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Everything posted by 2burnt2eat

  1. Posting here for Yeerk5, here's his link. He will do 3kk, 100 tech deals. Yes, he knows how to do tech deals :| And that be it.
  2. Note: Alliances and nations are still referred to in the normal sense of the game throughout this charter except here for simplicity. That is located at the end of Article II, Doctrine. I thought it would be easier to do it that way Thank you to all the other good wishes, and I'll try to make the flag look better as I go along!
  3. Yes, the good folks at GDA have given us a protectorate, it was announced here. And thanks!
  4. Can't always win the first post can you As for the Martial Law part, I think its counter-weighted enough in the Charter, course there are loopholes, but those will naturally be filled over the next year
  5. Many thanks to the people in GDA who helped make this happen!
  6. Greetings Planet Bob. It is my great pleasure to announce to you the official existence of Brengstklau. We may be small, but we have every intention to grow, develop, and prosper into a thriving alliance. Our Forums: Click here Our IRC Channel: #brengstklau
  7. You wouldn't let negotiations happen, so you're right, THEY NEVER OFFICIALLY OCCURRED! Then you go talk to them after they decide to disband, feeling a tinge of guilt, mhm? PC, you're classy as usual, and don't bother dumping logs in here again.
  8. My hats off to Poison Clan and company that decided to destroy Terra Prime and keep them from receiving peace.
  9. Good luck ModusOperandi! Your extreme lack of 'balls' and dirty opportunism to declare an alliance on the red sphere is just despicable! The real way to do it is to declare after they're forced to relinquish the sphere, instead of declaring it during war when hundreds of NPO nations are dropping towards your NS range daily to enforce their doctrine!
  10. I'm in, Wheat + Lumber http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1000290
  11. :lol: And some people just don't read. Read the thread please, kthxbai
  12. Bonus Resources: Beer, Construction, Fastfood Others: Fish, Uranium Pigs - Mr Wang Spices - Sugar - Cattle - Mr Wang Aluminum - Lumber - 2Burnt2eat Wheat - 2Burnt2eat Water - Marble - Iron - Uranium - Fish -
  13. Topic says it all http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=246593 Send me a pm
  14. Its unfortunate that we don't hold any value to your opinions. o/ BTO and DW's Circus theme
  15. Gems - 2Burnt2eat Lead - Lumber - Gold - Silver - Coal - Wine - Furs - Fish - Pigs - 2Burnt2eat Uranium - (Oil, Iron, or Wheat) - Provided that we get Iron, Steel Provided that we get Oil, Microchips Wheat is acceptable due to 8% Pop. Boost PM me, or post here if you're interested! Thanks!
  16. Nice thing you have there with the flag.. even though you messed up the proportions..
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