.

    I hold no loyalty to either side. In fact, I have criticized both. Your need to categorize me as one or another is amusing, though.

    EDIT: Also, Watchman, good hindsight does not mean good analysis.

    This is very true. However, every single person outside of the red sphere saw this coming. I am very confused how Pacifica bumbled into this unwittingly.

  5. You're asking me for what reason does Echelon deserve to be pounded into dirt? Hmm... how about for putting allied nations on their ZI list. Yes, long before you came around, Echelon decided it was acceptable to put an NADC nation on their ZI list, despite supposedly wanting to rebuild ties with NADC. Rather than talk to us, Caffine decided it was better to let this person sit on ZI for a few months, waiting for an answer on when he was let off. That is how Echelon treated their friends, I can only imagine how they treated their enemies.

    Echelon has their share of horrible acts to make up for, and they are making up for them now. Echelon, like IRON, TPF and NPO, committed some of the worst acts during their time as Kings and Jesters, and are now finally paying for them. As far as I'm concerned, they can all hit ZI before we let them go with white peace (if I was in charge that's how it would be.) Give me the name of someone free from any Terms of Surrender and I will gladly send them some tech that I have received from IRON. This is not about tech or reps, this is about people finally getting the $@! kicking they so richly deserve.

    Every NADC nation ruler that was on Echelon's ZI list that I know of deserved to be on that list. Then, Echelon in all their evil, decided to release them from ZI - every one of them.

    you're right. They are evil.

  6. Incorrect. The ongoing wars are not continuing because of reparations. They are ongoing because the alliances currently being beaten have not been beaten down enough. I'm not going to sit here and justify that or rail against it. I'm just saying, reparations has never been a major factor in deciding when these wars will end.

    Echelon is one alliance that comes to mind. They have gotten the hell pounded out of them? For what? Standing up for their allies? They were the first 1V alliance to support NPO, iirc. They have fought fair and honorably. I am pretty good friends with their finance minister. His nation has gone from 68K NS to only having 200 infra left. He is still getting pounded.

    It is a giant tech raid.

    When is enough enough? Look at echelon's stats. They're toast. Yet, the carpet bombing continues. They deserved that for what reason?

  7. It was a Pacifican double-standard, no spinning about it. You can't !@#$%* about "espionage" when the greater CN public routinely views what he did in TWIPs every week - including Pacifica's allied masses. Pushing for and attacking OV over it was !@#$%^&*.

    Well, that also brings up a good topic - Is spying bad?

    One thing I have learned in the run up to this war is that everyone is spying on everyone else and a fair number are spying on the spies. Geesh.

    Anyway, perhaps that is better left to another topic.

  8. It's also about minimising the damage that Karma have taken from a devastating war, which is the initial purpose of reparations.

    I have no problem with that. In fact it seems very reasonable. However some alliances are now thoroughly beaten, yet the wars continue. Once great and powerful alliances are empty shells of their former selves, yet the wars continue. Why? One reason - reparations. If I did not know better, I would say that retribution and reparations played a primary role in this war.

    Yet, Karma seems to have taken a moral stand against those types of reparations.

    In my opinion, reparations should be used only to recoup war costs. They should not be used to punish enemies. I thought Karma would be a refreshing change in that regard. Apparently not.

  9. If Karma was planning and Continuum squabbled, and Pacifica slept, then how come Pacifica and Continuum declared the wars?

    You have a point for most wars, but in this case, both sides planned, Hegemony just messed it up.

    It seems to me that Pacifica walked into a bad situation - a really bad situation - without proper preparation. Blocs and allies in disrepair is usually not a good time to declare war. it seems to me Pacifica should have been more aware of what they were getting into.

    If both sides did plan, then it is clear that one side planned very poorly.

  10. It was a Pacifican double-standard, no spinning about it. You can't !@#$%* about "espionage" when the greater CN public routinely views what he did in TWIPs every week - including Pacifica's allied masses. Pushing for and attacking OV over it was !@#$%^&*.


    Will GOD and Karma then police the world sniffing out hypocrites of all shades and pounding them for their bad behavior? What are some of the other things on the Karma naughty list?

    Whether Hegemony or Karma, "You hypocrites" is a pretty thin CB. You may be warring 90% of planet Bob.

  11. However, if it were just about money, there is no reason for Karma to delay the end of the war; every day of fighting probably does more damage to Karma nations than the total reparations will be.

    So, if it is not about the money, then what is this about? Retribution? Vengeance? How much tech and how much money does it take to pacify such vitriol?

    It's no surprise, therefore, that he has no idea about how his beloved hegemony actually operates.

    Is it anything similar to how Karma is operating?

  12. ...the second this war is over Karma ceases to exist.

    This is like saying Karma did not exist before the war, which is rather silly. Even if there are no official treaties, the same factions will coalesce either in an organized or disorganized spontaneity. The spontaneous cohesion of Karma forces that preceded this current war was impressive and obviously well planned, despite a lack of official trappings. I have no doubts that the next conflict will come from the same model.

  13. Ferrous,

    I have also found myself labeling alliances and rulers "right" and "left." The words don't really seem to fit well, but it is still useful to have a label of some sort to delineate the various philosophies.

    In addition, I think some of Karma's behavior will sow the seeds of a future opposition. For one, Superfriends have the same negotiation skills as a bull in a china shop. They will use their new found prominence for bullying and retribution. It will not take long for many to get sick of that.

  14. Too often ideologies can act as blinders to other legitimate perspectives. It is for this reason, that I am wondering if Planet Bob would be better off without most ideological influences. One thing Bob has way too much of - moralist rhetoric.

    As far as philosophies go, I appreciate the pragmatists of Planet Bob. The crazed ideologues tend to flame and never listen, unless you are reinforcing their opinions. However, a good pragmatist is willing to do just about anything and judges entities based on their beneficial qualities.

  15. DK, I think you're right on. Warchest is valuable for a lot of reasons, not the least which is that it enables you to go deeper in a war, take more hits, etc. For this reason, should alliances consider the order of wonder purchases? Some alliances fast track WRCs. Should a more balanced approach be taken?

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