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James Maximus

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Everything posted by James Maximus

  1. Before (during the TSI peace terms) it was constantly said that PC was not a Karma alliance. So I take it that there was a change of heart?
  2. Christian 18 and in NY.. Had to put New England as its the closest to NY on the list. :S So far things are interesting. Only 2 people in the great plains? Show some love for the flatland people!
  3. Only the best anime ever. Code Geass.

  4. So to all those saying "NPO can't stop them so who cares" What happens when NPO can/b] enforce their doctrines?
  5. inb4defcon2.0 I'm glad to see this guys. Grats.
  6. Yes, and it happens all the time. You have to love the smell of extortion in the morning.
  7. Grats to all elected! I say this in every thread you guys make but I love you guys Jipps Nef Blackrose
  8. I lol'd Glad to see this Joss good luck!
  9. Rommel is the only one with a bolded name. Must be because of his super sexyness. Congrats to those elected.
  10. We hardly folded to TFO. We were threatened with PC activating MDPs with other alliances to roll TSI and then extorted. But yeah sure keep telling yourself that we "folded" to your protectorate if it makes you feel better.
  11. )): CTB )): When will your reign of terror end? And best of luck to the Sldr nations wherever they end up.
  12. Admitting defeat is hardly being a coward. I feel bad you have such a dim outlook on alliances that surrender. We fought hard and honorably, and we lack this "shame" of which you speak.
  13. And I'll say again, The lesser of two evils is still evil. Some of Karma has done better than average, but thats not saying much. He has expressed his content for the terms passed out by Karma. So he is saying "its fine" or atleast thats how I took it.
  14. I never said that. But according what Flinders said as long as its a step in the right direction its fine. For the record I have always been a proponent of white peace. This may or may not be before your time (I can't be asked to look) but I was the MoFA at DefCon when we gave your alliance, STA white peace not to long ago so your assumption that me being on the losing side and therefore finding terms wrong could not be farther from the truth.
  15. TSI should look up the meaning of Karma because we have handed out horrible terms before and penalize people for honoring their treaties right? Also tech deals are beneficial when they are at a good rate. Not 3m/150.
  16. Such great terms. TFO and IS should be proud they are so honorable.
  17. Admin help us all. Good luck with this man. Maybe someday Py can be restored to its former glory.
  18. How exactly do you plan on making him pay?
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