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Everything posted by 2burnt2eat

  1. http://z8.invisionfree.com/brengstklau/index.php I feel shameless
  2. [quote name='nippy' date='30 April 2010 - 10:14 AM' timestamp='1272618867' post='2281219'] Haha...yeah, Umar was a member of Methrage's alliance... Good job. No *wonder* you need us to explain the facts to you...too bad we can't convert it into audio format for you so you'll understand them. Perhaps Lamuella can whip up a quick video where he can read all six threads for you, like an e-book. [/quote] As much as you think you're intelligent, the true character of your mind is transparent to everyone with half a brain. That eliminates the tools you fit in so well with that might think otherwise. That entire thread I had to resort to implications. There was nothing definite about it, at least in relation to this instance, and I found myself guessing most of the time, but I still thank you for pointing me to it. You say you're being open about these facts while berating us for not knowing, by pointing me to a thread where the only thing I learned relevant to this situation from a GOONS member was the CSA, in the OP. The rest of the story was pointedly given by people outside of GOONS, that information I wanted (at least, parts of it). By this, I'm practically generalizing almost all situations I see your alliance in similar to these, and that's what I'm doing. It's always like this, at least in these types of situations. Important tidbits are never brought up by GOONS themselves, only acknowledged, berated and childishly insulted by your membership, when someone outside it brings up points themselves. The only things I'm learning are from people not even associated with your alliance. This is why I said you withhold information, and will continue to do so. So, I'm not seeing how you can link me to a thread where people not even in GOONS are giving me the facts I want, and cite that as GOONS being "open." You started the thread. Big deal. With that, I don't understand how you can berate me for not searching for what I didn't know existed, instead of giving me the information I just asked. And this leads into another thing, pointless escalation. The longer you continue to go at it, the less you can justify using such unreasonable measures on such petty instances, that even if through war, could have been solved and let go awhile ago. I'm saying that particularly toward the CSA, and this entire Methrage deal. But, whatever.
  3. [quote name='Lamuella' date='30 April 2010 - 02:03 AM' timestamp='1272589405' post='2280617'] try and acquire some basic knowledge about a situation before you burst in all guns blustering if you're expecting anyone at all to care in the slightest what you have to say. We've never withheld any information, we just haven't tucked you in and told you a bedtime story because you're too lazy to look it up yourself. start here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=84016 [/quote] Thanks for digging up that thread from wherever it was in the AP, for lazy me. I enjoyed digging through that a bit to get a few of the questions you couldn't just conveniently answer. Seems we're both lazy by your standards. Also, I don't see how I'm bursting in "all guns blustering" and "expecting anyone at all to care in the slightest what you have to say" (your people seem to be putting in a lot of effort that contradicts yourself in that thread, and this), simply because you, don't like what I have to say, which is simply questions, as a generalization. Hurr durr. Anyway, to get this straight, Methrage aids a guy that joins his alliance, (which from a part I read, was under the impression was canceled), and that guy (Umar?) was a member of the CSA, who was being attacked with the rest of their alliance because [b]one[/b] of their members aided two guys you didn't like. That about right? Or was this member that joined Methrage Spudtech?
  4. [quote name='Lamuella' date='30 April 2010 - 01:39 AM' timestamp='1272587968' post='2280579'] in other words, you're jumping into this discussion with a head full of opinions but empty of facts. All of this has previously been established in earlier threads, and you're expecting us to do your homework for you. Methrage used the aid system to send financial aid to a nation in an alliance we were at war with. And then bragged about it. [/quote] In other words, the postings of your alliance chastise people for commenting on an issue of which [b]you[/b] withhold information of, and then barely giving any, continue to chastise the same people for not knowing. At best, you've only [i]partially[/i] answered the question not directed at you, but whatever, you work. Now tell me the nation. And the alliance name would be lovely, is it another one of the micros you love picking on so much? The amount and date too. I am now doing here the research your alliance so desires of people of my type to do, which was my original intention for posting here. Enlighten me. Come to think of it, you're being just as vague by saying [b]that[/b] nation, and [b]that[/b] alliance. It's a step up with clarifying that it's financial aid, anyway.
  5. [quote name='D34th' date='30 April 2010 - 01:30 AM' timestamp='1272587393' post='2280564'] I thought that aid means send money/tech/soldiers. May be I'm wrong though. [/quote] I wouldn't count on it from the guy that differentiates between "perpetual war" and "PZI." Besides, you can aid someone militarily, financially, diplomatically, etc. The more I read what he posted, the less it says.
  6. [quote name='ktarthan' date='30 April 2010 - 01:15 AM' timestamp='1272586516' post='2280540'] Incorrect. Methrage has been sanctioned on numerous teams for intending to cause harm to GOONS for no reason, most specifically, but not limited to, aiding and abetting a nation we were at war with. But, welcome to the party. [/quote] I would love to know what nation this is, and what he did that constitutes as "aiding and abetting". Because, from what I've learned from the first 3 pages, your terminology is pretty poor.
  7. Methrage has been sanctioned on numerous teams for being attacked by GOONS, and that makes him a rogue? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that's retarded.
  8. [quote name='Cyber Nationz' date='14 February 2010 - 06:44 AM' timestamp='1266129857' post='2180494'] bad bad, very very bad the worst and the worsening decision on your part [s]ICBM[/s] ICB or whoever you guys are. You dont not attack the nicest folks who chill at the Nebulan sphere. We Nebulans share a common thing Our Nebula. p.s. didnt know there were in eagles in the Nebulan Empire [/quote] Is there some kind of cryptic code in your grammar?
  9. [quote name='rodrod' date='14 February 2010 - 06:21 AM' timestamp='1266128463' post='2180442'] You're up right now so does that mean you're a nerd? [/quote] To quote one of the most amazing persons to ever walk this planet: [quote name='2burnt2eat' date='14 February 2010 - 06:19 AM' timestamp='1266128352' post='2180432'] ANYWAY, is this where we start chest-thumping about who has more nerds like ourselves to stay up for update strikes? [/quote] So, yes.
  10. [quote name='MarkLevin7' date='14 February 2010 - 06:14 AM' timestamp='1266128050' post='2180418'] ICB... That was the most poorly executed blitz I've ever seen. I want to cry. [/quote] Were you around to say this with UINE? I believe we did proportionally better compared to you in this one AND Fark.. which isn't saying much by holding us to such a low standard... ANYWAY, is this where we start chest-thumping about who has more nerds like ourselves to stay up for update strikes? EDIT: There -> this.
  11. [quote name='Penkala' date='14 February 2010 - 05:33 AM' timestamp='1266125600' post='2180315'] Oh yes, more targets for me to devastate with nukes too. In fact, if I'm correct, don't I get this viceroyalty? I know AT gets NADC, you get GDA, and Wicked gets UBD. I'm next in line, right? I'm moving you guys to pink fyi. [/quote] I think the body odor of our future overlord is enough to ruin us, god forbid a team color change on top of that.
  12. [center][IMG]http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/4442/icbfvfontl6.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Incorporated City-States of Brengstklau declares war on The Eagle Nebula for attacking our ally, Global Democratic Alliance.[/b][/center]
  13. [quote name='Van Hoo III' date='09 February 2010 - 06:07 AM' timestamp='1265695652' post='2170107'] Am I reading this correctly? Is this [b]GDA[/b] bragging about their military prowess? My guffaw quota is now officially full for the day. [/quote] Nice blinders there. And your complete polarization of what he said as bragging about GDA's military prowess is simply amazing.
  14. Anoobis, Agnoob, and Panther And that Hulk loser.
  15. ICB/Brengstklau was not at war with any of the alliances you've just listed. So, huh?
  16. Gdzie zgoda tam i sila Brengstklau has a relationship with the New Sith Order that transcends heaven, war, Krunk (big noob), and peanut butter. In support of our allies, we declare war on Fark.
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