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Everything posted by BlackjackCF

  1. Would be nice not to get wet. Twould do nicely if we were under an umbrella no? OOC: Nobody sing that Umbrella song, please.
  2. <3 MHA. You guys are the best! I'm honored to become treaty partners with you all!
  3. Thank you very much my friend. *looks at Ditka* Take the canolis .
  4. It's why Sorum has the title he has... just advisory work for our uh... olive oil business... no real action.
  5. Why would you make such accusations against a simple olive oil exporting business?
  6. Dear Sir, you wrong them by saying such things. Also hey Sileath!
  7. I have. The gentlemen that I have joined with to create this alliance are some of CN's best. Edit: Missing a preposition
  8. Express your opinions all you like about tF, but I would like it if you backed away from personal attacks on my Consigliere or any other member of tF, thanks.
  9. Hi. Please take your party-pooping antics elsewhere as this is not the time or the place. Kthxbai. P.S. Sorum hasn't been triumvir of MHA for over a month. Thanks for noticing. Edit: Woops.
  10. No Ferrous! No!! When I got home today, I thought it was going to be a great evening... Turned out I was wrong . CN's losing one of its most intelligent and BEST players. RL sure does know how to be a killjoy... Ferrous, best of luck on life! Doesn't take a genius to figure out you'll be succeeding. If I don't see you on IRC... then keep in touch by email or something, please! This sucks... but I'm also happy that you're moving on to take a huge step in life.
  11. Wow... I remember when Zenith was formed! Happy birthday Zenith.
  12. @ Skippy: Just because it's bugging me, it's 'existence', not 'existance'.
  13. Sweet TIO, good job on picking a good protector... but what can you expect out of such a win alliance?
  14. Thumbs up for this and good luck to FIRE! To a new direction and a new future!
  15. Sad how fast they puttered out. Well, didn't have the cahoots to make the threat themselves, can't expect them to hold to their threats either. Pity, I thought I was going to have some enjoyment the next few days.
  16. Funny, I think I can say the same for Master-Debater about Sorum and Crush.
  17. Hey Kzop . Ahh, my mistake. Even so, PTS's post, no matter what Zenith and WAPA's relations was before this event, was meant to cause a strain between the two alliances. Naomh Fionnbharr, as a member of WAPA, should've realized this and thought twice before posting. A simple 'no' is never wrong.
  18. You decided to post something of this content without questioning it knowing that something like this would most likely screw up the already-strained relations between Zenith and WAPA? And these people happen to just come upon your account and somehow attain your email and email it to, and you post it on the forums? Seems a little bit nonsensical to me. Forgive me for being just a little skeptic.
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