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Everything posted by 2burnt2eat

  1. [quote name='crossfire477' timestamp='1286148639' post='2473579'] wat no mention of me the imposter MoFA [/quote] Sorry, you're irrelevant.
  2. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1286129999' post='2473187'] the Warriors. who consider Kodiak Corps to be a good friend of ours, recognizes Judge X as the sovereign leader of Kodiak Corps. If we feel like it, we may, at our discretion, pledge troops to the cause of ousting the intruders which are plaguing them We are quite sure, however, that Kodiak Corps, being the elite fighting force they are, shall have no difficulty in excising this cancer from themselves. [i]memoryproblems[/i] Warriors Cheif of Battlefield Discipline [/quote] The Kodiak Corps, who despises the meddling of so-called "friends" in their internal affairs, rejects your insults and threats. For criminals such as Judge X and Muaddib to need the help of foreigners to try to keep jackboot over the people of the Kodiak Corps is pathetic. With actions such as these, the tyranny of these October traitors becomes even more apparent. You will not stamp out the voice of the Kodiak people.
  3. JudgeX did not have my permission (as leader) to post this topic. As such, he is expelled and marked for destruction. That is all.
  4. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1282631834' post='2429130'] The utter hilarity of this... is that it is clear that you guys BELIEVE something bad happened here. It is... amazing. [/quote] The only thing hilarious here is the words tumbling out of your mouth whenever you open it. I'd hope for once that you'd learn not to jump into another conversation you're so unable to argue about.
  5. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1282631752' post='2429125'] Yes, I am telling you that Hoo cannot "TELL" his allies to get out. If YOU believe he can, then you sir, are the foolish one. [/quote] He can call them in, but not out? I'm not saying he has the power to do so, which is literally the only little pole you can stand on. I'm saying that if he told them to get out under what terms, since they came to help him in the first place, I'm pretty damn sure they'd obey their allies wishes. Courtesy and honor might be a new concept to you, but it's rare that you would violate it against your allies and friends. And as shown, Hoo didn't care to get his allies to knock it off. Again, his word meaningless.
  6. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1282631224' post='2429097'] I would suggest you , and several other people missed the qualification line in Hoo's message. He made it VERY clear that he was, and could only, speak for RoK, and not his allies. As his allies decided that the terms agreed upon were appropriate, and the opportunity for RoK to exit the war WITH their allies instead of seperate from their allies, is absolutely NOT an instance of Hoo breaking his word to anyone. There is no way that Lintwad, RV, Ivan, Tyga, or Pez could believe that Hoo has the authority to speak for all alliances on that front. Had tonights update come and gone, and RoK continued their attacks, THEN you might have some grounds to call Hoo out on his word. But this... Van Hoo III Sent 16 August 2010 - 02:19 PM I am calling the shots and am in charge in regard to Ragnarok. As we have discussed, we have no intention of extending this war beyond this next round. Should our allies decide they want to keep it going for their own grievances, then that would be up to them. I doubt that would actually happen, to be candid ... but the option is theirs ...very clearly indiciates that he is speaking ONLY for RoK. When the rest of the "terms" were agreed upon, he exited WITH his allies. It is amazing that anyone is trying to spin it any other way. [/quote] Besides the fact that Ragnarok presented the terms, you mean to tell me that Ragnarok, lead by Hoo (I know this is all so hard for you to follow), the guy who told his allies to come in, couldn't tell them to get out on his terms? It's a simple matter. It would take literally no arm-wringing to have these tools back off with any terms he wanted. And hell, if they refuse, it'd make me wonder the true reasons they entered the conflict to begin with.
  7. [quote name='rodrod' timestamp='1282630271' post='2429050'] Surrendering=/=Walking away. Hoo said White peace, with NSO just walking away. This isn't just NSO walking away. The terms, no matter how trivial, are still terms by definition, which constitutes this as a surrender, not white peace. Thank and you and come again. <.< [/quote] But see, this is okay. Because the only thing Kaitlink cares about and thinks that matters is money. Nevermind the war that cost billions, or what the extortion of a man's word is worth. As she says, [i]"I dont see ANY mention of reparations or demands unless of course you count the alliance crushing requirement of a beer review?"[/i] Apparently, in this new day and age, simply not asking for reps is the new PR game. Most excellent.
  8. [quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1282629649' post='2429018'] Perhaps the next time someone warns your alliance that they are committing an act of war you might take a moment and actually decide if its worth doing? If you commit an act of war as you acknowledged doing you cant exactly be shocked when you find yourself in one. [/quote] Defense against allegations of lying? AVOID IT ENTIRELY BRAVO.
  9. Sometimes I regret that you're in my trade circle, Sam00. Quit being so crazy D:
  10. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281335788' post='2406912'] NSO said nothing. That's why the treaty was canceled. [/quote] You have to realize that the guys planning an attack would know what's going to happen before NSO, right? Now look at your allies, where you've chosen to make most of your friends, and the sides you picked in previous wars. Of course you heard it from their side first. And don't say you heard nothing from NSO.
  11. [quote name='rodrod' timestamp='1281335680' post='2406909'] My alliance was rolled for honor. Read up on your CN history. Most of USN was destroyed during GATO-1V when we declared on STA for CSN. We might not have believe in the war, but we believe in our treaty and our allies. GATO clearly believes in neither, and that's where the honor comes in. NSO said "stay out" so the treaty is canceled? amidoinitrite? [/quote] Our sacrifices back in USN mean nothing to them, don't worry. That's why they're taking such an ironic stance.
  12. [quote name='GiuseppeG' timestamp='1281320164' post='2406001'] Well, he is God. [/quote] Who else would possess such intelligence and wisdom over us groundlings? I mean, just look at the coherence of his arguments. Simply astounding!
  13. [quote name='GiuseppeG' timestamp='1281320038' post='2405989'] YES! But of course! Speaking the truth is arrogant because you cant face it? [/quote] No, you're arrogant because he said so. Ironic, right?
  14. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1281319110' post='2405917'] And there might not have been a valid reason behind his wars, but NSO completely ignored this. Instead of doing what every competent alliance does when they have an applicant who is at war(Especially when that exact same applicant is considered to be a rogue nation by RoK) they went ahead and accepted him and sent him aid when explicitly told "this guy is a rogue, don't aid him we will consider it an act of war if you do" This is effectively NSO saying "pfft do something about it" It's not difficult. [/quote] NSO ignored the possibility that the reason the guy was being attack wasn't valid? I'm hoping you said that backwards. You know what someone with competency does? They stop talking when they don't know what they're even on about. Stop talking. I guess in your world, we live in an age where two aid slots earns you 23.4mi NS hurtling down upon you in the same day without any attempt at negotiation.
  15. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1281318851' post='2405899'] You seem to have trouble remembering who started this war in the first place let alone trying to form a coherent argument. I'm done with you. [/quote] Last I checked, Ragnarok and their allies declared war. You're done with me though? I guess burying your head inside a small hole works best for you. I guess I'll just have to argue with a wall now, hopefully I'll be able to discern between the intelligence level of it and you.
  16. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1281318655' post='2405881'] Read the underlined bit first, then the second bit. I'm not going to babyfeed this to you. [/quote] Being at war means you're a rogue? You just blew my mind. Maybe Rodrod has to babyfeed you, since he assumed you knew that being at war doesn't automatically make you a rogue.
  17. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1281318239' post='2405841'] Oh, I was under the impression that it was a good idea to tell your allies "Oh hey we're going to war" before riding to war. Silly me huh? And you don't understand this whole, Mutual Aggression clause either? and VE have an MDAP with GOD too. Now these treaties mean that if one of these alliances goto war, they all have to goto war. What are you finding hard to understand about this? [/quote] Go read the treaty. Go read what you said. Now look back. You'll see a series of mistakes you said. 1. SF being a reason all GOD's allies must ride to war 2. SF being a reason God went to war 3. "SF is MADP" It's really quite brilliant how you're trying to pull me down to your intelligence level, unfortunately, it's not humanly possible to drag someone down that far. Again, I repeat myself. I'm not saying GOD's allies shouldn't have gone to war, I'm saying GOD shouldn't have started a war and then called their allies in. How can you not understand that? Yet you somehow see me as arguing that I'm arguing that their allies are entering on no treaty clause. Get it through your freaking thick head. Three posts later and you're still none the wiser.
  18. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1281317235' post='2405772'] Well, Superfriends is an MDAP if I remember correctly, so they HAVE to ride to war together. Thanks for ignoring the fact that; NSO could have waited until RoK provided proof before aiding the guy, which they did shortly after RoK asked them not to aid him? So you ignored pretty much the entire post, good job. [/quote] VE and TENE are in Superfriends? Wait, let's not even go down that path. How is that even an argument? Somehow Superfriends being a MADP bloc (Which is more of a MDoAP) has some justification to Rok calling them in in the first place? I was saying how Rok calling in allies for war in a heartbeat over $6mi wasn't diplomatic itself, you imbecile. So GREAT if you think they have to ride to war together, I'm still saying that Rok shouldn't have STARTED a war where they would "have" to "ride" together. And here you continue to argue that Rok can do no wrong and only NSO is at fault. Seriously, is all the attention I'm giving to your posts getting to your head? Because it wouldn't kill you to use your head before you type something up for once.
  19. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1281316295' post='2405716'] What's so hard to understand about this NSO? RoK requested that you don't send aid to this nation, and warned you that they would consider it an act of war. So you completely ignore their wishes and send the guy aid anyway because "they didn't have proof". So instead of showing some courtesy and waiting until the proof had been provided you sent him the aid anyway? And now you're complaining about lack of diplomacy? Because I sure as hell don't see any attempts at diplomacy for you. You couldn't wait for RoK to send you any proof that the guy was a rogue, so why should they wait for you to start negotiations? [/quote] Somehow Rok calling up allies and declaring war over $6mi on NSO in a heartbeat is somehow more diplomatic than NSO consistently requesting information and proof? That and you pretty much saying guilty until proven innocent makes me strongly believe I've given your post more reading than it deserves, as if you were someone intelligent.
  20. [quote name='Pyroman' timestamp='1281313722' post='2405489'] Wouldn't want to put you at a wartime disadvantage. I'm a really good biter, after all. [/quote] Are you good at giving hickeys? PLEASE BE GOOD AT GIVING HICKEYS
  21. There wouldn't be enough room in one alliance for all the ego.
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