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Everything posted by 2burnt2eat

  1. <3 Warmongrel Also, thanks for the nomination for most honorable alliance, even though we didn't get listed for it anyway
  2. I grow enough hair to knit a sweater with. Who wouldn't want an alliance-leader that could do that?!
  3. Join Brengstklau! We have a king of Foxes
  4. Oh, I remember Kill Joy. He smells like lysol. Congrats
  5. The title of this thread and then the contents of the OP couldn't be more ironic.
  6. Petty announcement. And what Vilien already covered sums my views up rather nicely.
  7. The Incorporated City-States of Brengstklau What is Brengstklau? Brengstklau is an entity that prides itself in binding its members into not just an alliance, but a new nation (referred elsewhere as an alliance for simplicity!). All members are considered incorporated city-states, that prides itself in self-defense and unity, growth and justice. We are always looking for new recruits, that we hope will become active, committed, and respected members of our community. We are an 180-day-old alliance with two branches of government, one of which is elected, and another of which is appointed by Emperor. Both work to further the alliance, and you have two routes to work your way into government. We reside on the brown team, and due from starting from quite humble beginnings, we are still small as compared to other alliances. Here, you aren't a brick in the wall, and we'd be glad to have you here if you'd like to have a change-of-pace in a small alliance! What Brengstklau Offers: $3mi in start-up aid Protection by Brengstklen Military Brown Trade Circles and Tech Deals An elected branch of government where your concerns will be voiced A hierarchy of organizations that you can work your way up in Leadership and Government Opportunities Guides, Mentors, and an Academy System (waived for older nations) A forums with an active community that would love to get to know you If you'd like more info, feel free to check out our wikia (link), or our forums!: http://z8.invisionfree.com/brengstklau/index.php
  8. If you really want a comparison, it'd have to be more along the lines of NSO posturing about not recruiting from other alliances, and then doing it. But with Athens on the other hand...!
  9. You're trying to use logic to defend your illogical actions. Out of all people, you guys doing this is just funny. But again, let's not use presumptions on what you think your alliance is capable of. This was more of a case of just take anyone whose around at the time and throw 'em at Knights of Ni. "My surprise attack is acceptable because they're bigger than me." "This is not a curbstomp because we're only using GAs." That's all I got out of that boogus. You're provoking them to attack back and then you'll be using more than just those GAs, which I doubt were only used in the first place. By attacking alliances without treaties, you're only increasing the need to become apart of the treaty web. This all seems counter-intuitive. Then I don't see why you have such a problem with other alliances you've went to war on; you've invalidated the only possible reason you could have. Unless, you're going to admit that all the morals you spouted back then were only made because it was convenient then. Looks like you're provoking this to a bit more than just "GAs" Yes, "making war on someone before they commit an unwarranted act of aggression on you is immoral." You either just told us that they did nothing to you, or you're just being erroneous. Take your pick. IF you haven't noticed, barely anybody besides people on your side of the boat are calling this a techraid. There is no contradictory morals here in the picture you're trying to paint. Then don't whine when it happens to you. Oh wait. And there was even a reason then! Shocking! You're better than Vladimir. For the people that preached morality and were crying "poor me, poor I", I find it funny that you're now attacking people with the argument that it's boring and we gotta do something.
  10. Big difference between an actual raid, and one on an alliance of 40. And where's the proof of that, only two GAs? I do see some exposed spy attacks, which I don't see how those are relevant to 'raids'. What about those? Yea, maybe because you attacked Echelon. I don't see a cause-and-effect for your attack on Knights of Ni here. As long as we're on that topic, it's nice that you went around and did the very same thing you said yourself, except they paid billions, how much did you have to pay? Yea, because it'd be inconvenient to draw the hypocritical comparisons. What?
  11. It's the first update, and you're bringing up the use of nukes? Seriously? It's been one update on a 40 man alliance. It's infeasible for them to be knocked in there, unless you stick more people on those nations. And I think 'they' have a poor war-machine and couldn't do more damage if they tried. Because, clearly, what you think they could do has any relevance to this instance, just as what Ithink they can do. From the various high-horse posts and morality that you so often spouted in the past. Too bad Archon edited his Karma War thread, the inherently contradictory statements he made would've been icing here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54743 It's funny what moralist-preachers like Archon choose as allies. That's the problem. There's no such thing as a 'raid' on an alliance. It's a war. But, waving all this garbage of what you claim to be a raid away, let's get to the fact that you just admitted what you were doing was bad, and 'equally bad' as attacking an alliance. Then answer me, why was this poor victim card played by you and allies so many times in the past? NPO doesn't allow tech raiding. I guess you'll allow them to talk morality to you, right?
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