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Everything posted by 2burnt2eat

  1. o/ Nevermore I know a lot of your members have shown class by sticking with your allies even through previous curbstomps, so with whose in your alliance now, I shouldn't be surprised at anything less
  2. I'm not ambitious enough to play salesman right now, so I'll just give you our forum link, just pm one of us if you want more info. http://z8.invisionfree.com/brengstklau/index.php
  3. My point was, and is, that it's old. As for when I said storing, here's what I said: In response to people saying that it doesn't matter how old a CB is, in previous pages. I'm not saying Athens stored this away for a rainy day after knowing about it for months; I'm saying this idea that it can, and still hold so much weight is ridiculous, this opening a door of fallacy for reasons for wars.
  4. I couldn't care less when you found it out. I'm sure you'd support spying allegations from '07, or even '06 as war reasons now. It'd be silly, but hey, at least you'd be consistent. I hope. Do we really have to go in circles? I mean, you quoted it in your first response
  5. What argument again? I don't believe I brought up this peace treaty that everyone is loving playing semantics with, I'm pretty sure I brought up the time all of this occurred. The only reference I made to the Karma War was that it was in the same time period. What I'm bringing up is how old this issue is. Do you read before posting or do you just like to hear yourself talk?
  6. I wouldn't have access to information like that would I? So what the hell do you think I'm referring to? The fact that this issue is 6 months old, during the Karma War, and without any relevant proof of this actually continuing but assumptions and guesses. I couldn't care less when you found it out. I'm sure you'd support spying allegations from '07, or even '06 as war reasons now. It'd be silly, but hey, at least you'd be consistent. I hope.
  7. This whole idea that these "casus bellis" can be stored away like monopoly cards to be played at a later date is getting ridiculous. And it also appears that TPF is worth getting rolled for all this 'spying' nonsense, but not the 'spies' themselves. It's funny who gets the break here, but not TPF. Some diplomacy, or less old logs would've been nice. Zero Hour sure got what they wanted, hopefully that animosity is satisfied now.
  8. Although I don't like the analogy... You do realize that the police would still arrest you, right?
  9. Oh please, TPF was at war with Karma, and Athens was a big player in it. Regardless, this should be more of an inquiry whether these plans were still attempted to be played-out well-after the war, not of spying then :/
  10. Not everybody is good enough to take that many alliances on
  11. Athens being on the Karma side of the war, and TPF being on the other side is irrelevant, in a global-war situation, for spying during that time? EDIT: Not necessarily spying, but you get what I mean.
  12. Yea, Athens engaged GGA and NPO; allies of TPF of the time :/
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